Friday, October 16, 2020


About the blog

   Say you want to humiliate and embarrass someone you didn't like.  They may or may not have done anything to you.  If you're petty or vindictive that won't matter.

   We should probably include anything they may or may not have done to someone you care about.  In those cases it can feel as though it was done directly to you.  Once you have all your excuses and justifications in order...

   You might be wondering about the best way to inflict embarrassment and humiliation on someone?

   It might not be what you think.

   You could always use the mental illness attack.  It doesn't have to be one based on aging or infirmity either.  The mental illness doesn't have to be real.  You just need to suggest it often enough, in front of enough people, enough times that it starts to tinge their own perspective.

   Some examples would be:
  • Don't be creepy (that's backwards and there's a reason).
  • Stop stalking my friends (to be used after introducing the person to your friends)
  • Stop stalking me (to be used when the person stops giving you attention for any reason).
  • You're a sociopath. (only when they're helping others).
  • You're a psychopath (best used for texts in the middle of night and always catch them off guard by doing this for no reason).
   You can slowly take a toll on them this way.  Including others to maximize the damage can be effective and might "make perfect sense" to who you involve.  But if you're in a hurry even that might not be good enough.  Only something that can trigger wild or whipsaw behavior can achieve what you want to do.

   For that you'll need a little hypnosis.

   Which means you either need the ability to use ultrasound, infrasound, or RF to bypass the conscious part of the mind or you need to put them in a hypnotic trance.

   You might be wondering how to do that.

   It means you need the ability to use ultrasound, infrasound, but probably not RF to put them in a hypnotic trance.

    This also goes back to... Conditioning.

   It also puts you at a safe distance.

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