Tuesday, September 29, 2020


   There are several phrases we use when describing someone who starts thinking they're better than someone else.  Most of them are cutting but that's the intent.  Their purpose is to bring a person's ego back down to ground level.

   Whether the topic is sports, work, family, or wealth (anything we try to get better at)  there's a phrase that fits perfectly:

   "Never believe your own press."

   When the topic is hypnosis or schizophrenia the phrase gains a deeper level of meaning.  Both of those can involve our own inner voice. And it's about as literal an example of "our own press" that exists.

    Why does that phrase fit so well?

    Because the voices someone diagnosed with schizophrenia hears and the voices someone can be made to hear with hypnosis both have the same source.  You can look at them as being literally your own press (assuming your voices are friendly).  When they aren't friendly...  well you may have a Gang Stalking problem. 

   You might be wondering how friendly voices could be bad.

   It's a serious problem because anything that compliments, praises, or pats you on the back without an opposing viewpoint will ultimately do you harm.

   None of us have arrived at being perfect where all feedback is positive.

   None of us ever will.

   If you seem to have arrived...  find an opposing viewpoint.

The people I know with answers won't give them when asked.  So I have a few Questions.

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