Saturday, August 22, 2020


    There's an unfinished post I'd like to revisit here.  I'm not sure why I added it to the blog without finishing it (i'll blame that on my unconscious).  The reason seems to be so I wouldn't forget to finish it when the time was right.

   That unfinished post was Night Terrors.

   It's the topic that seems like the last I should write about.

   I don't know where that perception is from though.

   My cellphone has been...  let's say misbehaving recently.  The battery has become miserable at staying charged.  When I'm near the cellphone and experiencing a certain brand of tinnitus I can't receive calls.

   The cellphone doesn't ring on my end.

   The antenna seems to be busy doing something else.

   What is causing that brand of tinnitus?  It appears to be nearby object made of metal that are vibrating in response to something outside my perception.

   But that's not why this is about Night Terrors.

   It's an documented feature of out cellphones at work.  And before we were using cellphones it was done using different components tied into the electrical infrastructure.  How does a person experience it?

   Through a perception of being restrained or held down.

   When is the most common time it's activated?

   At night time when we're asleep.

   What part of our mind is most aware of what's occurring?

   Out unconscious.

   How does it respond when assaulted like this?

   Something akin to post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

   How do you know that this is true?

   I'm asking the unconscious part of your mind to make you aware in a way you can understand.

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