Friday, September 18, 2020


   How would you like to suddenly be hit with an analog pulse of EM from a cellphone?  What about dozens of times in a day?  I can't think of  a good reason.  I also can't think of a reason for intentionally doing that to someone.  But 2 people were targeted with this in my apartment. 

Makes me angry to read link:

  In one instance I got back from work and found a friend hunched over in a chair unable to talk.  The look on his face is something I can't forget.  I thought someone he knew must have passed way.  He wasn't able to explain what happened.  Couldn't find words at all.  And hours went by before he started moving around.
   Over the course of months his personality slowly changed and his demeanor changed with it.  He stopped being friendly and eventually became antagonistic and angry.

   The other instance happened as a friend and I were stepping out of my apartment building.  I felt the pulse but he didn't seem to.  Within seconds I noticed a look of confusion and disorientation on his face.  He regained his balance and walked to his car.  The change in his personality was noticeable the next day.

   Whoever's behind it has thought out a way to attack people that's nearly impossible to detect or be aware of.  Trying to apply Occam's razor end's up leading no where.  And the way it's being done is sickening.

   They find someone to single out but start by hurting their friends and family first.  The person gets to watch those around him or her change without realizing it.  Even worse is trying to explain what the person is seeing happen to others.

   What those pulses from a cell phone did was concussive and caused a dissociation in the person targeted.  The dissociation may be perceived differently from person to person but it's still horrible.

   What's also a dissociation?  A hypnotic trance.

   And until a person recovers from the dissociation they're open to suggestion as if they were in a hypnotic trance.

   Now I'm concerned every square inch of my apartment hasn't become magnetized by accident.  I'm in a ground floor, concrete slab unit with an AC magnetic field permeating the place.  I've called Ameren to have them check it out.  I had an electrician inspect things a few months ago and that person said it was normal.

   Seems unlikely.

The people I know with answers won't give them when asked.  So I have a few Questions.

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