Wednesday, August 19, 2020


    Another post with the wrong title?  This topic doesn't seem to belong.

   Just another impression that's backwards.

Background link:

   Being able to manipulate someone's awareness underlies all my posts.  It's the reason we have crazy uncles running around saying they know for a fact that X and Y are related.  Or that A and B are important.

   What sci fi movie would be complete without a character raising the alarm and giving  reasons that don't logically add up (be sure to picture a shock of wild unkempt hair and uncut fingernails)?

   We know to immediately write someone's credibility off as soon as they go down that path.  Their logic makes no sense to us.  And it really doesn't make sense.

   The real problem is their logic makes no sense to them either.

   There's a reason for that.

   Anytime a person's awareness is manipulated it's technically hypnosis.

   That's been explained already and written about by sharp guys and gals.  Usually that requires someone in the role of hypnotist.  And the general belief when someone is hypnotized follows "we can't be made to say or do anything we don't want to".  If someone is hypnotized and jumps off a cliff when told then it's on them.  What kind of person would do that on command (oops... on suggestion)?

   Have you been beside someone else watching who said "it can't make you do anything you don't want to."  They might have also said "'i'd never go up there and embarass or humiliate myself".  How about "it wouldn't work on me".

   Have you seen a stage hypnotist show?

   Then you're aware what we know about hypnosis is a lie.

   Something that's not commonly known (at least I hadn't heard of it) is that hypnosis can be defined in terms of Dissociation.  Which is a way of saying anyone in a dissociated state is open to suggestions.

Dry reading link:

  Hypnosis is known as having some characteristics that help define it.  I think they're characteristics of our minds instead.  2 of those characteristics are:

  • Frame shifting - altering how someone perceives the context of something
  • Time shifting - altering how someone perceives the timing or order of something
   And together they can explain crazy uncles.

   So the only thing left to figure out?

   How do we remove the hypnotist as a requirement?

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