Thursday, September 17, 2020


   [NOTE: There are 2 words below that should link to other posts.  Those posts haven't been published yet.  I've gotten things a little out of order.  Will update the links when the posts are published.]

    Have you ever heard the phrase "he who has ears, let him hear"?  That phrase is from the bible and it has a specific meaning.  It's become relevant in another context because of technology

   That last statement is backwards.

   Technology has made using our ears less and less necessary.

   When you factor in how online social networks have displaced real ones, it's worse.

   It hardly matters we've been Isolated [need to update with the link] by rumors of the flu.  Most communication now is made through haptics.  That would be the feedback you get from tapping on your cellphone or tablet's keyboard (it's meant to emulate the feel of pressing a real key but it's off Target [need to update with link]).

   The feedback we get from haptics let's us know a finger found the right key.  We can still tap just fine without the feedback.  Supposedly we can't with the same precision.

   And it's feedback from communication directly with each other that we're losing.  It's a little more important than hitting a key on a keyboard.  Without it we lose something in the way of Tone.

   Have you ever misunderstood what was said by a text?

   Maybe thought the intent was one thing but you had it backwards?

   It's easier to just ask someone directly than try to read between every line.

The people I know with answers won't give them when asked.  So I have a few Questions.

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