Sunday, February 26, 2023


Our financial system isn't difficult to understand.

Money is handed from one individual to another or a business.  Items or services are handed back or returned.

Money shouldn't flow the other direction except when change is due.

That's the short or exact explanation.  It could be made using glossaries or scenarios.  It might be spelled out in volumes or bills.

There's good reason for those to exist and it may be inexcusable.  Financial systems have devised many "different or functional" methods of exchange or investment.

Let's examine the thought process:

  • A need or want arises.  Most likely a want but unimportant at this stage.
  • A financial device is imagined then fine-tuned into producing the desired result.
  • It's unlikely to help anyone else at the moment (being unexpected) so everyone else needs to want it.
  • The financial device goes through an independent review process to assess the likely effect or impact on a financial system.
  • After rejecting the device it goes in an archive of "lessons learned" or it's accepted and a preparation period is given for implementation.
  • Our financial system continues upward harmoniously or resonance whips it through frantic cycles.

I'm afraid we missed some steps or understand others backward.  It's an uncommon problem or rarely affects the financial system.

No harm done or value lost.

Friday, February 24, 2023


Managing calorie intake or controlling appetite forms the basis of any diet.  We feel safe in making that assertion or statement.

A given diet may seem to emphasize calorie arithmetic or limits as opposed to will power or the mind.  Both have their place in our model.  Whether we're strictly observant now or plan to be shouldn't prevent sharing insight.

The original post (found here) is presented here in more palatable form in case the original was under done.

Best Appetite Ever

  • Every so often, abstain from eating on a fast (consult your doctor).
  • Break the fast with 1 or 2 bananas.
    • Personally, they're disgusting but that's not the point of eating and no excuse.
  • Eat a meal consisting of the types of foods you plan or want to be eating.
    • You're suggesting to yourself what to find appetizing.
    • Doing that while hungry works better than full.
    • Don't you dare eat a candy bar or drink a soda at this point.
    • That's what everyone else does when they're hungry and it's backwards.
That's all it takes.


Consider this more than an opinion.

Never or ever, push or press, a button or key, or relay an order or "fire a shot" without understanding it's purpose, function, and who or what's on the other side.

There is no excuse or justification under "following orders" or "the job".  Neither yours nor theirs.

Part of the world we now live in or inherited has to change.  One may or may not be worthless in one's personal life, family life, or mind.  It depends on one's word and how both keep it.

But in community, business, or government (politics is a game we refuse to recognize), our worth should be on the line with the decisions or choices we make or pick.

Banks are required to be fair - not just "fair" - by law and penalized when they aren't.  A central body does that for all banks.

It needs to be managed that way for many other areas or sectors.

  • Labor or work
    • There's no expectation of consistency from one employer to another because each runs their own show.  An employee that's terminated or "let go" probably signed an agreement which binds their hands.  Determining if the circumstances were fair or not is up to those still employed with the company.
    • An employer has to either HR (human resource) each employee with a certain type of glove* or lower the bar across everyone.  They don't have a common definition for good or excellent work as that may change from manager to manager.  Outsourcing disputes to a central body may make it better or worse but probably both.
  • [Add new topic here.]
The list has room to grow but the point is this:

Government shouldn't try to make everyone happy.  It's already failed if that's the premise and it has to be backward.  To be fair or treat those governed equally it should make everyone equally unhappy.

Why?  Because unhappiness spread between 2 individuals means they need to put themselves in the other's shoes to understand if they aren't being treated poorly enough.

It's so ridiculously backward it couldn't possibly work.

Footnote: * The internet might have a glove problem.  A particular style or type may be missing or mislabeled.

Monday, February 20, 2023


The world has become home to tyrants on every  scope or scale.  Some hold sway over a household or partner.  Others over the employees they manage or prey upon.

An inexcusable few found footholds which afford power or control over institutions or governments.

There should be none whatsoever.

Why work without ceasing and shoulder others responsibility to watch those be rewarded?

A mini-Madoff is bad enough for the mistrust and lack of confidence they sow.  When loopholes exist which let us down it's our fault they weren't locked to begin with.

Our primary concern today is for business and the economy.  Yesterday it was the future.  Tomorrow it will be the past.

What are we implying?

This has all happened before but it shouldn't be happening again.  Period.

Great Britain went through it around the middle of the last century.  It was somehow halted and undone or we wouldn't be around to recognize it.

Count the Slavic or Germans for 1.  Count the British or Russians for 2.  Count the French for 3 if you must.  They seem to have avoided the penalty.

We and our nation are about count 4.  Since these things tend to happen in 2s or 3s the outcome is certain or a guess.

Public and full disclosure is absolutely going to happen to avert losing all we care about or enjoy.

Think or believe the opposite if you must.  Then hand off or sit back in the passenger seat so you can watch or hear what does or doesn't happen next or first.

Don't you want to see or hear what happens next?

Don't worry one bit.  Both sides will.

It sometimes takes a monster or tyrant to change course on the brink of ruin.

Read or absorb all these things forward or backward so you or they can agree or separate reality from wishing or fancy.

Tuesday, February 14, 2023


The nation of China has been in the news lately.  For reasons known - or which don't make much sense - a few of their balloons have found their way here.

How does a balloon travel halfway around a planet 8000 miles in diameter without the owner knowing it's missing?

How do multiple balloons travel halfway around a planet without so much as an "excuse me"?

As far as manners or diplomacy go they're backwards or non-existent.

Next question: what kind or type of statements are being made by the Chinese or their government in response?

Let me give or provide you a new or old fashioned explanation.  You may need to sleep on it before sinking in.

We are being set up.  And it's not so we can succeed.  We are being set up to fail.  The timeline is laid out.  There were or was planning involved or made up on the fly.  Someone wants to cause an incident and they want a specific outcome or type of outcome from it.

Why is that the only logical analysis to make?

Because we have inside information.  It was leaked to Snowden but he didn't have time to make use of it.

Here's our brief summary and analysis:

One or more agencies in one or more governments tried to be as clever as they were inhuman and rather than allow discovery and responsibility they're gonna bury any future knowledge of it in the history of another conflict.

Sound familiar?

It may not or probably doesn't.

There's a few details about the last couple significant or major wars which were cover ups or upped as well.


"Illustration" courtesy of: "walmart " "Self check-out" registers or kiosks can be fo...