Wednesday, September 23, 2020


   The idea of people having psychic abilities is pretty cool (to me).  That's assuming they aren't used to amass fortunes for the few with the gift.

   Just having the appearance of psychic abilities is nearly as cool.  But that's assuming there's more to it than marketing and snake oil.

   I think the government was making a prediction with COVID-19.

   That prediction was about something horrible headed our way that could harm our bodies.

   Except they had it backwards.

   What's already here and working it's way through each person is actually harming our minds.

   You might be wondering what the symptoms are.

   There are 3 main symptoms:

  • Loss of Empathy (that's incredibly bad)
  • Susceptibility to mental Block (points of dissociation)
  • Tendency to understand things backwards (it's an unconscious mind thing)

   Each of those 3 main symptoms is damaging on it's own.  Taken together we lose corner foundations that society rests on.

   It's probably inevitable that we've ended up in a situation where this is occurring.  But a major course correction can be taken at any point short of collapse.

   I don't know where that point is.

   It's been awhile since I've heard from an economist who could tell us.

   How will I recognize that economist?

   He or she will be jumping up and down, waving their hands like crazy, and screaming bloody murder.

   What has been done to our economists?

   Every single one of them should be jumping, waving, and screaming. 

The people I know with answers won't give them when asked.  So I have a few Questions.

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