Monday, September 14, 2020


About the blog

[NOTE:  This post is about Dissociation.  It is NOT intended to help someone actually trigger an EMP using cellphones.  The amount of detail below is much less than what's already available online.]

   If you’ve read other posts you might notice a theme.  Things we perceive can be backwards and our Cell Phones like to misbehave.  That could be the theme of the blog from one point of view (there are others).

   We are able to look at a situation, written article, or person and see them from more than one perspective.  It's related to Empathy.

   Sometimes we need to re-frame a situation or idea to get good perspective on it.

   Take the problem I’ve described with cellphones.  Let's assume I haven’t imagined that our cellphones can switch the output of their antennas from digital to analog.  The implication being they can output more power with quicker response times.

   What happens when those details make their way into a bad guys hands?

   What would it take to trigger a large number of cell phones at once?

   At the maximum output each could?

   Are we each carrying around a small piece of a giant EMP?

[NOTE: Same disclaimer as above.  This is meant to show how cellphones are both directly and indirectly able to cause dissociation.  It is NOT meant to provide enough detail for someone to actually do it.  And it does NOT provide enough detail for someone to do it.]

   Generating a Large Scale EMP from Small Scale Devices

  • Develop a simple, free, and best in class app (anything not too complicated) for distribution in each platform's respective app store.
    • Follow each app store's rules for security, data handling, and privacy TO THE LETTER.
    • Do not code the app to reach out to servers without permission.  Actually don't code it to do that at all.  Push the date and time to the device when setting a countdown to an EMP.
  • An EMP traveling across the continental United States will cover the 2800 miles (4,506,163 m) in about [well crap how about you do the math] at about 90 km/s so synchronization of each cell phone is important.
    • Each phone must power up and discharge precisely to transfer EM to the wave front when it passes as efficiently as possible.
    • Don't synchronize using existing infrastructure.
    • Use smaller EMPs from groups of cellphones to create a private network for synchronization prior to the event.
    • Use GPS location data from the phone's current location to synchronize the private network.
  • Initiate the EMP from a cellphone dense location (NY if aiming west, LA if aiming east)
    • Stagger the cellphone power up and discharge to coincide with the wave front as it passes each device.
   By the time it travels from one edge of the continent to the other (gaining power as it goes) it should be powerful enough to circle the globe.  Without being able to know the number of cellphones available at the time you can't estimate the EMPs effect.  But it should be able to dissociate everyone on the first pass.

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