Monday, August 31, 2020


    This post is a placeholder.  It's a reminder to me where the previous posts are ultimately aimed.  It's a spoiler to those reading that this blog has a purpose:

   For what it may depend on me to make sure no one is allowed to force the things I've described on another person.

   It's important.  Very little exaggeration.

   And it doesn't feel like going out on a limb to say those accustomed to using the things I've described won't happily give them up.


    This isn't the kind of post I planned to make.  Whenever there has been something I've heard a voice say I try to describe how it seemed to have been done and explain it.  I'm just putting down what I heard a voice say this time:

   'You'll see him walking around outside like he's thinking about how his life got to this point.'

   'Then you'll see him start smiling when he realizes he got away with it.'

   'He won't call maintenance when he needs to because he's afraid they'll find the murder weapon'

   And then somewhere between those statements there was also an:

   'Aren't you going to write this down?'

   It's about as disturbing as anything I've heard so far.  I can even almost match it up as a description of me.

  • I walk around outside often smoking.
  • I would have been doing that with an unnatural grin if I hadn't become aware of a stream of subliminal attempts to cause me to smile involuntarily (first time i became aware of it was at work then always at my apartment).
  • I hate to be a squeaky wheel and call maintenance...  and have several things that need to be fixed.
   Then while I was writing this I planned to mention tomorrow I'm going to request a police report that involved a friend.  As I was writing it down the words "police report" were changed into "murder report" in my head.

   Yesterday I didn't know what kind of report I needed to request.

   However and whoever is responsible for what I hear isn't nearly as important as putting a stop to it.  If I had tried to break down what I heard instead of just writing it I might have been able to explain what parts where from me and what parts seemed to be external.

   But I can't be the only one affected by it.

Sunday, August 30, 2020


    I fully realize i'm about to seem paranoid.  Worse than that it's probably going to involve finger pointing.  Which means if I'm wrong I'll be accusing someone that's only guilty of bad timing.

   If you've skimmed over the post [name here] you're aware my cell phone took on extracurricular activities at some point.  I probably forgot to mention this was the root cause of nearly all the weird things I've experienced.

   And it has been going on since the very beginning (I don't know how much time has passed now).

   If you're asking how that was possible for this long...  I don't blame you.  At some point I'll make an attempt to elaborate.

   But on this one occasion while driving I felt a sensation across my back (will just call it strange for now).  My first reaction was to look around the vicinity for the cause.  There were 2 vehicles on the road behind me.

   One kept driving and passed me without hesitation.

   The other stayed back a couple thousand feet and paced me.

   For some reason I don't have an answer for my awareness was shifted to my cellphones in the car at the same moment I realized the car behind me was keeping it's distance.  Actually I misspoke.  I knew the car still behind me was related and knew it was keeping it's distance at the same moment I became aware of the cellphones.

    That makes no sense and can't be possible on it's own (I didn't realize that would need further explaining when I typed it... oops).

   But my reaction was to change lanes and slow down so the vehicle would pass me.

   Except it was pretty clear they did  not want to pass me.

   Not even when I slowed to 15 mph in a 35 mph.

   I would have stopped my car and parked it in the street at that point but they started to speed back up and passed me.

   I added the license plate number to the handful noted from similar circumstances, saw the vehicle was a BMW SUV, and went on.

   It was either that same night or the following night someone broke curfew that won't be named (it was me) to get an ice cream bar from a convenience store.

   As I drove passed the entrance I normally take to the apartment complex I saw a vehicle parked 50 feet farther down with it's headlights on and engine running (it was about 11:30 pm should it ever matter).

   The shape was familiar but it didn't register as being the same make and model until I already drove passed, stopped, and backed up until I could see the rear license plates.

   Sorry to make this post a long one but I had the strong feeling I was looking at the very same vehicle again.   It's not a vehicle made once and never again.  It's not the most rare vehicle on the road.  I don't know how many are driven in our area.

   But if it's ever important I can provide both license plate numbers.


   It was several months after starting my current job when I started practicing tennis in the courts by Barnes Jewish Hospital.  I couldn't tell you why I started going there.  But the courts were never busy so it worked out fine.  Oh and this post has nothing to do with tennis.

   One day practicing my serve in front of the hospital I had 3 guys ask me to join them for doubles.  I don't get many invitations.  At all.  And if you're reading this you know why.  But no matter how many times I replay that invitation in my memory it looks legit.  I can't find anything suspicious  or any red flags.

   There's nothing out of the ordinary at all.

   There really isn't.

   But a part of me keeps saying there is and why don't I see it?

   I have no reason to say anything but nice things about those 3 guys.  I was happy to be playing tennis against other people and not a wall.  Before they finished playing and went home one of them mentioned going to bars.

   And that was it.

   Except 1 of the guys gave me his number and we setup a time to play tennis again.

   There aren't any power lines involved in this post but it gets just as strange.  It started a week prior to playing doubles with the 3 guys (so back up just a little).  Something was said in a conversation at work that stuck with me.

   It wasn't said to me and probably had nothing to do with this situation.

   What was mentioned was making use of "outside help".  Pretty silly comment to get stuck on but that's the one.  And now red flags all over the place...

   My new tennis partner wanted to talk about:

  • Work
    • He definitely didn't like his boss (though when he finished talking negatively about him he specifically said he liked his boss)
    • Said his boss "didn't know what he was doing".
  • Health
    • Seemed to want to discuss my health insurance though - not his.
    • Mentioned marijuana and there being other/worse things that he should or shouldn't do.
   Now that I've made this list I  have a guess as to what he was up to...

   He was making suggestions.

   Extremely roundabout suggestions about topics he wanted to influence me on.

   He was there as a warning.

   Something I tend to like when someone cares enough to walk up and explain a warning as it's given.
   You can safely assume I strongly disliked him being used that way.   He didn't like being used to do it  either (maybe he was compensated in some way for being nice and asking me to play tennis?) and I don't think he knew any more than I did.

   Why do I think he was doing someone else's work for them?

   Right after he won the first X out of Y sets (it's been a few years and I don't remember those actual numbers) and made so many odd suggestions I asked to play again.  Except I asked without trying out the question in my head a few times first.  So what I asked him was:

   "You want to try it again?"

   He reacted immediately in the most confusing and backward way.
  • Turned even whiter.
  • Eye's opened in surprise and framed the perfect deer-in-the-headlights look.
  • Then froze in place where he stood.
   I immediately felt like I needed to clarify so added something about a rematch at tennis.

   He blinked and was fine.

   We played a few more sets but didn't try to setup another time.

   I only saw him 1 other time after that.

   Where was that and why does it matter you ask?

   It was as I walked up to my office building at work.  He literally crossed paths with me (probably not by accident).  As a matter of fact I laughed as I saw him.  He had shaved so looked very different.  He also jogged a memory as he walked by of some sasquatch footage where the person in costume walked out of frame.

   So now I have several friends who are barely acquaintances.

   And they started giving me odd suggestions just like my temporary tennis partner did:
  • "Moustaches are bad"
  • Something about "Daddy issues"
  • "Red eyes" are caused by all kinds of things
  • "Be transactional" - that I should give things with value in exchange for asking for anything
   With that kind of list you'd think I was born in the 70's.

   But the point is that someone else knew what had been done to me way before I did.

   It might have been nice to be told.

   A card goes through the mail for 20-some cents (make your own card to save on the cost).  An email goes through the series of pipes nearly instantaneously (nothing to save on).

   That someone didn't seem to have any issues letting other people know.  By which I mean sending them to my apartment full of suggestions.  All things that made no sense in a realistic or logical context.
   But like so many details I might have the point of that backwards.

   Maybe those someone(s) who know what was done to me and others would like to make their presence known.

Friday, August 28, 2020


-    Our phones aren't exactly being honest with us.  If you have an iPhone you're already more than aware of this though.

Relevant link:

   But that's not what I'm referring to.  Even Android phones will count down to 0% charge then shut down with there being quite a bit of charge remaining.

   Why does that matter?

   Because our phone's can still be used to do... other things... even when they show no charge and are powered off.

   Remember the post about Vehicles?

   I was hearing things while driving that weren't road noise or wind.  One of the things I tried doing while driving was to turn the phone off and on.

   What did that accomplish?

   I found out there was a maybe a minute or 2 after turning off the phone where I stopped hearing those extra things.  Could only hear road noise and wind for that brief period of time.

   Then there seemed to be a hand off and the phone operated regardless.

   Why did those extra things I was hearing stop?  What was the phone up to then?

   That's the only thing I can tell you for sure.

   For that minute or 2 the phone actually wasn't doing anything.

Saturday, August 22, 2020


    There's an unfinished post I'd like to revisit here.  I'm not sure why I added it to the blog without finishing it (i'll blame that on my unconscious).  The reason seems to be so I wouldn't forget to finish it when the time was right.

   That unfinished post was Night Terrors.

   It's the topic that seems like the last I should write about.

   I don't know where that perception is from though.

   My cellphone has been...  let's say misbehaving recently.  The battery has become miserable at staying charged.  When I'm near the cellphone and experiencing a certain brand of tinnitus I can't receive calls.

   The cellphone doesn't ring on my end.

   The antenna seems to be busy doing something else.

   What is causing that brand of tinnitus?  It appears to be nearby object made of metal that are vibrating in response to something outside my perception.

   But that's not why this is about Night Terrors.

   It's an documented feature of out cellphones at work.  And before we were using cellphones it was done using different components tied into the electrical infrastructure.  How does a person experience it?

   Through a perception of being restrained or held down.

   When is the most common time it's activated?

   At night time when we're asleep.

   What part of our mind is most aware of what's occurring?

   Out unconscious.

   How does it respond when assaulted like this?

   Something akin to post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

   How do you know that this is true?

   I'm asking the unconscious part of your mind to make you aware in a way you can understand.


    My cellphone battery issues have been solved.  It wasn't the number of apps installed.  It wasn't the number of things I was trying to do at one time.

   I wasn't asking too much of the phone.

   But someone else was.

   All I had to do was start storing my phone in a metal cookie tin.  Whenever I'm not using it that's where it stays.  How big a difference has it made?

   The battery lasts twice as long now.  Go figure.

   If I knew enough about cellphones to ask it why, I would.  But I definitely don't.  The software on Android and iPhones would be complicated enough on their own to max out my patience.  But when people are involved I'd be making too many assumptions about how the software's being used.

   For now I'm happy to leave it in a cookie tin.

Friday, August 21, 2020


    Sometime in the last few weeks an idea was planted in my mind.  Another way of saying that is an idea was put in my thoughts.

   It wasn't my idea.

   I was pretty much appalled by everything about it.

  The idea was to only help someone if they did something in return.  So a favor for a favor.

   Name your favor.

  A guest was at my apartment recently and I started to mention the idea to him.  He cut me off before I could finish explaining it wasn't actually my idea.  This is what he said (I may not have it exactly word for word):

   "That's transactional.  Everything you do is already transactional."

  Now I hadn't looked up the definition of transactional at that point.  But something about his matter-of-fact statement didn't sound right.  In fact, he couldn't give an example to support his statement.

   And he started getting angry when asked to back it up.

   His proof that I was already transactional?

   "Other people think the same thing."

   I definitely couldn't argue over that.  I didn't know who these other people were or what they had said.  But he used that statement a couple more times to deflect requests to give examples.

   So now I wasn't sure if I was transactional or not so I looked up the definition.  It's not complicated and seemed to directly address the next statement he made.

   Definition of transactional : something transacted.  especially: an exchange or transfer of goods, services, or funds.

   After I read the definition to my guest he tried to find an example to fit (he must not have known what it meant when he accused me of it). 

   His example?

   I "buy people things so they'll spend time with" me.

   His supporting details?  Earlier that same day I helped him pay to have his phone repaired.

   Does he realize he has it completely backwards?


    I just had a guest at my apartment.  For him to leave I had to call 911.  But he had intended that before he arrived here.

   Someone warned me he had an ulterior motive to be around me.  I had no reason to believe that was false.  Someone warned me he needed something(s) from my apartment first.  Will probably find out if that's true.

   He told me a few times that he was petty and vindictive.  It was said in what seemed like a warning/threatening way that was as backward as anything I've ever heard.

  But I'm not sure that it's true.

   What I do know is when it was time to take him home he grabbed the chance to turn a disagreement into a temper tantrum into damaging property.

   Why'd he do that.

   I heard a voice clear him to do all that.

   Because initially he settled back into his chair and made his posture as threatening as he could.  He escalated by raising his voice to get me to back down.  His intent signaled there would be physical violence if  I started moving his things outside.

   I don't think his unconscious mind was bluffing but I still ignored it.

   As I started toward the washer/dryer to gather his things is when i heard a voice say something directed at him.  It sounded directional in nature as in someone would have to be very close by him to catch it.

   I was close enough.

   My guests expression immediately changed from anger that dared me to do anything to a calculating/maneuvering look. And he jumped up and got to the laundry ahead of me.

   Who was it that directed him to find a reason to be in my apartment?

   Why did they go to the trouble?

   The phrase "canary in the coal mine" isn't quite accurate.

   But if I had to guess there's a concerted effort to catalog, inventory and associate going on.

   Whoever's pulling the strings on that has some extra explaining to do.

    It's not what that they were expecting.


About the blog.

   How do you go about getting someone to think their mind is being controlled?  All you need to do is "get ahead" of them.

   It's both simple and sneaky.

   For the sneaky side of the equation there's a perfect technology. Our military found it was effective in subliminally influencing those it was used on.  And it maintained effectiveness as long they didn't become are of it.

   Just think power lines again and check eBay for the best deal.

   I can't tell you much more about your purchase though.  There are several options for generating the right type of RF field and modulation or the perfect parametric speaker or infrasound generator.  You might even find something to plug right into a home or building's existing structure.

   You might be wondering what the next step is now that you've acquired the right equipment to "get ahead" of someone?

   It's easy.

   They're all tricks of awareness.

   First of all you're bypassing the normal 5 senses so little chance of your target catching on. Just use the lowest volume setting you have that your target can still perceive and you can:

  • Plant a thought or idea on their mind (put something in their thoughts)
  • Remove a thought or idea from their mind (works on memories too)
  • Trigger a spontaneous action
  • Condition their mind to do things like hear voices
  • Contain and restrict them using their own mind and awareness

   Be sure to do those as suggestions (keep in mind there's always 2 - 1 to distract and 1 to suggest).  It helps if you know a few things about the person already.  But that's so you don't try to manipulate them in a way they recognize as external (otherwise they might starting talking about alien thoughts).

   That can trigger awareness of what's being done.

   It's the only defense.

   All the things listed above have a time limit.  A planted thought or idea may seem great at first.  A thought, idea, or memory removed by being hidden from their awareness will be remembered again.  As long as they resisted taking an action it won't become a part of who they believe they are. And they will be let out of any containment or restriction.

   The problem is things could go differently when the person isn't aware.  A planted thought or idea could be incorporated into who they believe they are. A thought, idea, or memory hidden from their awareness could be forgotten and lost from who they believe they are. Actions aren't something you can take back.  And someone's mind can be warped by confinement and restriction.

   Just make sure you use the lowest volume setting.

   If you have to thank your target for letting you know it's too loud...

   It ruins the mystery.


    We all have people around us that don't quite make sense.  It may be due to their motives.  But it's not that difficult to identify someone whose actions and words don't match.  When you compare only those 2 things about a person:

  • Actions = 1
  • Words = 1
  The total should always be:

       Truth = 2

   When someone's actions and words don't match exactly you have a problem.

   It's simple but we tend to flub the math when other factors weigh in.

   I'm referring to how most people would like to be seen as complicated and mysterious.

   Nearly everyone wants that (up to a certain level of maturity) but absolutely no one is either of those things.  We're all simple and we're all boring.  Make the most of it.

   One last thing.  The post about Diagram mentioned there's always 2 voices.

   There's deeper meaning in that.

   When you have a conversation with someone you might not be aware that each of you have 2 voices.
   The first voice says polite, social, weather related things to the other.

   Those are just distractions.

   The second communicates without our notice, faster than we can think, and makes few mistakes.

   Which one do you think recognizes ulterior motives?


 This post is important but only to someone who finds themselves in the same situation I'm in.  You might think you're own mind has turned against you.  You might think you're losing your mind if you're hearing voices.  You might also find that logic and reason are leading you to answers that are backwards.

   Here's what you need to remember.

   There are always 2 voices.

   There's 1 you're meant to hear and 1 you're not:

  • That one you're always hearing?  You were conditioned to hear it and others like it because they're a distraction.  Literally a way to occupy your attention so you don't notice that other voice speaking.
  • That other voice - you're not aware of it yet - is a hypnotist and is suggesting all kinds of things you don't want to end up doing.

   For a recap...

   You don't want to listen to any voice in your head that's narrating, observing,  criticizing, or anything along those lines.

   You want to listen to the hypnotist.


   Because if you can consciously hear that voice it means you stopped it from reaching your unconscious mind.  That's all it takes to stop it.

   If you're not able to do that your best bet is awareness

   I'd recommend the shortcut.

  There's a pretty big list of potential suggestions you just avoided.  Here's a few you don't want to make it through:

  • Anytime he/she becomes aware of you, let him/her forget it.
  • Anytime he/she becomes aware of what you're doing, hide it from them.
  • Whatever you think you know is wrong, let him/her forget and start over.
So now you have the diagram for how it works.

Except I said that backwards.


    Recently I became aware of a program being run in this country that operates below the radar.  I'm still in the dark about most of the details but it seems geared toward non-violent, socially undesirable offender type categories of people in their 20s and 30s.

   They use variants on existing technologies both to hide their activities and to make them harder to evade and defeat.  It's security through obscurity and obfuscation (backward-ness).

  How do I know the program exists?

  I was erroneously "enrolled" in it  (at least I think it was an accident).

   What does that mean?

   My apartment is now connected into a network of homes that are monitored.  There's a prickly staticky RF field throughout my apartment.  It's strongest in the bathroom (that sensation really helps when using the toilet) and in my living room (same sensation when sitting on the couch).  One way I hear voices has to do with that RF field.  I can hear voices in it whenever it's on.  I seem  to have been conditioned for that.  The RF field is now on round- the-clock and I'm paying the power bill.

   Pet peave of mine... being told to stand up (and be counted) by a voice I hear in my own apartment like i'm in a prison cell.

   What other tecbniques are used to "guide" younger people on the right path?

   Subliminal perception and hypnosis.

   Oh yes.  Tbey're attempting behavioural modification on the programs members without permission (members don't get to decide whether they want to be in the program either).  Enrollment and orientation happen to be backwards.  Members aren't included in them.

   No, it doesn't count when you only ask the unconscious part of the mind.

   Where I'm from that's a cop out intended to avoid an answer you don't want to hear.

   Have I mentioned the people running it are evil?

   How do I know that?

   A quick assessment of their program leaves no doubt.

   Nearly all of their technological capabilities are based on RF and cellphones.  So I wouldn't be surprised if what I've been experiencing as harassment are some of Nikola Tesla's own discoveries and inventions.  And I don't understand how it's being done but probably need to add cellphones to the list of ways to enable that 6th sense.

   They can also activate any cellphone in a particular vicinity and generate that same RF field locally to the cellphone.  It appeared to connect from cellphone to cellphone outside the providers network.  So what they're doing operates on something like a peer to peer mesh that they can requisition your phone for at any time.  The RF field is immediately obvious once you've become aware of it once.  And you can't miss the battery drain it causes.

   But I have that backwards.

   We stare at our cellphones on a daily basis and tell each other the batteries been draining faster than normal.  We're aware there's a problem but no one knows enough to find the cause.

   There are perception filters all around this.

   How do I know those things?

   I had a front row seat when it was used this morning. 

   So I have no idea how to get out of a program that doesn't exist.

   Knowing what it's about makes me all the more happy to try and destroy it.

   If that can't be done then a lot more people will continue to be hurt by it.

Thursday, August 20, 2020


    Until the post on Voices I hadn't considered either of these 2 events to be threats.   Now I'm not as sure.

   They're both confusing.

   Both are situations I was glad to be away from.

   I'll note what happened while assuming they weren't a form of threat that used minors (I don't know if either young person present was a minor but seemed likely).

   Aside from becoming uncomfortable trying to describe these, whoever was responsible for them has me in disbelief.  Maybe they took advantage of the timing to make their threat.

   First incident was at a YMCA.  I was walking toward the building exit when a teenager stopped and looked at me as I walked by.  All he said was "someone could get hurt".  But he said it in a halting way that struck me as funny.  He was acting.

   I walked out to my car and walked out a little ways behind me and got in his.

   The second incident was at a different YMCA.  After showering I was getting dressed when a teenager opened a locker beside me.  He never said anything.  But I could hear a voice from one of the lockers in his direction that sounded recorded.

   What was said?  The same kind of lewd disgusting things I'd heard from the 2 voices.

   I was sitting down when that started and stood up thinking I couldn't have just heard that.

   But I did hear it.  No one else gave any indication they did.

   What did I see when I stood up?

   2 rows of lockers in front of me there was a gentleman standing.  He was looking directly at me like he knew I was about to be standing there.

   His expression was pure hate.

   His face was twisted.

   He wanted me to see him.

   Who was he?

   Wish I knew.


    My neighbor situation just reminded me when I was visiting a friend and his personal privacy was violated.  If I had to guess it was done the same way my privacy's been violated for 3+ years.

    Who was that showed knowledge of things they shouldn't have been aware of?  They knew considerably more about that home than I did until the next day?

   It was 2 voices.

   They were 2 people directly speaking.

   But their words were forced into my perception and couldn't be shut out.

   My friend had retired for the night with a guest.  I went to sleep on the couch.  Within about 30 minutes one voice started speaking than another.  They weren't polite.  They weren't respectful.

   They were disgusting.

   And lewd.

   You might be wondering what they were saying?

   How about "aren't you wondering what's going on in the bedroom?!?" and then "why don't you go look in??".  It wasn't something I was about to do.  None of my business and not my home.

   But the voices didn't stop.  They kept offering bits and pieces of details that had to be made up.

   Were they some part of me expressing a desire to look in the room.

   No.  They definitely were not.

   The next day I was surprised to learn that the voices didn't lie.  They were approximately telling the truth while trying to keep me from minding my own business.

   Besides being able to see or hear their way into a home, the part they were playing seemed clear.


   I'm very curious who they were.

   But that's because of 2 events from the last couple years that seem to have their fingerprints on them.

   I guess I should say their voices.


    The apartment above me has been acting strange with the last couple renters.  Is it the apartment?  I really doubt it.  It's not like anyone's modifying the building's structure just to have a weird apartment.

   Knowing it's my apartment that's generating RF (which I assume is due to the AC magnetic field covering the entire floor) means the source can't be him.  Not that I was accusing him of being involved.

    I just had things backward again.

   What does that mean?

   There should be something above me that works as an RF reflector.  Could be an reflector antenna or a corner reflector.  When I feel and hear a high pitched squeal from above it's my own apartment being used to misdirect me.

   Why does the reflector seem to move at times?

   Why does it sound like something moving on rollers?  Hmmm.... maybe I have that backwards.

   But you'll have to ask my upstairs neighbor or whoever might be apartment sitting right now.

   When I asked him last week if he was the only one there he replied "Yes."

    When I asked if it was always him there he didn't reply.

   He might have caught whatever it is going around that keeps someone from being able to answer questions.

   But not to worry.

   It's not fatal.


   I'm taking a moment to sum things up...

   Am hoping somehow I've got it all backwards

   My apartment floor has an AC magnetic field that covers every square inch.  I seem to be paying the bill for that necessity.  My apartment has enough RF traveling through it to cause electronic devices to identify themselves through sound.  The voices I hear (with a fuzzy static background sound) in the apartment range from a voice that draws my attention to a voice playing the part of hypnotist to ones that sound like  people hiding their involvement.

   Did I mention my TV burned out the last time the magnetism from the floor peaked?

   It's actually not important at all.

   Being able to flip and switch and influence someone on an unconscious level is evil.

   And I've had it attempted on me day after day.  It's being done intentionally.  I've watched it being attempted on friends.

   And as though whoever's been doing it thought they might shift responsibility and call it a prank after 3+ years...  I've heard voices mocking a show named "Ghost Hunters".  Heard things like 'nothing you can buy is going to help you.'

   Here's some other things I distinctly remember:  'we're trying to tell you what's going on...'  but before the statement even finishes my awareness gets pulled to a different voice suggesting I hear 'well I guess he doesn't want to know'.  They haven't ever tried to explain what they're doing.  But they've tried to excuse it and redefine it in s pathological way.

   How about 'be patient' and 'we're working on it' and 'we're trying to figure out what to do with you'.  I didn't realize I was a problem that needed to be solved.  And I don't recall asking them for anything.

   They don't seem to want to stop harassing.

   And I'm not that interesting.


    Uhm... what happened to our police officers?  They couldn't have gone too far.  But night after night they aren't visible out in public.  I'm only exagegerating a little.

   Is training bringing them behind the scenes?

   Have hand's on methods been automated?

   Why have the last 7 or 8 officers I've run into seemed really ticked about something?

   With covid seeming more and more like an intentional distraction from the things we normally keep an eye on...  it feels like something was ready for covid before we'd heard of coronavirus.

   Hopefully it's not a passing reference to society kicking back while everyone is cataloged, documented, referenced and associations noted using the latest technology.

   Btw, there's been something that had the feel of new technology (new to me at least) disappearing around the city.  What gave away it's use?  A particular high pitched sound that left a tinnitus that was indistinguishable from it.

   How many places were there?  Several I knew of  - all are gone now.

   Does that ring any bells?

Wednesday, August 19, 2020


   The Russians were cool way before we were (say the 50's and 60's).  They experimented with something that seemed like telepathy at the time.

   Surprise surprise.

   We're back to power lines.

   It was given a futuristic name that seems dated now - psychotronics.  It actually works.  And I've mentioned it before without using that name.

    Why'd they give up on weaponizing it for any practical use?

   All it takes to beat is awareness.

    But like every great idea with the goal of manipulating the human mind it won't stay dead.

   It really needs to.

   What does it have to do with any of this?

   Quite a bit.


[NOTE:  I may post a few times with information without completing the post.  This is one of those.]   

   Your phone is no faster than you can throw it in anger.  But the powers of communication that be decided it needed an accelerometer.

   Why?  Because it's neat when you turn the phone and the screen flips.

   What else can the accelerometer do?  It allows fairly accurate measurements of a phone's movement in all 3 directions of movement.

   Why does that matter?  It matters because it's accurate enough to tell where your fingers are pressing as you use the phone.  That includes dialing numbers, texting someone,, or entering passwords for your accounts online.


   Still pretty neat?


    There's something strange about people who tell lies for no reason.  Maybe i'm just in awe of someone who would tell an easily caught lie rather than the truth.  Even more when the truth would have had a positive impact on the situation but the lie made it 10 times worse.  Only a pathological liar would know why.

   People like that seem to have a warped reality field around them.

   More specifically they have a warped perception of reality field that influences those around them.

   But how does that work?

   Have you heard of something called conversational hypnosis?  It's also called covert hypnosis.

   It might not even be real link:

   I haven't read a good explanation of how it works so I'll provide one.

   If you remember a post on Hypnosis and one on Dissociation I mentioned the 2 are linked.

   You might be wondering about the point of bringing that up.

   It's simple enough.  Every time someone tells you a lie - especially an obvious one - it causes a brief but exploitable moment of dissociation.

   That's it.

   And that's all it takes.

   Because in that brief moment a good liar will have made the lie seem like the truth.  Or in that moment a good liar will have made the lie unimportant.  Or in that moment some part of you will step in and smooth over what just happened in your mind.  All on behalf of the person who just lied to you.

   So now that you're aware...

   Liars beware.


   So far I've avoided giving any examples of what I was hearing schizophrenia-wise.  Partly because the content seems more incidental that relevant.  But mainly because it changed so much over time.

   Do I try to organize the things I wrote down by when they were heard?  Group them in categories?  Order them by complexity?

   I've decided to list the most interesting ones for now but in 2 groups:

  1. Talking in general (voices saying things to me or to each other)
  2. Requests or commands (they could also be called suggestions at times)

   I've already mentioned my opinion that a form of conditioning was used to create the voices.  There are 2 other ways it was possibly done but will bring them up another time (spoiler: parametric speaker using ultrasound and cellphone using infrasound).

   Some examples of talking in general:

  • Continuous narrative rambling as though someone was following me invisibly (a drone would be cool) and noting my every action.
  • Discussions that were about me or someone else.
  • Angry tirades to get me to listen or pay attention to something.
  • For a period of time there were many voices that tried to give me the impression that each was a different person living in Saint Louis and having a chance to influence me.
  • There was something about if I wanted to sue I'd have to sue the whole city.
  • Every once in awhile I'd hear a "no one's going to believe you" or "no one's going to help you".
   Some examples of requests or commands (suggestions):
  • Let us know where you are - or don't.  Your choice
  • Whatever you think you know up to this point is wrong/backwards.  Let him forget and start over
  • Before you leave, tell us where you're going
  • Let him hear yelling
  • Let it be his bosses voice
  • Let his awareness grab onto the next thing he hears and keep repeating it
  • Let him hear the last song he heard
  • Whenever he becomes aware he's tapping his cigarette, tap it twice
   Why did I list the suggestions above?

   Because they were working.

   How do I know that?

   Because tapping my cigarette had become a struggle for control over my own fingers for one.  And I would suddenly have a song playing in my head louder than anything before.  Thinking back I might have heard the song for a few seconds 2 or 3 days earlier.  And I had been wondering why I would involuntarily say where I was going out loud before leaving my apartment.

   Why was I hearing those suggestions now and not carrying them out.

   That's a little more complicated.


    Another post with the wrong title?  This topic doesn't seem to belong.

   Just another impression that's backwards.

Background link:

   Being able to manipulate someone's awareness underlies all my posts.  It's the reason we have crazy uncles running around saying they know for a fact that X and Y are related.  Or that A and B are important.

   What sci fi movie would be complete without a character raising the alarm and giving  reasons that don't logically add up (be sure to picture a shock of wild unkempt hair and uncut fingernails)?

   We know to immediately write someone's credibility off as soon as they go down that path.  Their logic makes no sense to us.  And it really doesn't make sense.

   The real problem is their logic makes no sense to them either.

   There's a reason for that.

   Anytime a person's awareness is manipulated it's technically hypnosis.

   That's been explained already and written about by sharp guys and gals.  Usually that requires someone in the role of hypnotist.  And the general belief when someone is hypnotized follows "we can't be made to say or do anything we don't want to".  If someone is hypnotized and jumps off a cliff when told then it's on them.  What kind of person would do that on command (oops... on suggestion)?

   Have you been beside someone else watching who said "it can't make you do anything you don't want to."  They might have also said "'i'd never go up there and embarass or humiliate myself".  How about "it wouldn't work on me".

   Have you seen a stage hypnotist show?

   Then you're aware what we know about hypnosis is a lie.

   Something that's not commonly known (at least I hadn't heard of it) is that hypnosis can be defined in terms of Dissociation.  Which is a way of saying anyone in a dissociated state is open to suggestions.

Dry reading link:

  Hypnosis is known as having some characteristics that help define it.  I think they're characteristics of our minds instead.  2 of those characteristics are:

  • Frame shifting - altering how someone perceives the context of something
  • Time shifting - altering how someone perceives the timing or order of something
   And together they can explain crazy uncles.

   So the only thing left to figure out?

   How do we remove the hypnotist as a requirement?


    You'd think this would be a positive post.  But you have it backwards.  This is about the worst kind of encouragement to throw out there.

   If you read through any of my earlier posts (and didn't stop) I was grasping all over the place to explain what seemed to be happening to me.  Occam's razor be damned.  It never seemed to help.

   Whenever there are people involved, Occam's razor is potentially worthless.


   Sharp guys and gals can intentionally create a situation where applying Occam's razor returns the wrong result.  Any given situation can be made to seem backwards.

   That brings us back to the post about my previous vehicle.  Something seemed to be reflecting on the LCD system display that caused my muscles (and eventually my throat and vocal cords) to tense up.  That seemed to exagerate the link we all have between thought and vocalization/subvocalization.

   It's a nice way of saying each thought I had tried to escape through my vocal cords.

   I'm pretty sure the device at the beginning of this is my cellphone.

   Turns out it's also the device at the end of it.

   Whenever I started to feel the tensing up - whether at work, at home, or in my car - I always had a cellphone with me.  But there's one detail about it that indicates more at work.

    The conditioned version of schizophrenia was already started by the time my muscles were tensing.  Voices would go on about one topic or another,. My awareness would get pulled into it unless something distracted me.  Then poof.

   Right at the point for me to respond either vocally or subvocally to what I was hearing the muscle tension vanished.  The cellphone quit what it was generating to cause it.

   What do I interpret that as?

   Our cellphones can't both induce us to talk on command and listen to us at the same time.


    This is about hair conditioner.  Sorry, it actually isn't (that's my sense of humor).  This is another post about what looks like schizophrenia on the surface.

   Up to this point I hadn't mention what was under the surface that gave me reason to suspect otherwise.  But it's a clear indicator that what I was hearing was caused on purpose.  What's the reason?

   Both the voices AND anything I vocalized/subvocalized back was scripted.

   It had been programmed in.

   I am sure.

   You should now be asking yourself how I could possibly know that.  Thankfully the answer is simple.  While driving back to Saint Louis after visiting my family I was having schizophrenia all over the place.  Except for me I had to fight to keep from repeating what I was hearing out loud.  Maybe that's normal.

   I also had to fight to keep from saying things in response to the voices I was hearing.  They weren't real so I wasn't going to spend time in conversation.

   But I never needed to consider what I was hearing or think about things to say back.  Instead I was fighting a constant stream of words from voices and words that seemed like they were supposed to me mine.

   About 2 hours into the drive I was exhausted by it.  Right about then something happened.  Hopefully it wasn't a stroke.  But both sides of what I was hearing disconnected from me and I was able to take a step back.

   I spent the next couple hours listening to a full back and forth in my head between voices that weren't there and a me that wasn't there.  But I didn't have to fight anymore to keep the words from coming out of my mouth.

   Some time, some were, someone had conditioned me to hear these things.

   Talk about loosening someone's tongue.

   Part of me seemed to be responding to voices unquestionably without thinking.

   And I don't like the sound of my own voice.

Tuesday, August 18, 2020


    This isn't the last post.   But my goal is to make people aware of whoever is responsible and how they go about making things not quite right here.  I don't have schizophrenia in my opinion.

   No way.

   What I have is someone who uses infrasound (from a person's own cellphone) to cause them to hear things that seem "in their head".  But it's actually just the inner ear.  The goal of this is to trick the person into thinking they're just talking to themself.  But my manipulating the person's awareness this is turned from "talking to myself" to "no, I was talking to you".  Nice bit of Magic.

   They seem to have the smarts to emit audio from a person's own cellphone even when it's turned off (personal experience and I was lucky to realize that).

   They can also use a person's own cellphone to generate a field using the antenna that causes tinnitus and masks particular sounds.  It can make normal sounds and voices seem like they're in your head.

[Update:  That magnetic field covering every square inch of my apartment floor?  It's causing anything made of metal (at least those an antenna can be made of) to generate RF.  And it's that RF that's causing electronics in my apartment to give off a high-pitched squeal/whine.  So I might be collateral harassment.]

[Update:  Now I know why people have trouble getting a phone call through while i'm in my apartment too.  Does anyone know if magnetic fields or RF can cause issues with LCD display refresh rates?  I have another issue I'm trying to find an explanation for.]

   Though I haven't gotten to this with the blog it deserves mention.  They use the above things to subliminally influence people.  It goes further than that.  They manipulate a person's awareness to their own end.

   There aren't many groups of people or businesses with that ability.

   But there's one here in Saint Louis.

   And what they're doing isn't quite right.

   If anyone can point me in the direction of someone(s) known or rumored to do this sort of thing...  I'd really like to help make sure they can't do it to anyone else.

   You have no idea.


    I've been having an on-again off-again problem with tinnitus for awhile now.  There's a high pitched squeal/whine that fills my apartment (it's occurring now) and cuts right through my ability to concentrate and think.  I call it harassment.

   Right after the squeal/whine fades is when I notice the tinnitus.

   The tone and pitch of it almost exactly matches it from somewhere else.  My previous car.  It seemed to be from the center of the dashboard.

   No, I didn't enjoy long drives anymore when it started.

   Several months back I was using a cheap $8 RF meter to try and locate the source(s).  What I found were RF signals (no details other than the meter beeped) from my doorknobs, about the center of each doorway (the frames and doors are metal), and the back of a chair.  All of them metal.

   Except they shouldn't be giving off RF by themselves.

   And I couldn't find anything in my apartment to explain it.

   At one point I was holding the RF meter when I realized it was (very softly) squealing/whining exactly like I had been hearing all over the place.  The meter wasn't registering a signal but it was still making that noise.

   There were electronics and parts all over the place creating multiple sources.   And that sound isn't easy for me to narrow down in an apartment.  I don't know how many there are now but I need to count.  Does anything with a circuit board make a particular sound when hit with RF?

   I'm more concerned with whose been aiming an RF signal at me all this time.

   [Update:  I found a free Android phone app that shows an RF signal in my apartment.  It's strongest in my bathroom for some reason (might be the Thrall) and the living room around my couch.

    Right after this post I could swear I heard a woman's voice in my apartment say 'I'll take away everything you hold dear".  Maybe she manufactures tinnitus.]

Monday, August 17, 2020


    I tend to think of myself as being cautious but not paranoid.  Paranoia happens without justification.  You don't have a good excuse for what you're thinking or feeling.  So imagine my surprise when shortly after Lane Change I started thinking I was being followed when driving.

   There wasn't any reason for it at all.  I'd start feeling an unease which turned suspicion which turned into panic.  A vehicle would catch my attention and just like that I'd think the vehicle was following me.

   Sometimes it was a car.  Sometimes a truck.  But the common denominator was the same.

   I had absolutely no reason to think it was happening.

   While at work on a smoke break I sat down and tried clearing my head.  I felt like I was missing something and if I listened carefully I could hear something to explain things.  I forced all the thoughts from my mind.  Sat quietly.  And after a few seconds I heard a voice say:

   "You don't hear me.  You hear someone you trust."

   What the heck was that?!?

  • Where did it come from?
  • Who was it?
  • And how did I hear it?
   To  make matters worse the voice changed from a nondescript one I didn't recognize into a voice I did recognize as it finished that statement.  Is it really that easy to make someone hear any voice you want?  Is it possible to make them hear a voice without knowing whose voice it was going to be?

   Apparently yes.

   Yes it is.

   From that moment on I started hearing things in addition to the paranoia.  Here's a few examples:
  • Don't you think that white car is following you a little too closely?
  • Hasn't that white truck been behind for longer than it should?
  And the things I had started hearing matched up perfectly with the paranoia.  But did they precede or follow the paranoia?

   I definitely didn't want to get that backwards.

   All I had to do was think "No it isn't" as a response to each of those things I was hearing.  I didn't hear one another time after saying no to it.

   That was it.

   No more paranoia.

   But it gave me an idea to start reading up on.

Lane Change

    The first indication that something wasn't quite right was with my driving.  Out of the blue - and for no reason I could make sense of - I started saying something out loud when I changed lanes.

   "Lane change!"

   It was involuntary.  It happened before I could catch myself.  And it was a little embarassing.  Actually, more than a little embarassing.  So I decided it wasn't going to happen again.

   Not only did I do it again on my next lane change, it didn't matter what I wanted.  I kept doing it.  So I ended up driving with my guard up ready for each lane change.

   How stupid is that?

   Once I finally perfected the art of holding back the words "lane change!" I tried a few tests.  Turns out whatever was causing it had an expiration limit.   By trying one lane change after another I found out that:

  • The first lane change was almost impossible avoid saying it out loud.
  • The second one I could usually catch after the word "lane" and not say "change!"
  • The third one I would hear the phrase in my head but avoid saying it out loud

   So all was good.  After 3 lane changes it seemed to go away and I could drive without sounding foolish.  Except 20 minutes after I found the expiration limit it had reset somehow.

   I was doing it again.

   And I had no idea what was going on.

   What was causing it and how was it getting reset as I drove?


[UPDATE:  The word Thrall can be easily found online.  Someone politely mentioned this so I'm updating the post with a link to Wikipedia.  Original post on 8/17/202 at 02:31 PM.]

    I didn't know what the title of this post meant the first time I heard it.  A few poorly done Google searches didn't find a definition.  If I had to guess it's a shortened version of enthralled.  But that's just a guess.

   For now I'll pass on explaining where I heard the term.  It's not important (for the time being).  But I can describe the effect that word thrall was used in reference to.

   At work, home, and in my previous car there have been times I could feel caught in something.  My body would both tense up and feel frozen in place at the same time.  Tinnitus would set in moments afterward.  Where did the source of it seem to be?  It depends on where I was:

  • At work - my laptop LCD display and external LCD monitors
  • At home - my laptop LCD display, external LCD monitors, and bathroom mirror
  • In my previous car - the entertainment system LCD display
   There was a prickly and staticky feeling I'd get when in front of those things.  It seemed to cause the connection we all have between our thoughts and vocalization/subvocalization to become exaggerated.   Another way of describing that would be I had to fight every thought that went through my head to keep from saying it out loud.

   Pretty bizarre, right?

   I initially thought the displays themselves were generating the effect until the bathroom mirror started doing it.

   I had it backwards.  Again.

   Whatever I was getting hit with was reflecting off them from somewhere else.  To be more specific it seemed like they were focusing whatever was being generated.  And it extended far enough out that other people were getting caught in it too.  By adjusting the angle of the LCD displays the effect could be decreased a little.  I've ignored the bathroom mirror though.  It's not adjustable.

   What did it take to stop the effect?

   Putting my hand up between the LCD display and me.

   I've gone back and forth on trying to figure out the cause.  Thankfully the car has a limited number of potential culprits and few places to hide anything.  Looking at a diagram for the keyless entry system there are 3 interior antennas:
  • One just below the LCD display
  • One between the front seats
  • One in the passenger side rear pillar
   There's one other possible source I have with me all the time.

   My cellphone.


    Every so often at work (which could be up to 10 times a day) I'd feel an invisible force hit one side of my head or the other.  It was enough to snap my head a little and recoil but never enough to scare me.

   It went on for months before I realized the it seemed to originate from the direction of my cellphone.  The phone battery hadn't been lasting as long as before.  In fact it wasn't holding up even close to when I first bought it.  Since the battery degrades over time I hadn't thought to connect the events.

   Each time it happened I'd feel a little disoriented and confused.  That only lasted a few minutes at most though.  Next I'd have tinnitus which could last for 15 to 20 minutes.  Finally I'd feel hungry for some reason and find something to eat.

   How many times have I had this happen now?


   I've lost count.

   It didn't stop at work.  It was happening at home too.

   Whenever the phone was laying flat on a surface near me seems to be key.

   I haven't found anything online yet that says a cellphone is capable of this.  I'm not even sure what the right terms are to describe it.  I'd have to guess a majority of people would be uneasy if this was an undocumented cellphone feature...

   Anyone have a tip on researching this?

Sunday, August 16, 2020


   [EDIT: 9/28/2020 8:41 PM - I made an addition to a Theory to try and account for why medications targeted at the mind are potentially all placebos.  Am hoping my insurance provider doesn't revoke my prescription drug plan.]

    I mentioned before I was going through...  something....  that seemed like schizophrenia on the surface.  I resisted taking any medication because I was sure it wasn't actual schizophrenia.

   My family was persistent about getting me to try one so I finally did.  I tried a couple.

   The first one worked well enough I guess.  The side effects made it difficult to fall asleep.  My thoughts would get stuck in a 10 to 15 second loop that would run for hours before I'd fall asleep.  It was kinda unpleasant.

   The second one worked better.  I won't give the name but it's advertised a lot on TV.  The information said it could take about 10 days before fully working.  At day 4 or 5 I noticed the things I was hearing had started to sputter.  And I mean literally sputter.  Then it sounded like someone was changing the radio station on an analog radio.  Channels were going in and out of focus and I was hearing something different on each.

   Let's just say I was suspicious about it.

   The information was accurate though.  On day 10 I didn't hear anything.  Just the normal sounds around me.  But my suspicions got to me and after a few more weeks I quit taking it.

   Here's where it got interesting.

   After a few days off the medication I started hearing what sounded like a word every so often.  Then I could hear what sounded like partial phrases or sentences.  Just a few days after that I was hearing the same things as before the medication.

   I waited 2 weeks before taking the medication again.  To say I was confused and surprised is an understatement.  Because an hour after taking the first tablet everything I was hearing stopped.



   Same medication.  Same box in my kitchen cabinet.

   I didn't take another one.  Yes, what I was hearing came back in a few hours.  So I waited 2 weeks and tried it again.

   No I wasn't watching a clock.  Yes, when it stopped again I looked at a clock and it had been 60 minutes since I took the tablet.

   It was a placebo.  But why in the world did my mind not go along with the 10 days to take effect the last 2 times?  If this is actual schizophrenia then a medication shouldn't be necessary.  If it's not actual schizophrenia then what was it?

   Was my hearing it some kind of choice?


    What's the best way to ask someone a question and get answer? When they don't know it's happening.

   How do you do that?  There's more than one way but the problem is with reliability.

   "Truth serum" will loosen some people's tongues.  But not everyone is comfortable with needles with or without up front notice.

   Some people talk or mumble in their sleep.  But to guarantee anything said is response to a question is impossible.  You need to have the person conscious or there's no value to the answer.

   That leaves subliminal techniques on the table.  If you have a way to pose a question that avoids having to deal with a person's conscious mind you're all set. But you still run the risk of them becoming aware of it and getting a little upset.

   You'll need to be a little more circumspect than that.  In fact, you'll need to apply subliminal techniques to get them to say that they said the answer (whether they actually did or not) which closes any loopholes.

   So how do you pull that bit of magic off?

I'd vote for constant and continual harassment of a psychological nature.  Given enough time to wear someone down you could tell them to say anything.  Quite a few of them eventually would.  Most people aren't willing to live that way forever.  At some point they break.  Examples of phrases to use at that point:

  • Do you know what you just agreed to?
  • Let me get this straight...
  • We got 'em!

   At this point you'd think power lines would be in the picture. But that's silly.  Someone might not always be near a power line.  They aren't always around us and they can be turned off.

   It's probably a good thing that infrasound and ultrasound can be used in place of power lines. Once everything's up and running then someone in a car, or business, or at home has no chance.


Saturday, August 15, 2020


About the blog.

   This post has the wrong title.  But it doesn't.

   Because you have it backwards.     

Here's the requirement list for world domination (I do have a sense of humor).  If you can figure out how to do these things you're automatically emperor of everywhere for life:

  • Control someone's words
  • Control someone's movements
  • Control someone's thoughts
  • Control someone's mind
  • Follow or track someone everywhere

    We'll overlook that you're king of the sociopaths at that point too.  Being the opposite isn't the intent.
    But there's an alternate set of requirements - just as effective - that farms out the work load so you can have more me time:

    • Make someone think you control their words
    • Make someone think you control their movements
    • Make someone think you control their thoughts
    • Make someone think you control their mind
    • Make someone think you follow or track them everywhere
       That list is much better and doesn't require a small army of [insert whatever occupations you think are needed] to accomplish.  But it still has a major problem.
       It still needs someone in the driver's seat to lead the army.  It still needs someone ultimately responsible for it being done.  So there's another alternate set of requirements that's even better:
    • Get someone to convince themselves their words are controlled
    • Get someone to convince themselves their movements are controlled
    • Get someone to convince themselves their thoughts are controlled
    • Get someone to convince themselves their mind is controlled
    • Get someone to convince themselves they're followed or tracked everywhere 
       You've got to be wondering how choice could be applied to achieve this.
       Its not logical.  It's counter intuitive.  It's backwards.

       It is backwards.  It's completely backwards.
       But there's a way to do it.

    Power Lines

        Maybe 10 or 15 years ago I read an article about earthquake detectors picking up additional sounds that need to be filtered from the data.  Turns out the extra sound was from power lines.

       I just remembered reading that now.

       If I remember the article correctly then this phase of the blog is close to being finished.  But the most important thing about the posts is showing what was happening in my mind as they were written.

       Crazy people's stories can contain important details that can't be picked out from the rest.  But gathered together it becomes possible to see the information and make sense of it.

       When I first started hearing voices I wrote a letter without knowing who to address it to:

    Relevant link:

       The only reason my posts aren't completely jumbled nonsense is they weren't my first try at it.  Everything I thought was going on I sent to my mom and then sisters as texts.  And there were a lot of them.  And they are crazy.  But it gave me a chance to try and untangle the mess to make sense of it before I wrote any of this.

       Because the intent was always to make me seem as crazy as possible.

       Here's what you should see in my posts (corrected as much as I could):

    • Tendency to view a detail one way then completely reverse my perception
      • Something can be incredibly important one minute and insignificant the next
      • Causalities get rearranged at a moments notice.  Cause and effect switch all the time
    • Mood swings from not caring about anything to super excited about everything
    • No logic or common sense being used

       If I didn't have a patient and caring family to text to, I would have made a much bigger mess of these posts.  I told them it wasn't necessary to read and react to everyone of them.  My mom is the kind of person who would and did try to do that (a flat out compliment).

       So now... I'd like to know more about other people who've been labeled crazy.

       I'd like to know very much.

    Gas Lines

        The power lines keep showing up in my posts for some reason.  I must think they're incredibly cool or I wouldn't keep mentioning them.  It's not that they aren't amazing, though.  The problem is I'm completely crazy.  Somehow the idea keeps getting into my head that power lines are keeping my mind confined and controlled.

       That's as insane a statement as a crazy person can make.  And it's not an accurate statement at all.

       Because I keep getting everything backwards.

       My entire apartment floor isn't giving off an AC magnetic field for no reason.  And the 2 metal gas pipes extending from the ground outside aren't that for no reason either.  Here's some numbers for people who are more fact oriented:

       To explain what those are...  I could here a high-pitched whine that was building in intensity (it wasn't from me).  The sound seemed to finally peak when I grabbed an EMF Tester to measure the field strength.

       That explains the numbers above except for my TV burning out earlier in the day.  Over the next 45 minutes the mGauss measurement from the gas pipes kept dropping.  But I measured again while writing this post and both the left and right gas pipes show 7.0 mGauss.

       I started measuring that back when a sharp friend of mine immediately knew they were gas pipes when I described them.  At that time the measurements for those pipes were 2.0 mGauss and 3.0 mGauss.  So the pipes have more than doubled the magnetic field strength they give off.

       The worst part about it?  It seems to have been wired into my apartment''s electricity.

       I'm paying the bill.

    Inner Ear

        Was at Lumiere earlier this morning to gamble.  Didn't do that great.  But it wasn't the slot machines I was having a problem with.

       After being there for 15 or 20 minutes  (maybe more) I realized I could hear at least 2 voices in my head (not that unusual for me - supposedly I have schizophrenia.  All my friends or indeterminate friends that still talk to me are saying that now.   It must be true.

       When I finished playing on that machine I started to stand up and moved to my left.  The voices I was hearing stopped.  I shifted my weight again and could feel one of my phones vibrating/buzzing in my pocket.  Took the phone out and it continued to buzz as I held it.  Turned it back and forth and hear the voices fade in and out.

       I hadn't dialed anyone's number and I hadn't answered the phone either.  So how was this going on in the middle of the slot machines at Lumiere?  I like taunts, insults, and occasional profanity as much as anyone (Though I have to point out what's being done seems intended to pull those kind of details from the persons's mind being targeted.  But to make things confusing it can be done either away) but they can be distracting when a person close by is saying them.  I was hearing those things more inside my head than through my ears.

       There was another involuntary subvocalization that triggered before I left related to 2 people I know. Will provide details at some point but it was the normal kind of thing i 'hear' when I'm gambling at Lumiere.  It's been going on for several months.

       Started driving back home and checked my phone for messages.  As i looked at the screen I involuntarily subvocalized "I wonder what [someone] is doing.".  Almost before I finished the subvocalization there was a response queued up that replied 'he's here [at the party you weren't invited to] across the river'.

      I don't know if there was a party of some kind going on across the river or somewhere else.  But I definitely wasn't invited to it.  I haven't been invited to any (though someone may have sounded me out as a pre-invite a couple times) probably because the people at those parties have been helping with the harassment I've been having.

       That pre-invite thing?  My guess is they were curious whether I would give up trying to find out who's been harassing me and take back everything I'd said.  If I was amenable to that I MAYBE would be invited again to whatever kind of party my friends go to.

    Seems doubtful the trade-off would be worth it.

    Thursday, August 13, 2020



       I read about a kinda cool technology recently.  What's been written references being able to eavesdrop through walls:

    I call the link misleading because it has the process backwards (though it was a proof of concept).

    Basically an external transmitter sends radio waves through a building.  Then an antenna picks up the same waves as they bounce off of different surfaces in the building.  Large flat surfaces work best for that and if there's conversation going on near one it's carried in the radio waves that reflect.

    Nobody wants to haul a transmitter and and antenna to a building just for invading someone's privacy (yeah there's legit uses for this but that's a different topic).  So some sharp guy or gal turned the problem on it's head and came up with an idea of how to eavesdrop on pretty much every person on the planet at all times.  This is how we do things on planet earth now.

    What did they figure out?  That instead of hauling a transmitter around to generate a signal, just use the cell phones own signal (the one that's always turned on if the phones powered up).  The phones's scneen is about as flat a surface as you can find.  And it doesn't matter it's a small surface with the signal being generated so close to it.

    So there ya go.
    Just add people and we made it to the mythical surveillance society.

    On a related note...  I'm trying to locate a group of people or business that use tricks of perception to make it look like they have the technology I've just described. I have a feeling there's a connection to the casinos so they might work as both casino security and private investigators.

    Tuesday, August 11, 2020


        When we drive we could be en route to any location.  But while we're in the car there's absolutely no where to go.  Shouldn't be much of a problem though.

       Comfort and entertainment are standard now. So are safety systems that are advanced enough to know where the occupants are, how much space they take up, and their position/orientation.  But even with all those things going for them a passenger makes for a captive audience.

       Here's another what-if scenario for you to consider for the driver and front passenger (I don't know for sure we can limit this to the front seats - I'm not actually sure how I know or think I know any of this).

       Let's start with something that MIT researchers announced in 2019.

    Really cool link:

       The short story is some really sharp guys and gals designed a system of sensors, software + AI, and trained it to translate thoughts into words by way of the throat.  It really does that.  It's technically able to read a person's thoughts as they have them.  And it doesn't take them by force or limit the users control over it.  Very cool.

       There's another way to do almost the same thing.  But it works best with a captive audience member who can't get up and move away once their unconscious becomes aware of what's happening.  You may not have a warm fuzzy feeling about this other way after reading that.

       I don't blame you.  If you detour back the post on Night Terrors you'll notice mention of another kind of PTSD event that can cause Night Terrors.  It's just that most people won't remember the event happened (makes it even harder to recover from in my opinion) for the 2 reasons listed in that post.

       Before passenger safety systems the only places to worry about were home and work.  But car manufacturers have been quick to add ultrasound based occupant and external systems (safety is good). And with improvements in software update-ability those precisely controllable emitters can be re-purposed with just an update.

       How does it work?  Take the ability to modulate ultrasound so it's perceived by a person.

       Yes we will all have telepathic abilities temporarily.  But they won't be granted so you can use them. They'll be granted to someone else to use on you.

       All that's left is to saturate the people in the front seat with ultrasound to cause every muscle in their body to start tensing up.  You can practice as much as you want on compensating for that effect and staying relaxed.  That's actually the best way to defend against what happens next.

       Once the muscles in your throat start tensing it up you'll be significantly easier to capture sound from.  And that's whether you say anything out loud or only to yourself.

       Guess what? The connection between our thoughts and vocalization/subvocalization (we all have it btw)?  It can now be manipulated to where each and every though becomes locked into you vocalization/subvocalization so good luck having a single thought you don't uncontrollably say OUT LOUD.

       Oh, more thing.  It can and is fine tuned for the person being used on.  The point being to operate at the bare minimal instruction on your awareness so you don't realize it's being done.

       Do you know how awareness works?  If you don't it's a good time to find this out.  You will give away the answer to any and every question you're asked and you won't realize you're doing it.


    [UPDATE: Original post on 8-11-2020 11:54 AM - Fixed typos. Corrected verbiage. Added details to arguments.  Added ways to prevent or mitigate cases of autism based on the assumptions below being correct. 12-18-2020 05:47 PM]
    [NOTE:  I haven't had a chance to finish this post.  Am pretty sure there's enough here for anyone to completely refute it or run with the idea to implement some simple changes to prevent a large percentage of autism cases.  My actual work has suffered while working on these posts and I don't want that to continue and get fired.  :) ]

       This post follows Night Terrors and  tries to make the argument for autism resulting from the same underlying cause as PTSD in adults.  If that's true then cases should be easily reduced with a few small changes.  It also suggests ways to treat or try to reverse the condition.

       What are the most common symptoms associate with autism?

       What about vaccinations could be considered a traumatic stress event?  Pretty much all of it to a young child:
    • An unfamiliar place - doctors office
    • A stranger acting as familiar as mom or dad
    • No explanation that can provide understanding - the child is trusting that everything's ok
    • For probably the first time, one or more pieces of sharp metal being pushed through the skin.
    • Then shock can occur as everything finally starts to register.  It's not good that a child can end up interpreting this as being punished for something they didn't do
       What can all this add up to?

       A dissociation.

       What's worse is it occurs while a child's mind is still developing.  Consciousness and awareness are in the process of finding their place in the mind.  The conscious and unconscious sub minds can still be easily shocked out of their roles even without physical trauma say from a car accident.

       And for a child the event can be as jarring as one that happens to an adult and causes PTSD (a more fully developed mind).  When this happens to an adult they go through a process of adjusting to the dissociation until it's resolved.

       But an adult's mind has had a chance to develop.

       A child's mind isn't fully developed.  The shock to it can not only interfere with development.  It can damage the development that's already occurred.

       I can't prove this point but am throwing it out there to be ridiculed:

    What we see in autism is a disruption that's occurred related to awareness.  It's an unconscious mind problem that's been introduced before development has finished defining what we refer to as the conscious and unconscious parts of the mind.

    Stolen Property

        I've been watching things I own disappear from my apartment one at a time.  You'd think the person(s) would just clean me out all at once but it's almost like a standing threat/warning given.

       No one else besides the apartment complex office should have another key.  My key has never been out of my possession for more than a few minutes.  I lost a key (and cell phone) at work earlier this year but the key has nothing on it to give away my building or apartment.

    Btw, does anyone know why a security guard would say "see you next year" when asked if anyone had turned in lost keys or a cellphone?  For some reason it keeps moving up to the front of my mind but there's no where to go.

       Everytime something was taken and I finally realized it, I should have called the police immediately no matter what the value but that kept getting deferred.  This week when my vape was gone off my coffeee table when I got home I realized why.  Every one of those missing items in my mind was "just missing" and had to be here waiting to be found.  And if they're here somewhere why would I file a police report only to find them again.  It didn't help that they dissappeared one at a time either.  If my apartment was completely empty one day when I walked in the reaction would have been immediate.

       So who takes one item at a time, leave's a feeling that the item is "just missing", but it still feels like some kind of standing threat or warning given?

    Actually, I have no idea. 

    But whoever's doing it... maybe you could stop and knock on the door to explain while I'm there?

    In case you're not sure what address your stealing from it's:

    837 Longacre Dr Apt B

    Night Terrors

    [NOTE:  I haven't had a chance to finish this post.My actual work has suffered while working on these posts and I don't want that to continue and get fired.  :) ]

       No, it wasn't just a bad dream.  Don't ignore that it happened and let the memory fade. 

    There's more than one cause for Night Terrors in adults. PTSD is a major one.  The unconscious part of the mind usually bears the brunt of it from the shock of a major event.  And when it does the imprint fades slowly (i look at the imprint as being like a new post-hypnotpic suggestion to be filtered out of awareness over time like any other. It was created because the shock of the event caused at least a momentary dissociation where the components of the mind were locked and the unconscious was exposed to direct suggestion by the event.

    I know of another kind of event that can have symptoms extremely similar to Night Terrors.  It can have the same symptoms as PTSD but no event that would seem to be related.

    The event definitely exists but it's been hidden from the person's awareness.  Not just because their mind wants to forget everything associated with it but because:

    • It wasn't created through a person's normal senses (there's the high voltage power lines again)
    • It's done at a subliminal level that's meant to avoid conscious awareness
    • It was intentionally hidden from the person's awareness using techniques that are effectively hypnosis

    Will provide more details here at some point.


        I really didn't want to write this post.  Not because gambling and casinos are a difficult topic or hard to explain, but part of me really likes playing slot machines and thinks I'll probably get banned for my opinion.

       This is the easiest thing to lay out and the toughest to accept:  slot machines in their current form are designed and manufactured to manipulate every person who uses them.  And I don't mean manipulate like being used in a beneficial way for both parties way (being sarcastic, but some people try to explain manipulation that way)  I mean the intentional, methodical, researched, and planned kind of manipulation you find in sociopathic behaviour.

       Slot machines exploit the part of us least able to defend against them.  But that's the way addictive things are.

       No illusions here.  But slot machines should be without lights except for illumination, without sounds except for mechanical or electrical components, be mathematically random (which is as close to true fairness as we can create for gambling) so that for any given day a casino is just as likely to lose money as make it.

    That's my opinion.

    Monday, August 10, 2020


        What do you call it when "suggestions" (they're actually commands, just worded as suggestions) are given directly to the unconscious part of the mind?

       It's called hypnosis.  But it's usually preceded by a hypnotic trance

       The trance state is created by a trained (hopefully) hypnotist and there has be a level of trust between the hypnotist and the person being hypnotized.  The rules for hypnosis (as I understood them) are the following:

    1) Hypnosis can't make you say or do anything you don't want to.

    2) If you do or say something through hypnosis it must be what you wanted to say or do.

       Those 2 rules are the same one just worded differently.  But they're the perfect reassurance that even in a stage hypnotist show we're safe.  We're not going to embarrass or humiliate ourselves in front of a crowd of strangers (and if you've ever seen a stage hypnotist show you already know those 2 rules are lies).

       Now we get back to the high voltage power lines again.  I mentioned before that some pretty sharp guys and gals figured out how to take advantage of that so a person perceives anything you want just like from a phone, stereo, or speaker.

       Here's the scary part.  You don't hear the audio from that through your ears.  The sound is actually "in your head".  It's a perception and it falls outside of our normal senses.  It get's scarier though. It's not a conscious perception either.  It's the unconscious part of your mind that does the perceiving and is first to "hear" whatever audio might be present.

    Now please re-read the first sentence of this post.

    You see the problem?


    "Illustration" courtesy of: "walmart " "Self check-out" registers or kiosks can be fo...