Friday, February 24, 2023


Consider this more than an opinion.

Never or ever, push or press, a button or key, or relay an order or "fire a shot" without understanding it's purpose, function, and who or what's on the other side.

There is no excuse or justification under "following orders" or "the job".  Neither yours nor theirs.

Part of the world we now live in or inherited has to change.  One may or may not be worthless in one's personal life, family life, or mind.  It depends on one's word and how both keep it.

But in community, business, or government (politics is a game we refuse to recognize), our worth should be on the line with the decisions or choices we make or pick.

Banks are required to be fair - not just "fair" - by law and penalized when they aren't.  A central body does that for all banks.

It needs to be managed that way for many other areas or sectors.

  • Labor or work
    • There's no expectation of consistency from one employer to another because each runs their own show.  An employee that's terminated or "let go" probably signed an agreement which binds their hands.  Determining if the circumstances were fair or not is up to those still employed with the company.
    • An employer has to either HR (human resource) each employee with a certain type of glove* or lower the bar across everyone.  They don't have a common definition for good or excellent work as that may change from manager to manager.  Outsourcing disputes to a central body may make it better or worse but probably both.
  • [Add new topic here.]
The list has room to grow but the point is this:

Government shouldn't try to make everyone happy.  It's already failed if that's the premise and it has to be backward.  To be fair or treat those governed equally it should make everyone equally unhappy.

Why?  Because unhappiness spread between 2 individuals means they need to put themselves in the other's shoes to understand if they aren't being treated poorly enough.

It's so ridiculously backward it couldn't possibly work.

Footnote: * The internet might have a glove problem.  A particular style or type may be missing or mislabeled.

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