Friday, September 25, 2020


   Only diplomat's have full immunity to consequences from their actions.  That extends even to being handcuffed.

   It's not allowed

   So it's not surprising they're appointed by a state or country itself.

Very cool link:

   When you consider what a diplomat does you probably don't expect to run into one on the street.

   You might have that backwards.

   Given the status of a diplomatic appointment you might not expect them to be common.

   You also might have that backwards.

   There's been an ongoing effort in our country to inventory, catalog, and associate in ways that bother some.  I tend to agree with them.

   And it's hard to believe programs started decades ago then quietly transformed will keep their secrets forever.  Especially when those directly affected are misled.

   Not to change the subject... but I recently heard something about reporters needing more immunity.  It was along the lines of full diplomatic immunity for specific areas they may be covering.  A reporter would have to apply and have it granted for: 

  • A limited time (could be extended if needed).
  • Very limited scope (anything outside that would have no immunity).
  • Full public disclosure once it expired.
   I think freedom of the press should be treated with that kind of importance.

   And it may take that kind of immunity to locate our economists.

The people I know with answers won't give them when asked.  So I have a few Questions.

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