Tuesday, September 29, 2020


   There are several phrases we use when describing someone who starts thinking they're better than someone else.  Most of them are cutting but that's the intent.  Their purpose is to bring a person's ego back down to ground level.

   Whether the topic is sports, work, family, or wealth (anything we try to get better at)  there's a phrase that fits perfectly:

   "Never believe your own press."

   When the topic is hypnosis or schizophrenia the phrase gains a deeper level of meaning.  Both of those can involve our own inner voice. And it's about as literal an example of "our own press" that exists.

    Why does that phrase fit so well?

    Because the voices someone diagnosed with schizophrenia hears and the voices someone can be made to hear with hypnosis both have the same source.  You can look at them as being literally your own press (assuming your voices are friendly).  When they aren't friendly...  well you may have a Gang Stalking problem. 

   You might be wondering how friendly voices could be bad.

   It's a serious problem because anything that compliments, praises, or pats you on the back without an opposing viewpoint will ultimately do you harm.

   None of us have arrived at being perfect where all feedback is positive.

   None of us ever will.

   If you seem to have arrived...  find an opposing viewpoint.

The people I know with answers won't give them when asked.  So I have a few Questions.


    For almost 2 years now I've noticed erratic driving that couldn't be explained.  While being passed by other vehicles they sometimes swerved into my line over the dividing line before the driver could correct their steering.

   What was happening?

   There's a good change it's related to a Standing wave.

   Every time it happened my cellphone was with me.  So assuming the other vehicle had at least 1 cellphone along for the ride...  well the intersection of standing waves from each cellphone can create an effect that catches a driver unaware.

   How many accidents has this caused?

   There is absolutely no way to know.

   How many injuries or deaths has this caused?

   There is absolutely no way to know.

   I have a problem with all of that.

   No, I'm not backwards in that respect.

The people I know with answers won't give them when asked.  So I have a few Questions.


   This isn't the first time I've mentioned something going on that involves our cellphones. Describing it in detail is something i've avoided though.

   Now's a good time to change that.

   Someone with a marine background might describe it as an infinite set of extending tentacles.  The terms I've used to describe it have been inventory, catalog, and associate but that last verb is a computer thing.

   Those terms have also been used on the Kansas City version of this blog. You might notice fewer posts on it but that might be due to people being quicker or slower to recognize the truth in that part of the country.

   I might have that backwards.

   But either way I wouldn't be surprised if the actual terms for what's going on are:

  • Inventory
  • Catalog
  • Extend

   So I.C.E. is a reasonable guess at it's code name.

   A few additional details:

  • Was originally going to start from a single cellphone.
  • Was originally going to catalog out-going calls only (calling a wrong number shouldn't be reason for someone's cellphone to get pulled in)
  • Wasn't comprehensive enough so included in-coming calls too.

    I should probably stop and note that each of the items above might be backwards.

  • Given how many calls we make and something about Kevin Bacon, it took 1 day to gather data for 99% of North America (i made this "fact" up - it's a guess).
  • Artificial Intelligence software is NOT NEEDED to mine the data for actionable information.
  • A super computer is NOT NEEDED to run the software needed.
  • With minimal number crunching ahead of time, all the data and processing requirements can be met by a Cell Phone.
  • Every network of real people has been identified (more than 1 person interacting with another).

   So those are the general details.

   How was something like this kept quiet?

   You might want to lay down for this one...

   Please read the blog posts before this one while I finish the next one. 

The people I know with answers won't give them when asked.  So I have a few Questions.

Monday, September 28, 2020


   There's more than 1 way to trick a person's senses into hearing or seeing something differently than it is.

   There are optical illusions for sight.

   There are audible illusions for hearing.

   Sound can be forward or backward masked so it's not consciously heard.

   Even normal audible sounds like people's voices can be made to seem like a mental illness.  Start with a little tinnitus in the right frequency range.  Then record voices or conversation but shift the audio into a range that's matched to the tinnitus.

   What happens?

   A person trying to listen through the tinnitus won't be able to locate a direction for the voices they're hearing.  Because of that the mind can end up not providing a direction at all.  Instead it's the person's head that can seem to be where the sound is originating.

   You might be wondering how I know that.

   Because it's being done as I type this now.  It's making what I hear almost impossible to tell from schizophrenia.

   The sound is being aimed at my windows from somewhere nearby.

   And this apartment is filled with the staticky hiss from RF.

   If I can get more shielding from the RF in place (trial and error but it works) then my hearing will return to normal again.  Once that happens the voices will go back to sounding like they're just outside the window.

   You might be wondering what the most disturbing thing the people doing this have said so far.  That would be:

   "I'm not real... You can talk to me."

   The people doing this are sick.

   I'm getting more and more certain that nothing can be done to help them.

   I seriously hope I have that backwards.

The people I know with answers won't give them when asked.  So I have a few Questions.


   There's a hotel in Westport that I was drawn back to many times over the course of several weeks.

   It started when I was there to drop off a box with a friend's things.  While walking back to the car I suddenly heard what sounded like a voice speaking out of thin air around my head.  The effect was similar to a parametric speaker.  The voice said "put the box down and we'll make sure he gets it".  It was a little weird.  But it wasn't the first time something like that had happened.

   While in a parking garage at work the same effect happened and I heard a voice loudly say "thanks for letting us know it was too loud".  Why would I hear a voice the same way both at work and a hotel?

   I have no idea.  But around that time a few people made comments about community outreach.

   Another time I went back with the box and when I got back in my vehicle to leave 2 men in uniforms ran up and one yelled "what's your name?".  The uniforms they had on looked like police uniforms but they weren't behaving like police.

   When I said my name the same guy said "that's not him" or "he's not the guy" and both of them ran across the parking lot to a neighboring hotel.

   While writing this I realized I'd recently seen the guy who asked my name.  If I remember correctly he's the same officer I walked up to and seemed to startle after stopping 20 feet away and saying it was good to see officers in their vehicles again.  He acted like the sound of my voice surprised him (that doesn't seem likely) which caused him to jump.  He had an embarrassed and sheepish look on his face when he turned around.

   Going back to the hotel there was a period of several weeks during the middle of the year when something was being done with the Power Lines in the immediate area around the hotel.  There was a strange buzzing staticky sound in the air for several blocks around the hotel.  I could make out the sound of people talking in that sound.  I could make out 2 things that were:

  • "want to see what happens next?"
  • "wait to see what happens"

   Another night I went back and could hear the same sounds in the air.  This time I was standing outside the building when a guy came down the stairs and started walking towards a convenience store.  He had a stunned and shocked look on his face and didn't seem to be walking normally.  He got to the corner of the convenience store when I heard a voice in the static say "get back here".  He turned and started back towards the hotel.

   You'd almost think the people I knew who found ways to work "zombie apocalypse" into conversations with me had inside knowledge.

   But the most likely explanation I've heard so far...

   The hotel was being used for some kind of training.

   All I can say is everything about it seems backwards.

The people I know with answers won't give them when asked.  So I have a few Questions.


   There's been some really strange things going on in my last 2 apartments.

   In my last one i first noticed something strange in my feet.  Specifically the toes where I have scar tissue would feel like they were slowly convulsing when I was in the apartment.  Initially I thought it was due to a strong magnetic field nearby.

   That was also when I first started hearing voices that over time came to match the textbook definition of schizophrenia.  One of those voices was nice enough to tell me I had schizophrenia,  Turns out what I was hearing then were actual voices.  Both infrasound and ultrasound can create the effect of hearing something "in your head".

   Now I know some of that was caused by RF.

   The Tinnitus I've mentioned also seems linked to that RF.

   And I don't think it's a coincidence that RF can be used to create the perception of voices literally in a person's head.

   You might be wondering how I know RF is involved in my apartment.

   That's because I've measured and recorded it.

   It's been done in every room of my current apartment.

   There are at least 6 buildings at my apartment complex with an AC magnetic field present.  It can be easily measured from the gas pipes extending up from the ground at the front of those buildings.

   Now I know of another location with the same characteristics. Those would be:

  • Entire floor on lowest level is magnetic
  • Gas pipes are magnetic
  • Recent work done on the cable
  • RF measured at different times

   I can only imagine what that combination of things mean.

   Would be cool if it could image the inside of a residence like a giant TSA scanner at the airport.

   But that would be a huge invasion of privacy.

The people I know with answers won't give them when asked.  So I have a few Questions.

Sunday, September 27, 2020


   Some people believe in spirits or ghosts.  Some do not.  I have my own opinion but it's not the reason for this post.

   That reason would be how to duplicate the cooling effect that often gets attributed to ghosts.

   To do this you'll need a few things:

  • 2 speakers (hopefully Bluetooth enabled)
  • Android or iPhone cellphone
  • An app for generating infrasound frequencies

   For the setup needed place both speakers together with enough space to fit your hand between (like you're about to handshake).  If they're Bluetooth speakers you can connect to them from the cellphone with any number of apps.  As long as the app can generate frequencies in the infrasound range it will work.

   Bring up the app you want, set the frequency it emits to around 7 Hz or 8  Hz and crank the volume.

   [NOTE: The frequency range around 7 Hz to 8 Hz is the resonant frequency for our internal organs.  You do NOT want to use speakers with too much power to do this.  It shouldn't be difficult to figure out the reason why.] 

   With the app running and the speakers going, place your hand between them.  There's 2 effects you might notice:

  1. Cooling of the skin on your hand.
  2. Weird feeling if your hand resonates (not everyone will notice this).

   That's all it takes.

   If anyone describes the effect as being caused by a ghost they have it backwards.

   It can be caused by infrasound generated from anything.

   Even from Cell Phones

The people I know with answers won't give them when asked.  So I have a few Questions.

Saturday, September 26, 2020


   [NOTE: Several posts for this blog explain how cellphones are being used to affect their owner's perceptions.  Turning them off isn't enough.  Either remove the battery or isolate them in the equivalent off a Faraday Cage.]

Relevant link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Faraday_cage

   In the post about Gambling I gave my take on slot machines.  Yes, it was harsh.  I'm not retracting a single word of it though.

   Instead I'm providing instructions so those with awareness can form their own opinion.

   As far as tricks of perception or awareness (technically hypnosis) go with slot machines...  I don't know if that's illegal.  I don't even know if it's considered bad in some way or manipulative.

   I do think it makes them more addictive than they otherwise would be.

   And definitely more addictive than they should be.

   Anyway... you might be wondering what I meant by providing instructions.

   It's simple enough to explain but 2 parts are involved.  The first part is finding a person with the "right" awareness.  That doesn't have anything to do with more or less of it.  The second part is verification steps for them to try.

  1. Finding a person - locate a good candidate.
    • Awareness - when a person playing a slot machine gets the impression/feeling that a payout will occur for a spin in progress.
    • Payout - when a payout does occur on that spin.
  2. Verification Steps
    1. Select a slot machine and play until the impression/feeling that a payout will occur before all the reels have stopped.
    2. Confirm there was a payout.
    3. Begin recalling the memory from the moment the impression/feeling started until the reels stopped and a payout confirmed.
    4. Repeat step 3 over and over while slowing the memory down more each time it's recalled.
    5. At a certain number of repeats (usually less than 10 times from my experience) you can reach a point where recalling the memory brings back 2 versions of it.  Yes, it will seem very weird should that happen.
    6. Mentally verify the 2 versions of the event.  One should be of the payout being recognized before the reels stop.  The other should be of the reels stopping then the payout being recognized.
   This would be one application of a Theory.

The people I know with answers won't give them when asked.  So I have a few Questions.

Friday, September 25, 2020


    I'm not an entomologist.  I know very little about crickets,  But they aren't the reason for this post.  Neither is Radar.

   The reason is to establish what a cricket sounds like.  Then whatever isn't a cricket can remain unidentified.

   I definitely have that backwards.

   The goal is to:

  1. Make a list of cricket-like recordings.
  2. Identify the recordings that ARE crickets.
  3. Remove those cricket recordings from the list.
  4. Identify the recordings that are left.
   Sounds simple, right?


   If it was there wouldn't be so many versions of what the Cuban diplomats heard at their embassy.

   [SPOILER:  2 of the recordings were made with a bone conduction microphone.  The rest were recorded with a Sony voice recorder microphone.]

   Anyone want to identify which 2 recordings were the following?
  • Not recorded using a normal voice microphone (because they weren't audible)
  • Have precise repeating elements (so indicate an artificial source)
  • Might be related to Power Lines.
  The answer won't surprise you.

   At least it shouldn't.

The people I know with answers won't give them when asked.  So I have a few Questions.


   Only diplomat's have full immunity to consequences from their actions.  That extends even to being handcuffed.

   It's not allowed

   So it's not surprising they're appointed by a state or country itself.

Very cool link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diplomat

   When you consider what a diplomat does you probably don't expect to run into one on the street.

   You might have that backwards.

   Given the status of a diplomatic appointment you might not expect them to be common.

   You also might have that backwards.

   There's been an ongoing effort in our country to inventory, catalog, and associate in ways that bother some.  I tend to agree with them.

   And it's hard to believe programs started decades ago then quietly transformed will keep their secrets forever.  Especially when those directly affected are misled.

   Not to change the subject... but I recently heard something about reporters needing more immunity.  It was along the lines of full diplomatic immunity for specific areas they may be covering.  A reporter would have to apply and have it granted for: 

  • A limited time (could be extended if needed).
  • Very limited scope (anything outside that would have no immunity).
  • Full public disclosure once it expired.
   I think freedom of the press should be treated with that kind of importance.

   And it may take that kind of immunity to locate our economists.

The people I know with answers won't give them when asked.  So I have a few Questions.


   I've had an occasional visitor to my current apartment.  They aren't imaginary either.  Imaginary visitors don't leave with anything (also known as stealing).  What confuses me most is how it was happening after I had my locks changed.

   I was given 2 keys and told the office had the only other key.

   But that didn't seem to prevent someone from entering.

   I lost one set of my keys earlier this year making unauthorized entry a possibility.

   But it was already happening.

   Today (9/25/2020) I stopped by the office to ask about access to their keys.  I wasn't concerned about the office though.  In the past I knew someone who tried to Bluff the office into giving them a key to my apartment.  That person was stopped cold when the office called me to verify.

   So I know from experience they're doing their job.

   What concerns me now is the level of security I was told protects their keys.

   It's not that I was told too little.

   The concern is I was told too much.

   I'm not talking about information though.  I was told the computer system used by the office would show if someone accessed the keys that shouldn't have.

   That sounded great at first but I asked for clarification...  Did that mean a door to the keys was controlled by the computer system?  Did it mean that unless someone entered information that could show who it was the door would not unlock?

   The answer to both questions was yes.

   Now my problem is the office security at my apartment complex rivals that of bank vaults.

   It seems like a little too much.

The people I know with answers won't give them when asked.  So I have a few Questions.


Hiding is something usually done out of fear or a game where someone seeks.  We don't typically hide something we're proud of.  We also don't hide something when we want to show it off.  That would be defeat the purpose.

In my opinion, the best way to hide anything is in plain sight.

For one thing it's backwards.  That by itself makes something harder to find.

It also removes the need for misdirection.  Let me rephrase that...

It removes the need to lie about where something is hidden.

We may not care whether we lie or not.  But everyone's mind consists of a part that can't do it's job based on lies.

If something false gets accepted as fact it can result in more than just the wrong answer on a test. 

Whether we're driving a car, swimming at a lake, or crossing the street we can't have any part of our mind believe something that's not true.  There's no limit to the number of ways that can lead to someone's end.

It's as simple as that.

So... should you decide to be on good terms with that part of your mind then honesty is the only policy.  It's just something else that should work both directions.

Going back to hiding in plain sight...  That concept applies on multiple levels but one example is from architecture.

Have you ever entered a home several times before realizing it had an invisible room?  Not one covered with cloaking technology or magic fabric.  But a room where your mental image of the home didn't match the actual floor plan.

Sometimes this can cause a nagging feeling in the back of your mind.  You may feel like you're overlooking something obvious.  There could be an impression of something staring you right in the face.

But because the room wasn't accounted for in your mental image it didn't exist.

Once awareness of the room was gained your mental image was updated and the home made sense.

Just imagine what I described in reverse...  let me rephrase that...  imagine it backwards.

Now you know how something can be hidden from our awareness.

Something that may seem like it didn't ever exist.

But that's not the truth.

Wednesday, September 23, 2020


   The idea of people having psychic abilities is pretty cool (to me).  That's assuming they aren't used to amass fortunes for the few with the gift.

   Just having the appearance of psychic abilities is nearly as cool.  But that's assuming there's more to it than marketing and snake oil.

   I think the government was making a prediction with COVID-19.

   That prediction was about something horrible headed our way that could harm our bodies.

   Except they had it backwards.

   What's already here and working it's way through each person is actually harming our minds.

   You might be wondering what the symptoms are.

   There are 3 main symptoms:

  • Loss of Empathy (that's incredibly bad)
  • Susceptibility to mental Block (points of dissociation)
  • Tendency to understand things backwards (it's an unconscious mind thing)

   Each of those 3 main symptoms is damaging on it's own.  Taken together we lose corner foundations that society rests on.

   It's probably inevitable that we've ended up in a situation where this is occurring.  But a major course correction can be taken at any point short of collapse.

   I don't know where that point is.

   It's been awhile since I've heard from an economist who could tell us.

   How will I recognize that economist?

   He or she will be jumping up and down, waving their hands like crazy, and screaming bloody murder.

   What has been done to our economists?

   Every single one of them should be jumping, waving, and screaming. 

The people I know with answers won't give them when asked.  So I have a few Questions.

Friday, September 18, 2020


    Empathy comes from perspective.  Being able to put ourselves in someone else's shoes gives us insight and understanding about them.

Worthwhile link: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2020/09/200916131030.htm

   When a mind dissociates it no longer functions as a whole.  The conscious part of the mind can become aware of the unconscious part of the mind.  All kinds of bizarre psychosis arise from that.

   And the most unnerving thing is a general loss of perspective.   Another way of saying that is we lose the ability to put ourselves in someone else's shoes.  Empathy is the very next thing that's lost after perspective.

   You might be wondering how dissociating a whole mind into separate conscious and unconscious parts would cause loss of perspective.  It seems like 2 would be better than 1 in this case.

   That's a normal thing to be wondering.

   But what you're wondering is backwards.

   You're probably not surprised by that anymore.  But something that I've been noticing has surprised me and it's from people I've known for years.

   Little by little it seems like they've been losing empathy.

   It's most noticeable when asking a question.  That's the reason I wrote an email to the CEO of the company I work for.

   The text from that email is the Letter to CEO.

The people I know with answers won't give them when asked.  So I have a few Questions.


   How would you like to suddenly be hit with an analog pulse of EM from a cellphone?  What about dozens of times in a day?  I can't think of  a good reason.  I also can't think of a reason for intentionally doing that to someone.  But 2 people were targeted with this in my apartment. 

Makes me angry to read link: https://www.webmd.com/mental-health/dissociation-overview#1

  In one instance I got back from work and found a friend hunched over in a chair unable to talk.  The look on his face is something I can't forget.  I thought someone he knew must have passed way.  He wasn't able to explain what happened.  Couldn't find words at all.  And hours went by before he started moving around.
   Over the course of months his personality slowly changed and his demeanor changed with it.  He stopped being friendly and eventually became antagonistic and angry.

   The other instance happened as a friend and I were stepping out of my apartment building.  I felt the pulse but he didn't seem to.  Within seconds I noticed a look of confusion and disorientation on his face.  He regained his balance and walked to his car.  The change in his personality was noticeable the next day.

   Whoever's behind it has thought out a way to attack people that's nearly impossible to detect or be aware of.  Trying to apply Occam's razor end's up leading no where.  And the way it's being done is sickening.

   They find someone to single out but start by hurting their friends and family first.  The person gets to watch those around him or her change without realizing it.  Even worse is trying to explain what the person is seeing happen to others.

   What those pulses from a cell phone did was concussive and caused a dissociation in the person targeted.  The dissociation may be perceived differently from person to person but it's still horrible.

   What's also a dissociation?  A hypnotic trance.

   And until a person recovers from the dissociation they're open to suggestion as if they were in a hypnotic trance.

   Now I'm concerned every square inch of my apartment hasn't become magnetized by accident.  I'm in a ground floor, concrete slab unit with an AC magnetic field permeating the place.  I've called Ameren to have them check it out.  I had an electrician inspect things a few months ago and that person said it was normal.

   Seems unlikely.

The people I know with answers won't give them when asked.  So I have a few Questions.


    Everyone's experienced a mental block at some point.  So everyone is familiar with the effects of dissociation.  You might be trying to recall a memory through an association and arrive at an empty void in your mind.  That's a point of dissociation.

Relevant link here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mental_block

   I’m not sure anymore how to describe it better than that.  But each time we encounter the same point of dissociation (and don’t push through or resolve it) we’re stopped a little earlier in our minds.  That causes the dissociation to grow and be reinforced.

   We can also work around mental blocks.

   It's as simple as talking through or around them.

   And that's possible because of the connection that exists between thought and speech.

   Anytime we hear someone genuinely talking to his or herself we're witness to a dissociation being corrected.  That someone going through that should be made fun of is criminal.

   Something unexpected is the connection between thought and speech can work backwards too.  Our thoughts flow into speech.  Speech can flow into thought.

   Let me rephrase that.

   Speech can flow into voices in our head.

   You already know I'm telling you the truth.

The people I know with answers won't give them when asked.  So I have a few Questions.

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Cell Phones

   [NOTE: Most people aren't worried what their cellphone is up to.  But if you take a different view here's a link to Instructions for providing your own cellphone insurance ("Thrall Blocker").]

   Here's a link I've read a few times over the past year but didn't think was true.

Silly link: [trying to find the link...  was an article that mentioned having to remove the battery before a cellphone is truly off.]

   Why didn't I think the information was true?  When a cellphone is turned off it should be OFF.  The thing should sit quietly until it's needed and turned back on.  After spending a few weeks to come up with other devices that don't stay off... I have several.

   Turns out they stay partially on for a reason.

   So they can be turned back on remotely.

   I'm not bothered by that at all.  It's convenient.

   A TV, DVR, or whatever isn't taking advantage of it to invade my privacy.

   So why is a cellphone special?

   I was driving on Olive Blvd yesterday (8/7/2020) trying to send a text.  I realized my driving was suffering and turned off into a small suburb.  When I finished the text I noticed an empty parking lot and pulled into (to have a cigarette but that shouldn't matter).

   I turned off the cellphone and started walking.

   I walked for maybe a minute or 2 and then heard a voice say 'can he still hear us'.

[NOTE:  Another FULL DISCLOSURE:  Normally my hearing voices would be considered schizophrenia.  I don't believe it's actually schizophrenia but will explain why at some point and update this post with a link to it.]

   I pulled the phone out of my pocket - it was still off - and raised it to my ear.  It surprised me that what I heard sounded like 2 voices coming from the speaker.

   I was standing directly under a power line at the time and walking along under it (that shouldn't matter).  I turned the phone in my hand and the sound from the phone stopped.  Turned it another way and I could hear the sound again.

   It seemed almost directional.

   I won't try to explain how this was done yet.  Still a little confused by it.

   But now I can make the scenario from the Introduction a little more plausible.

The people I know with answers won't give them when asked.  So I have a few Questions.


   [NOTE: There are 2 words below that should link to other posts.  Those posts haven't been published yet.  I've gotten things a little out of order.  Will update the links when the posts are published.]

    Have you ever heard the phrase "he who has ears, let him hear"?  That phrase is from the bible and it has a specific meaning.  It's become relevant in another context because of technology

   That last statement is backwards.

   Technology has made using our ears less and less necessary.

   When you factor in how online social networks have displaced real ones, it's worse.

   It hardly matters we've been Isolated [need to update with the link] by rumors of the flu.  Most communication now is made through haptics.  That would be the feedback you get from tapping on your cellphone or tablet's keyboard (it's meant to emulate the feel of pressing a real key but it's off Target [need to update with link]).

   The feedback we get from haptics let's us know a finger found the right key.  We can still tap just fine without the feedback.  Supposedly we can't with the same precision.

   And it's feedback from communication directly with each other that we're losing.  It's a little more important than hitting a key on a keyboard.  Without it we lose something in the way of Tone.

   Have you ever misunderstood what was said by a text?

   Maybe thought the intent was one thing but you had it backwards?

   It's easier to just ask someone directly than try to read between every line.

The people I know with answers won't give them when asked.  So I have a few Questions.


   I recently lost another Android phone.  Not that they're any better behaved than an iPhone but I've never lost the one I've owned.  When an important thing gets lost it can usually be replaced with a shiny new thing (except for antiques - they're shine has nothing to do with being young).  But replacing Cell Phones carries some baggage due to the phone number.

   When I drive home to visit my family there's an area I pass through with little or no cellphone coverage.  When I exited that area I started noticing bounce back text messages.

   Except I hadn't sent any texts...  not even recently.

   My phone was (apparently on it's own) entering control codes to block other people's phone numbers.  At least that's what the bounce back text messages implied.

   You might be wondering if anything was actually blocked.

   The answer is yes.

   I know of one specific number that ended up blocked on my cellphone.

   And if I'd written the person off (like I was very inclined to do at the time) I'd never know about it.

   Here's the frustrating part...

   I called Sprint 3 separate times to ask how the number was blocked FROM MY PHONE when I hadn't blocked it.

   You might be wondering what I was told every time.

   It was "there's nothing on your account that shows a number's blocked."

   I don't know if you're wondering if Sprint lied to me.

   I don't think they did.

   I'm pretty sure each employee I talked to was as confused as I was.

   You know what's more frustrating?

   That 2 days after my last call to Sprint...  the number was suddenly unblocked.

   How did the phone know I kept trying

The people I know with answers won't give them when asked.  So I have a few Questions.

Wednesday, September 16, 2020


   [EDIT: Went back on Wednesday 9/16/2020 to talk to an acquaintance and check the neon sign. There's more than 1 explanation for RF coming from it.  The one I like least is that it's intentional.  With my luck that's the right one.......  There was also a moment ties together with my last apartment.  While I was holding a cookie tin (Thrall Blocker) in my hand it momentarily became hot where my fingers were in contact.  I set it down and touched it again but the rest of the tin was normal temperature.  That happened when holding a piece of aluminum in my last apartment.  I could actually feel the heat from it on my face before I set the aluminum down.]

   [EDIT: I went back again on Tuesday 9/15/2020 and used an ultrasound detection app then an RF detection app.  Turns out I had it backwards (as far as it being ultrasound or RF).  It's RF I felt from the neon sign (the spike in the screenshot below).  And that ties right into Fear cages.]

   [EDIT: I went back to south city on Monday 9/14/2020 and waited until night time.  Asked permission from someone living downstairs to use my ultrasound receiver .  It didn't pick up any ultrasound.]

   There's particular street in the south part of the city I'm drawn to.  It might also be related to the title of this post but I can't prove or disprove that yet.  I'm heading down there today to see why a neon sign appeared to be giving off ultrasound yesterday (9/12/2020).

   If you've read the post Light Bulbs then you have one possible explanation of it.

   There also seems to be some issues with RF that I've mentioned in Radar.

   I originally went there to give something hand made to an acquaintance.

   Hopefully someone will give me permission to use a magnetic field meter and ultrasonic receiver to make sure nothing nefarious is being done to people living on that street.

The people I know with answers won't give them when asked.  So I have a few Questions.


   I saw something for the first time today (9/16/2020 about 8 PM).  It was a news van driving away from a person waving their hands.

   The driver noticed me.

   I assume that explains his shrug as he went by.

   I was stopped at a red light when he pulled up and parked at the intersection (beside Busch stadium though that shouldn't matter).  I might have believed he didn't see me except for the shrug.

   It only took a few seconds for me to pull over, park, then hop out and walk towards the van.  He found a different destination to go to when I was half the distance between our Vehicles.

   Feels like something isn't quite right here.

   But I don't feel like placing a bet.

The people I know with answers won't give them when asked.  So I have a few Questions.


    There are bitter pills.  That's in part a generalization but only a chemist could explain why so many compounds that help us taste bitter.

   The most bitter pill I've ever been told to swallow is easier to explain.

   It has to do with watching the people around you change bit by bit.

   One word at a time.

   One action at a time.

   Until they're completely unrecognizable.

   If someone was aware of the process and had to endure those they knew disappearing to be replaced by strangers... they'd implode.

   People change.  Except they usually don't.  Not by being swallowed up something from within.

   I'm not using a metaphor here.  Only the title is.

   And i'm not talking about something hidden in this blog.


    There's someone who is missing.  I've been told something different and I've heard something different but none of it I know to be firsthand knowledge.  All of it's a problem.

   It doesn't make sense to leave a person to rumors and insinuations.

   I've wanted and needed to find out what happened on my own.

   On Saturday (9/5/2020) I requested a police report (assuming there is one - I don't know enough to be sure) about Jaquell Mitchell-Cook.  I was reassured when the officer at the desk recognized his name but not reassured given the context it was used in.

   I don't know if I'll be given a copy of any police report.

   I don't fall into any of the categories listed to explain the request.

   Will update this once I know more.

The people I know with answers won't give them when asked.  So I have a few Questions.


The people I know with answers won't give them when asked.  So I have a few Questions.

   All bad ideas start off with the perception they're good ideas.  That seems like a logically sound statement to make.  It seems logical because who in their right mind would want to bring a bad idea to reality?

   That's why I've found myself in the position of writing this blog.

   It started with what probably seemed like a great idea.

   Maybe even a fantastic idea.

   But "they" had it completely backwards.

   By the time things started looking no-so-great and theory had collided with our unconscious minds...  well that's why we have hindsight.

   Let me summarize for you.

   We have something being run in this country that's most likely tangled up in several other interests.  Without bogging you down with too many details:

  • Hypnosis is being used (anything which manipulates a person's awareness).
    • To drive behavioural modification.
    • To cause all sorts of things to be overlooked (hidden from our awareness).
  • Misdirection is being used to hide it.
  • Technology is being used in both simple and complicated ways (also as a form of misdirection).
  • Some basic human rights and dignities are getting pushed aside because the end justifies the means (I don't agree with that excuse though)

   I've become more curious what kinds of things are in those documents with the name Edward Snowden attached.

   Has anyone actually read them?

Gang Stalking

    The title is correct this time.  But no one realizes what gang stalking actually is.  I doubt every person who thinks it's happening to them is correct.  But that's not the point.

   The individuals who believe they are being stalked?

   They have it backwards.

   As ridiculous as it sounds they're effectively stalking themselves (for the most part).  And every single thing they see and hear that leads them to believe it's occurring?

   You'll find the answer to that in the posts Choice, Control, DrinkProximityDistance, and Affiliation.


The people I know with answers won't give them when asked.  So I have a few Questions.

   Conditioning is something which lies with the unconscious part of our minds.  It can be built in - like breathing - or added like an after market part for a car.

   In my opinion, the only kinds of conditioning we should be exposed to are the ones our conscious mind wants.

   You might be wondering why I didn't say "needs".

   I think you already know why.

   Any kind of conditioning that bypasses our conscious awareness is treading on free will.

   They should be treated as skeptically as any product an advertiser wants to sell you (I'll let you imagine which sexy model is in the background).

   There's another example of conditioning where fear is involved.

   It's something called a fear cage.

   You can google that term for details if you want them.

   My reason for mentioning it is not everyone notices the effect.

   When it's been looked into (TV shows or researched) that's been done by a conscious mind.

   There are 2 ways I know of for a person to notice it.

   Can you guess what both are?

Tuesday, September 15, 2020


The people I know with answers won't give them when asked.  So I have a few Questions.

   There are several ways to achieve X-ray vision.  It doesn't even take glasses from the back of a comic book.  If you want to know what items may be somewhere you can't physically go...  there's always tone.

   Pretty much every item in a home or business (excluding jello) will resonate in response to a loud enough sound.  It's just like 2 tuning forks side-by-side ringing in sympathetic vibration.

   There are a few limits if you want to use sound that way.

   Most home owners wouldn't enjoy giant speakers placed outside their residence to rattle everything in it.  That would also ruin the element of surprise.

   You'll have to be sneaky about it.

   Find a way to cause items inside the home to resonate that in turn would cause other items to resonate.  Ideally you'd use something completely undetectable to start with.

   You might be wondering what that might be.

   RF (radio frequencies) of course.

   Something along those lines will cause metal objects to resonate (also electronics but I didn't tell you that).  That can then trigger sympathetic vibration of other objects.

   When the vibration (also known as frequency) becomes loud enough it can be picked up outside the home.  When the frequency is low or high enough it can escape notice by the residents.

   Now all you need is a database of sounds objects make.

   It's expensive finding someone with the skills to do that manually.


The people I know with answers won't give them when asked.  So I have a few Questions.

   There's several things to like about parametric (directional) speakers.  One is how you can aim one at any object and hear it's audio like that object is the speaker.

   The object could be a piece of furniture, an ash tray, even the ceiling.

   For the last 2 apartments I've rented there were times I could here sound above me.  It seemed to be originating from the ceiling.  Since that made no sense I had to mentally correct myself and assume it was the apartment above me instead.

   Now I know that my own phone (or anyone's phone) is capable of generating directional sound.  To have the ceiling become a speaker it just takes a cellphone in the right orientation.

   How would a cellphone know when it's pointed in the up direction?

   Because of the Accelerometer each one contains.

   That also means a cellphone can tell when it's in a pocket.

   It also means a cellphone can tell how far you've walked from your Vehicle.

   Those seem like unimportant details but they allow for tricks that could confuse anyone until they're backwards.

   But what would be the point of that?

Monday, September 14, 2020


The people I know with answers won't give them when asked.  So I have a few Questions.

   Have you ever caught yourself clearing your throat or sniffing a runny nose.  I'm willing to bet you have.

   Did you ever get any of the following impressions:

  • That you were answering an unheard question?
  • That you were playing the part of a location beacon?
  • That you were doing a repetitive activity as a way to count to a number?

   Were you aware it's possible for Subminal Manipulation to do exactly that?

   You probably weren't.  Because no on in their right mind would seek answers or a person's whereabouts that way.  Not that it shows no respect towards another human being.

   But because both kinds of answers are worthless.


About the blog

[NOTE:  This post is about Dissociation.  It is NOT intended to help someone actually trigger an EMP using cellphones.  The amount of detail below is much less than what's already available online.]

   If you’ve read other posts you might notice a theme.  Things we perceive can be backwards and our Cell Phones like to misbehave.  That could be the theme of the blog from one point of view (there are others).

   We are able to look at a situation, written article, or person and see them from more than one perspective.  It's related to Empathy.

   Sometimes we need to re-frame a situation or idea to get good perspective on it.

   Take the problem I’ve described with cellphones.  Let's assume I haven’t imagined that our cellphones can switch the output of their antennas from digital to analog.  The implication being they can output more power with quicker response times.

   What happens when those details make their way into a bad guys hands?

   What would it take to trigger a large number of cell phones at once?

   At the maximum output each could?

   Are we each carrying around a small piece of a giant EMP?

[NOTE: Same disclaimer as above.  This is meant to show how cellphones are both directly and indirectly able to cause dissociation.  It is NOT meant to provide enough detail for someone to actually do it.  And it does NOT provide enough detail for someone to do it.]

   Generating a Large Scale EMP from Small Scale Devices

  • Develop a simple, free, and best in class app (anything not too complicated) for distribution in each platform's respective app store.
    • Follow each app store's rules for security, data handling, and privacy TO THE LETTER.
    • Do not code the app to reach out to servers without permission.  Actually don't code it to do that at all.  Push the date and time to the device when setting a countdown to an EMP.
  • An EMP traveling across the continental United States will cover the 2800 miles (4,506,163 m) in about [well crap how about you do the math] at about 90 km/s so synchronization of each cell phone is important.
    • Each phone must power up and discharge precisely to transfer EM to the wave front when it passes as efficiently as possible.
    • Don't synchronize using existing infrastructure.
    • Use smaller EMPs from groups of cellphones to create a private network for synchronization prior to the event.
    • Use GPS location data from the phone's current location to synchronize the private network.
  • Initiate the EMP from a cellphone dense location (NY if aiming west, LA if aiming east)
    • Stagger the cellphone power up and discharge to coincide with the wave front as it passes each device.
   By the time it travels from one edge of the continent to the other (gaining power as it goes) it should be powerful enough to circle the globe.  Without being able to know the number of cellphones available at the time you can't estimate the EMPs effect.  But it should be able to dissociate everyone on the first pass.


The people I know with answers won't give them when asked.  So I have a few Questions.

    People tracking technology isn't new.  But it's finding a way into more and more places.  I've walked through one of those places several times where I work.   I don't know when it was installed there but it seems to have been in place for years now.

   Why does something that can locate a person matter?

   Because it can do more than track a person through a building.

   You're probably wondering why I think there's more to it than tracking.

   The reason is simple...  I can feel a difference in the amount of effort it takes when walking down certain hallways.

   It's usually just very small amount of extra effort when  walking...  usually.

   That extra effort can disappear for a couple steps as one hallway gives way to the hallway of a different building.  It can also disappear completely when turning into other hallways.  So it seems to be possible to turn on or off in sections as needed.

   For awhile I though my perception of it was related to hypnosis.

   Now I think I had that backwards.

   But I can make the assertion I've noticed this affect at work, at my apartment complex when Standing, and at the Saint Louis Aquarium.

   How can I be sure I didn't imagine it?

   I'm not the only employee who noticed it.

Sunday, September 13, 2020


The people I know with answers won't give them when asked.  So I have a few Questions.

   If you've been to the Saint Louis Aquarium you might have noticed some cool effects.  You might have noticed none of them instead.  I thought they were in place to make the experience more immersive.

   Now it seems likely I had that backwards.

   When a piece of equipment or device is installed somewhere it's for a purpose.  But sometimes those things have secondary effects that can't be avoided.

   What do I notice when I'm there?

   It takes a little more effort for my muscles to do normal things.  That includes:
  • Walking around
  • Breathing
  • Even standing still
   The amount of extra effort is small but I'm not imagining it.

   How can I be sure of that?

   Because I've encountered the same effect where I Work.


The people I know with answers won't give them when asked.  So I have a few Questions.

   Since I moved to Saint Louis I've lived in a few areas.  Usually that's been close to where I was working at the time.  I was curious how much of it was available online so I did a Spokeo search on myself.

   Every apartment I've lived in showed up.  There was even a nice map to show it (that made me a little uncomfortable).  

   There was one small problem though.  My information wasn't just tied to my name.

   It was tied to someone else's name too.

   A lease agreement isn't something I've ever signed randomly.  You'll have to trust me on that.

   But I don't think this issue requires that kind of trust.

   My entire rental history back to 1996 has been tied to someone else's name.

   My name is not Tyler T. Hughes.  I've never signed anything in my life as Tyler T. Hughes.

   If someone wanted to find me they could very well end up chasing a ghost.

   Also, the address shown on the map below is where I first noticed something that seemed on the surface like schizophrenia.

Saturday, September 12, 2020


About the blog.

   This post isn't about cool-aid.  I may have that backwards.

   It's about how someone can end up believing their mind is being controlled.

   The title should be Mind Control but "leading a horse to water" best explains how it works.

   After we've known someone for awhile (actually know them and haven't been self absorbed the whole time) we develop an understanding of them.  It's directly related to the empathy we have and whether we make use of it or not.

   That understanding makes it possible to effectively read a person's mind.

   There's no magic or telepathy of any kind involved.

   There's no explanation of physics needed either.

   So without picking out a fancy technology or technique...  what would it take to cause another person to think their mind was being controlled?

   Just put a thought of your own selection in their head.  Having inside knowledge about the person makes that even easier to do.  Inside knowledge makes it possible to bring a thought someone already has from the back of their mind to the front.

   I doubt anyone will agree with me at first...  but this is how to leverage a person into self-hypnosis.

   Kinda scary isn't it?

   At that point you've taken control of their mind by a single thought.

   Full control becomes a matter of quantity over quality.

   But quality is how to see your way through the deception (if it ever happens to you).

   Making them aware of what you've done is all that's left.

The people I know with answers won't give them when asked.  So I have a few Questions.


 The people I know with answers won't give them when asked.  So I have a few Questions.

   There are quite a few vices in the world.  My definition of a vice is anything not necessary and which doesn't contribute to our well being (that's a generalization).

   Take cigarettes for example.

   Have you ever heard someone talk about their smoking habit?

   It may have sounded something like:

  • "I know I should quit."
  • "I really need to quit."
  • "It's affecting my health."
   Did you know immediately they weren't serious about stopping?

   Why would we think that when they seemed to have the right attitude towards it?

   It's very simple.   And we're all aware of the answer on some level.

   When the conscious and unconscious parts of our mind are in agreement we can affect any change we need.  And not just those we need -  but those we want.

   When the opposite is true we can say all the right things but it makes no difference.

   The problem is we aren't being honest with ourselves.

Light Bulbs

   Did you know it's possible to convince most light bulbs to seriously up their game?

  • By "convince" I mean multiple ways (one is using a magnetic field to affect the ballast).
  • By "most" I mean non-incandescent (bulbs with some form of ballast).
  • By "up their game" I mean turn them into emitters of RF and/or ultrasound.
   Kind of cool.

   Except not that many people need to peek into the next room or floor like walls didn't exist.  When it's your own home a few steps are enough to reach someone.  Even a shout can get someone's attention.  So where is this technology ending up?

   One place is public areas.

   Another is office buildings.  The company I work for has those.

   How do I know the technology can be found there?

   It goes back to the Aquarium.

   Those behind the scenes effects I mentioned?  We have them in certain hallways at my work.  And I have a feeling they've been tested while people are walking through...  hopefully not just to see what happens.

   The same effects occur in my apartment on a regular basic.

   You might be wondering how I know that.

   It started last year when I work up in my bedroom around 4:30 am and initially had trouble moving.  It's not the easiest thing to describe but there were waves of pressure pushing down on me that made the hairs move on my arms and legs.  Once I stood up the worst nausea I've ever had put every flu or spoiled food to shame.

   I had no equilibrium and no coordination. What I did have was a feeling of panic that was involuntarily taking me out of the apartment.  I staggered from wall to wall.  Passed out trying to unlock my front door. Took three steps out of the apartment and all those symptoms were gone.  I don't think I even fully woke up then because 10 or 15 minutes later I actually woke up.  When that happened I was walking and staring down at my bare feet.

   That's when the conscious part of my mind kicked back in.

   There's not many things we can't see or hear that can do all that.  So I bought an ultrasonic receiver to try ruling out one possible cause.  While checking each room in my apartment I aimed it towards a light fixture and got an earful.

   Several times a day (since working from home became mandatory) I've felt a prickly staticky feeling move across my back and arms.  At this point I'm not sure if it's RF or ultrasound.

   I'd prefer it were neither.

   Light bulbs don't do that kind of thing on their own.

The people I know with answers won't give them when asked.  So I have a few Questions.


The people I know with answers won't give them when asked.  So I have a few Questions.

   I'd like to make a bold and dramatic statement about myself...

   I have no leadership skills.

   I should probably make a few more statements to explain that one:

  • I value privacy over customized search results online.
  • I value anonymity over immediate recognition in public.
  • I will almost certainly never run for public office and it has nothing to do with what I keep on a cellphone.
   But the entire reason for this post is how often people listen to me.  Because when I explain something to others it can take a long time for it to sink in.

   A very long time.

   And I just had a little incite into what that can mean (typo in bold is apparently intentional because I noticed it and didn't try to correct it).

   I am adamantly opposed to hypnotizing someone even if I think it will be helpful.

   Not that it's a shortcut of some kind.  Those are fine if you learn the same things along the way.

   It's because of free will.

   People who end up on stage in a hypnotist's show will embarrass and humiliate themselves in front of strangers.  I refuse to believe they happily choose to do it.

   And if you remember the post Motives you know why.


    I have an acquaintance who doesn't have enough control over their own fate.  At least that seems to be what they think.  But that doesn't mean I can't understand the hand they've been dealt.  And it doesn't mean I won't have empathy for someone I consider a friend.

   Why do I believe this person wants more control?

   Because they attempt to wrest every possible measure of control from those around them.  I don't see a single aspect of their life that hasn't become a shell game to accomplish it.

   And they seem unable to stop.

   It's consuming this person and I get the impression it's also driving their unconscious to distraction.

   Each of us has a certain innate knowledge about unconscious minds.  The details around it get forgotten and overlooked but can explain a single individual or a group that includes everyone:

  • Our unconscious minds are trusting (if you're familiar with hypnosis you get that).
  • Our unconscious minds always tell the truth (there may be exceptions though)
  • Our unconscious minds are infinitely patient (and experience time differently due to the scale of what they do)

   The problems our conscious minds must master are ones of Control, selfishness, and Empathy.

   I'll simplify and rephrase that.

   Selfishness is the root of all evil.

The people I know with answers won't give them when asked.  So I have a few Questions.

Friday, September 11, 2020


   If you remember the post Deafening  you understand it's possible to perceive a sound that isn't exactly there.  Should a person be unaware of how that works they're effectively listening to crickets.

   Maybe they're cicadas or tree frogs instead.

   Except those natural sounds fall toward the calming and relaxing side of things.

   The artificial version has more in common with radar than crickets.

   Actually -  and for all intents and purposes - it IS radar.   Anyone experiencing it in their home or apartment should be concerned.  There's one thing to keep in mind before unleashing 911 calls though.  I'd tell you what that is now, but you've already learned it.

   Anyone with a mind can tell when a normal sound is being used to imitate the real thing.

   Now you won't waste a 911 call due to crickets.

   And as far a secrets go:
  • The recording from the Cuban diplomat incident would need to have been recorded using a bone conduction microphone or it's a fake.
  • Someone at the American embassy may have been an Offender.
  • The Russians were cool before we we're on Telepathy.
  Those aren't really secrets.

   So they should be easy to verify.

The people I know with answers won't give them when asked.  So I have a few Questions.


    My vehicle tags are expired.  They're been expired for awhile.  I'm waiting on a replacement title so I can correct that and it's completely my own fault.

   The natural consequence to having expired tags and no valid license plates?

   That would be 3 tickets so far.  Each left on my windshield.

   It's entirely my own fault.

   Last night I was driving on a street downtown when an officer pulled me over.

   Just to be perfectly clear I'm listing a few things:

  • The officer was doing his job.
  • The officer was not harassing me.
  • The officer was polite and professional.
  • The officer asked for my license and insurance.
   Of course things stopped making sense when I showed the officer my insurance.

   Even though I'd forgotten to update the vehicle on the policy (which the officer pointed out) and the make was listed as Subaru....  the officer seemed to already know that.

   Why do I think he already knew that?

   Because when he saw my policy, Mr. Recht said "that's for the Subaru".

   I wanted to re-frame the situation to show how it implied familiarity but I don't know Officer Recht's first name.  So I'll explain the things I might expect a complete stranger who's also a police officer to say:
  • "Is that the right insurance policy?"
  • "Why is the vehicle on that policy different from this one?"
  • "Is this your vehicle?"
   People I know usually referred to it as the BRZ anyway.

The people I know with answers won't give them when asked.  So I have a few Questions.


   I can assure you there are no secrets in this blog.  That may be backwards.

   I can't assure anyone their secrets won't be handed out.

   With that we're back to power lines again.  But this time it should be halfway interesting.

   If you remember the post Perception then you know there's a distinct buzz/hum around them you can't record with a regular microphone (you'll need a bone conduction microphone).  There's another detail about that "sound" people notice but don't usually understand at first.

   If you focus on listening to the sound it gets louder.

   Yes, you read that correctly.

    No, that statement isn't wrong or backwards and I'm not psychic for anticipating it.

   Because that sound is a perception (with a direct line into the unconscious part of the mind) it's just as real or imaginary as you believe it to be.

   Yes, you read that correctly too.

   No, we're not in any twilight zone.

   All a person needs to do is focus their awareness/attention on the perception and it will become louder.  I don't know what the limit for that is.  It can be perceived as almost deafening.  Since it's only a perception there may be no limit to how loud it can be perceived.  Try it out sometime when you're near high voltage power lines.

   It makes my writing easier since anyone with a mind can test then prove or disprove my claims.

   Absolutely anyone has everything they need to test my claims for themselves.

   Just keep in mind I tend to get things backwards.

   That way my mistakes won't be a blog killer.

Thursday, September 10, 2020


The people I know with answers won't give them when asked.  So I have a few Questions.

   Anytime we're involved in an activity without our full attention we're open to distractions.  It could be a neighbor yelling across the hall.  It could be a wind chime swinging outside a window.

   It could be subliminal signals from an advertisement. Visual ones in a magazine. Audible ones from a TV show.  Whatever the source it's always the same intent:

   To avoid your conscious attention and reach your unconscious.

   One of the most effective ways to do this is with masking.  As complicated as that sounds it's fairly simple to do.  It works with both visual and audible sources though sound is the one i'm most concerned about.

   To mask sound it needs to be hidden in another sound.  You could also say it's beneath another sound and that would be the mask.

   Let's say you have a water feature in your home. After listening for awhile you start tuning it out and push it to the back of your mind.  Once that happens it becomes your unconscious mind's problem.

   Not everyone has a water feature.  But almost everyone listens to music.  The problem with music is you don't push it to the back of your mind until the song's old.  But while a song is new you actively listen to it.

   Guess what?

   That new song is perfect to use as a mask for something else.

   So is a person's voice talking (Morgan Freeman's would be deadly)

   Or even 2 voices talking to one another.

   How do you create a song, voice, or voices that could be a custom mask for the real audio you want a person to "hear"?

   Get them to create it in their own mind like:
  • Replaying a memory
  • Thinking about what their day is going to be like
  • Someone else narrating/observing them
  • Imagining pretty much anything
   You might be surprised to know those same things constitute what's known as schizophrenia

   And of course, schizophrenia is just another distraction.


"Illustration" courtesy of:  https://www.craiyon.com "walmart " "Self check-out" registers or kiosks can be fo...