Friday, September 25, 2020


Hiding is something usually done out of fear or a game where someone seeks.  We don't typically hide something we're proud of.  We also don't hide something when we want to show it off.  That would be defeat the purpose.

In my opinion, the best way to hide anything is in plain sight.

For one thing it's backwards.  That by itself makes something harder to find.

It also removes the need for misdirection.  Let me rephrase that...

It removes the need to lie about where something is hidden.

We may not care whether we lie or not.  But everyone's mind consists of a part that can't do it's job based on lies.

If something false gets accepted as fact it can result in more than just the wrong answer on a test. 

Whether we're driving a car, swimming at a lake, or crossing the street we can't have any part of our mind believe something that's not true.  There's no limit to the number of ways that can lead to someone's end.

It's as simple as that.

So... should you decide to be on good terms with that part of your mind then honesty is the only policy.  It's just something else that should work both directions.

Going back to hiding in plain sight...  That concept applies on multiple levels but one example is from architecture.

Have you ever entered a home several times before realizing it had an invisible room?  Not one covered with cloaking technology or magic fabric.  But a room where your mental image of the home didn't match the actual floor plan.

Sometimes this can cause a nagging feeling in the back of your mind.  You may feel like you're overlooking something obvious.  There could be an impression of something staring you right in the face.

But because the room wasn't accounted for in your mental image it didn't exist.

Once awareness of the room was gained your mental image was updated and the home made sense.

Just imagine what I described in reverse...  let me rephrase that...  imagine it backwards.

Now you know how something can be hidden from our awareness.

Something that may seem like it didn't ever exist.

But that's not the truth.

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