Monday, October 12, 2020

Subliminal Manipulation

   I mentioned something that was said by a friend in the post Perception.  Some months passed before I texted them about it.  Here's the text (please excuse the typos):

   "When this kind of subliminal manipulation is used it can get by the person it's used really easily. You need to draw on everything you know, say, and do up until then to recognize it. Here's the worst part: If it has the desired effect and the person target says or does whatever the manipulation was attempting - and it's not recognized - the person thinks it was them. If they said or did whatever it must have been them, right? It couldn't possibly have been anything else (even though it was pushed/forced/manipulated in them).  If the person decides it was them then it becomes a part of them. It's becomes a part of who they think they are.  It's also called behavioral manipulation. [edit: oops. meant behavioral modification]  And I want to do everything I can to make sure it's known that this is what's being done to people without them knowing.  Loss of free will."

   People change.  I know that.

   But I'd been watching people I know change over time in a way that was disturbing.  It was happening word-by-word and action-by-action.  I was watching them turn into different people with every word or action that started off "out of character".

   You might be wondering how that could be done without the person being aware of it.

   It goes back to Power Lines and a sound that isn't really being "heard".

   Here's a what-if scenario for you to consider...

   Suppose you were a private investigator and had a suspect.  Having a confession from them means you did your job and caught the person responsible.

   What if you had a way to get answers from a suspect without them being aware of giving them?  

   Would you hesitate to use it that way?

   What if there was a small danger it could put words in a suspect's mouth instead of their answer?

   A confession is still gonna be seen as a confession, right?

   Seems like an incredible temptation to ignore.

The people I know with answers won't give them when asked.  So I have a few Questions.

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