Saturday, August 15, 2020

Power Lines

    Maybe 10 or 15 years ago I read an article about earthquake detectors picking up additional sounds that need to be filtered from the data.  Turns out the extra sound was from power lines.

   I just remembered reading that now.

   If I remember the article correctly then this phase of the blog is close to being finished.  But the most important thing about the posts is showing what was happening in my mind as they were written.

   Crazy people's stories can contain important details that can't be picked out from the rest.  But gathered together it becomes possible to see the information and make sense of it.

   When I first started hearing voices I wrote a letter without knowing who to address it to:

Relevant link:

   The only reason my posts aren't completely jumbled nonsense is they weren't my first try at it.  Everything I thought was going on I sent to my mom and then sisters as texts.  And there were a lot of them.  And they are crazy.  But it gave me a chance to try and untangle the mess to make sense of it before I wrote any of this.

   Because the intent was always to make me seem as crazy as possible.

   Here's what you should see in my posts (corrected as much as I could):

  • Tendency to view a detail one way then completely reverse my perception
    • Something can be incredibly important one minute and insignificant the next
    • Causalities get rearranged at a moments notice.  Cause and effect switch all the time
  • Mood swings from not caring about anything to super excited about everything
  • No logic or common sense being used

   If I didn't have a patient and caring family to text to, I would have made a much bigger mess of these posts.  I told them it wasn't necessary to read and react to everyone of them.  My mom is the kind of person who would and did try to do that (a flat out compliment).

   So now... I'd like to know more about other people who've been labeled crazy.

   I'd like to know very much.

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