Friday, September 25, 2020


    I'm not an entomologist.  I know very little about crickets,  But they aren't the reason for this post.  Neither is Radar.

   The reason is to establish what a cricket sounds like.  Then whatever isn't a cricket can remain unidentified.

   I definitely have that backwards.

   The goal is to:

  1. Make a list of cricket-like recordings.
  2. Identify the recordings that ARE crickets.
  3. Remove those cricket recordings from the list.
  4. Identify the recordings that are left.
   Sounds simple, right?


   If it was there wouldn't be so many versions of what the Cuban diplomats heard at their embassy.

   [SPOILER:  2 of the recordings were made with a bone conduction microphone.  The rest were recorded with a Sony voice recorder microphone.]

   Anyone want to identify which 2 recordings were the following?
  • Not recorded using a normal voice microphone (because they weren't audible)
  • Have precise repeating elements (so indicate an artificial source)
  • Might be related to Power Lines.
  The answer won't surprise you.

   At least it shouldn't.

The people I know with answers won't give them when asked.  So I have a few Questions.

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