Friday, August 21, 2020


    Recently I became aware of a program being run in this country that operates below the radar.  I'm still in the dark about most of the details but it seems geared toward non-violent, socially undesirable offender type categories of people in their 20s and 30s.

   They use variants on existing technologies both to hide their activities and to make them harder to evade and defeat.  It's security through obscurity and obfuscation (backward-ness).

  How do I know the program exists?

  I was erroneously "enrolled" in it  (at least I think it was an accident).

   What does that mean?

   My apartment is now connected into a network of homes that are monitored.  There's a prickly staticky RF field throughout my apartment.  It's strongest in the bathroom (that sensation really helps when using the toilet) and in my living room (same sensation when sitting on the couch).  One way I hear voices has to do with that RF field.  I can hear voices in it whenever it's on.  I seem  to have been conditioned for that.  The RF field is now on round- the-clock and I'm paying the power bill.

   Pet peave of mine... being told to stand up (and be counted) by a voice I hear in my own apartment like i'm in a prison cell.

   What other tecbniques are used to "guide" younger people on the right path?

   Subliminal perception and hypnosis.

   Oh yes.  Tbey're attempting behavioural modification on the programs members without permission (members don't get to decide whether they want to be in the program either).  Enrollment and orientation happen to be backwards.  Members aren't included in them.

   No, it doesn't count when you only ask the unconscious part of the mind.

   Where I'm from that's a cop out intended to avoid an answer you don't want to hear.

   Have I mentioned the people running it are evil?

   How do I know that?

   A quick assessment of their program leaves no doubt.

   Nearly all of their technological capabilities are based on RF and cellphones.  So I wouldn't be surprised if what I've been experiencing as harassment are some of Nikola Tesla's own discoveries and inventions.  And I don't understand how it's being done but probably need to add cellphones to the list of ways to enable that 6th sense.

   They can also activate any cellphone in a particular vicinity and generate that same RF field locally to the cellphone.  It appeared to connect from cellphone to cellphone outside the providers network.  So what they're doing operates on something like a peer to peer mesh that they can requisition your phone for at any time.  The RF field is immediately obvious once you've become aware of it once.  And you can't miss the battery drain it causes.

   But I have that backwards.

   We stare at our cellphones on a daily basis and tell each other the batteries been draining faster than normal.  We're aware there's a problem but no one knows enough to find the cause.

   There are perception filters all around this.

   How do I know those things?

   I had a front row seat when it was used this morning. 

   So I have no idea how to get out of a program that doesn't exist.

   Knowing what it's about makes me all the more happy to try and destroy it.

   If that can't be done then a lot more people will continue to be hurt by it.

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