Wednesday, August 19, 2020


   So far I've avoided giving any examples of what I was hearing schizophrenia-wise.  Partly because the content seems more incidental that relevant.  But mainly because it changed so much over time.

   Do I try to organize the things I wrote down by when they were heard?  Group them in categories?  Order them by complexity?

   I've decided to list the most interesting ones for now but in 2 groups:

  1. Talking in general (voices saying things to me or to each other)
  2. Requests or commands (they could also be called suggestions at times)

   I've already mentioned my opinion that a form of conditioning was used to create the voices.  There are 2 other ways it was possibly done but will bring them up another time (spoiler: parametric speaker using ultrasound and cellphone using infrasound).

   Some examples of talking in general:

  • Continuous narrative rambling as though someone was following me invisibly (a drone would be cool) and noting my every action.
  • Discussions that were about me or someone else.
  • Angry tirades to get me to listen or pay attention to something.
  • For a period of time there were many voices that tried to give me the impression that each was a different person living in Saint Louis and having a chance to influence me.
  • There was something about if I wanted to sue I'd have to sue the whole city.
  • Every once in awhile I'd hear a "no one's going to believe you" or "no one's going to help you".
   Some examples of requests or commands (suggestions):
  • Let us know where you are - or don't.  Your choice
  • Whatever you think you know up to this point is wrong/backwards.  Let him forget and start over
  • Before you leave, tell us where you're going
  • Let him hear yelling
  • Let it be his bosses voice
  • Let his awareness grab onto the next thing he hears and keep repeating it
  • Let him hear the last song he heard
  • Whenever he becomes aware he's tapping his cigarette, tap it twice
   Why did I list the suggestions above?

   Because they were working.

   How do I know that?

   Because tapping my cigarette had become a struggle for control over my own fingers for one.  And I would suddenly have a song playing in my head louder than anything before.  Thinking back I might have heard the song for a few seconds 2 or 3 days earlier.  And I had been wondering why I would involuntarily say where I was going out loud before leaving my apartment.

   Why was I hearing those suggestions now and not carrying them out.

   That's a little more complicated.

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