Monday, September 28, 2020


   There's a hotel in Westport that I was drawn back to many times over the course of several weeks.

   It started when I was there to drop off a box with a friend's things.  While walking back to the car I suddenly heard what sounded like a voice speaking out of thin air around my head.  The effect was similar to a parametric speaker.  The voice said "put the box down and we'll make sure he gets it".  It was a little weird.  But it wasn't the first time something like that had happened.

   While in a parking garage at work the same effect happened and I heard a voice loudly say "thanks for letting us know it was too loud".  Why would I hear a voice the same way both at work and a hotel?

   I have no idea.  But around that time a few people made comments about community outreach.

   Another time I went back with the box and when I got back in my vehicle to leave 2 men in uniforms ran up and one yelled "what's your name?".  The uniforms they had on looked like police uniforms but they weren't behaving like police.

   When I said my name the same guy said "that's not him" or "he's not the guy" and both of them ran across the parking lot to a neighboring hotel.

   While writing this I realized I'd recently seen the guy who asked my name.  If I remember correctly he's the same officer I walked up to and seemed to startle after stopping 20 feet away and saying it was good to see officers in their vehicles again.  He acted like the sound of my voice surprised him (that doesn't seem likely) which caused him to jump.  He had an embarrassed and sheepish look on his face when he turned around.

   Going back to the hotel there was a period of several weeks during the middle of the year when something was being done with the Power Lines in the immediate area around the hotel.  There was a strange buzzing staticky sound in the air for several blocks around the hotel.  I could make out the sound of people talking in that sound.  I could make out 2 things that were:

  • "want to see what happens next?"
  • "wait to see what happens"

   Another night I went back and could hear the same sounds in the air.  This time I was standing outside the building when a guy came down the stairs and started walking towards a convenience store.  He had a stunned and shocked look on his face and didn't seem to be walking normally.  He got to the corner of the convenience store when I heard a voice in the static say "get back here".  He turned and started back towards the hotel.

   You'd almost think the people I knew who found ways to work "zombie apocalypse" into conversations with me had inside knowledge.

   But the most likely explanation I've heard so far...

   The hotel was being used for some kind of training.

   All I can say is everything about it seems backwards.

The people I know with answers won't give them when asked.  So I have a few Questions.

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