Monday, August 10, 2020


    What do you call it when "suggestions" (they're actually commands, just worded as suggestions) are given directly to the unconscious part of the mind?

   It's called hypnosis.  But it's usually preceded by a hypnotic trance

   The trance state is created by a trained (hopefully) hypnotist and there has be a level of trust between the hypnotist and the person being hypnotized.  The rules for hypnosis (as I understood them) are the following:

1) Hypnosis can't make you say or do anything you don't want to.

2) If you do or say something through hypnosis it must be what you wanted to say or do.

   Those 2 rules are the same one just worded differently.  But they're the perfect reassurance that even in a stage hypnotist show we're safe.  We're not going to embarrass or humiliate ourselves in front of a crowd of strangers (and if you've ever seen a stage hypnotist show you already know those 2 rules are lies).

   Now we get back to the high voltage power lines again.  I mentioned before that some pretty sharp guys and gals figured out how to take advantage of that so a person perceives anything you want just like from a phone, stereo, or speaker.

   Here's the scary part.  You don't hear the audio from that through your ears.  The sound is actually "in your head".  It's a perception and it falls outside of our normal senses.  It get's scarier though. It's not a conscious perception either.  It's the unconscious part of your mind that does the perceiving and is first to "hear" whatever audio might be present.

Now please re-read the first sentence of this post.

You see the problem?

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