Saturday, October 24, 2020


About the blog 

   Was everyone in the state of Missouri aware of how the sales tax on a car purchase can be offset?  It's not a free money kind of thing but it's not a money owed to the state necessarily either.

   It's money owed to the taxpayer.

   So I'm happy to find out it works backwards.

   There might be other circumstances where this applies but if you had:

  • A vehicle indicated as "totaled" by your insurance.
  • Money paid back to you by your insurance as compensation for the car's value. 
  • Then purchased another vehicle within 180 days of the "totaled" event.
   Then you need to do a few not-so-simple things (at least on paper) to get all or part of your sales tax back from the newer vehicle purchase.

   Here's what you'll need:
  • Request a notarized affidavit from the insurance company for the value of the "totaled" vehicle.
  • Fill out a Form 426 (pictured below) and mail it to the Adminstration Division address at the bottom of the form.
   There's a good chance it can cancel out the entire sales tax you owe and return it as a refund.

   You might not have known about that.

   But you should have.


About the blog 

   What is the one thing the unconscious part of the mind should never ever be asked to do?

   That would be to harbor an illusion.

   An example of that is asking the unconscious to take up the suggestion we’re safe in a place that isn't safe.

   You might be wondering why that’s a bad idea.

   There’s more than one reason (the post Drill is one example):

  • It could result in the early warning system the unconscious part of the mind provides getting turned down or even off.
  • It could result in unconscious awareness being diverted or allocated away from something important or dangerous.
  • It could result in our perception of reality becoming so far out of step with actuality that a psychosis occurs.

   You read that right and there’s nothing backwards about it.

   The conscious part of the mind is free to harbor whatever illusions or lies it chooses.

   The result of that is embarrassment and potential humiliation.

   But should the unconscious part of the mind be suggested or commanded to do the same... the outcome is already decided.

   That would be a short life and one with mental illness.

   References: Drill

Friday, October 23, 2020


About the blog
   The title of this post is backwards.  But that's for a good reason.

   I don't know much about poker.  I couldn't say what hand beats another hand when asked.

   But I do know when someone needs to bluff they don't think they have a winning hand.  Poker is only a game of cards.  But being good at it requires some level of dishonesty.

   When someone bluffs with a losing hand there's a moment when all become aware.  The longer that moment is delayed... the more obvious the imbalance is perceived... and the more embarrassing the final reveal is.

   There's one other detail about bluffing that I do understand.

   Tipping your hand is bad.

   But when you don't need to bluff it means tipping your hand doesn't matter.

   You can show all your cards face up the entire time.

   It won't change the outcome.


About the blog 

   I'm not sure when it first started but one night I began noticing I was losing people at a casino.  Not that they didn't materialize again at some point.  It was just after gambling for awhile I'd go look for who had accompanied me (or that I was accompanying) and I couldn't find them.

   What should a person do when they can't find someone that depends on them for their ride home?

   Make a full sweep of the casino floor to find them.

   That wasn't initially how I'd go looking though.  Not seeing someone where they're expected doesn't immediately raise red flags.  At least it shouldn't.

   After a certain number of repeats it becomes difficult to ignore that something's not quite right.

   I used to enjoy going to gamble with other people.

   I still do.

   The times I've gone strictly for purposes of winning more than I brought are few.

   But I'm not sure where people I'm with (or are with me) are being lost to in a casino.  I feel like I should ask questions except I can't think of a reason it should be my business.  There are plenty of places they could be when I've looked.  I've never been desperate enough to enter a bathroom or lounge to keep tabs on someone.

   One place I've never even considered entering (and wasn't aware it existed until a few weeks ago) is the VIP lounge.

   Why would entering there not be considered?

   I'm no VIP.

   And if anyone was that could invite me...

   I'm still no VIP.  And that's not backwards.


About the blog

    The unconscious part of our minds has been given a bad reputation.  Apparently the false accusations have been made by the conscious part of our minds.

   You might be wondering what that accusation is.

   It's that wherever we find monsters in this world it's always an unconscious mind that's responsible.

   And that's very, very backwards.

   If you read the post Smile then you're aware I'm of the opinion we should always try to find out what happened to cause an unconscious mind to step in.  One way to recognize this has occurred sometimes lies in a smile.

   But there's a good chance the meaning of that wasn't clear.

   It's not that the unconscious part of the mind is in control and grinning to let anyone know.

   Instead it's the unconscious mind NOT in control and a conscious mind that's where it shouldn't be.

   Please read that again so it's not understood backwards.

   The way we perceive the world around us may be close to reality or as mixed up as fantasy.

   Either way... there's no feeling quite like being betrayed.


About the blog 

   There's something about having to wait when your whole mind is interested in the outcome.  It doesn't matter if it's the next package from Amazon, a trip to the zoo, or finding a dealership to buy your first car.  When your mind is fully engaged time seems to slow... sometimes to an agonizing crawl.

   If you agree with how Einstein described space and time (and the number of people who don't drops daily) then what we experience while waiting makes no sense:

  • Amazon packages don't approach the speed of light (no matter what Amazon wants you to believe).
  • The total mass of animals at the zoo never approaches infinity (though new exhibits open all the time).
  • Car dealerships are going nowhere even though better ways to sell cars exist.

   You might be wondering why our perception of time slows while we're waiting.

   It might be very simple.

   Our mind's aren't always in agreement...  let me rephrase that.

   The conscious part of the mind and the unconscious part of the mind aren't always on good terms.  They don't always agree about what's interesting and they don't always agree about the next course of action we should take.

   When they are in agreement we experience something rare.

   A whole mind.

   You might be wondering what having a whole mind (even for a short time) means.

   That also might be very simple.

   And it's the perception of both minds shared in a way that's the best possible combination of them both.  If you don't like waiting then perceiving time like your unconscious might be unbearable.

   It might even be excruciating.

   But it's the only way we have for now to add more time to the day.

   I don't think I've explained that backwards.

   If I did my only option is to find a black hole to travel somewhere in time and hopefully explain it again.

   That statement was almost uncertainly backwards.

Thursday, October 22, 2020


About the blog 

   This blog post is about prejudice but maybe not the type you’d expect.  This is actually a call to ban the casual use of nursing homes or "extended care facilities" of that type.

   Placing a person in a facility of that type is scheduling the deterioration of a mind.

   As long as a person is willing and able (the bodies limits don't mean the same as they once did) to continue working... that opportunity should be provided.  And things that are strictly work shouldn't be placed out of reach either.

   Any society where a person can be locked up out of public sight isn't just criminal.  It isn’t just negligent either.  It’s the worst possible combination of them both.

   And any society that would turn its eyes away from that deserves the worst possible sentence.

   A slow decay to irrelevance isn’t enough to describe it.

   Instead it should be a "slow fade beyond awareness".


I recently sent a few concerns to the Missouri Gambling Commission about slot machines in a particular casino.

The first concern (the form to fill out calls them a complaint) was due to my impression of 3 things. During one or more "gaming sessions" I was consistently "winning":
  1. Significantly more often than expected or "normal".
  2. That included over 50 "bonuses" on a single machine.
  3. There were multiple times this happened.
I have no "method" for playing slots (other than forgetting to switch machines more often), so it made no sense.

You might wonder what did make sense to me.
  • Whether the player card system was at fault - or not - didn't matter.  Should some kind of fault be found, the blame would not be placed on the casino.
Blame would be placed on the player....  me.

Because no matter what the facts were (or who tampered with what), only 2 conclusions could be drawn:
  • The player had somehow cheated (though the Missouri Gaming Commission made it clear that's not possible).
  • The casino was being cheated.
   It was a catch-22 impossible to avoid.

   There's no such thing as free money.


About the blog

   The thing about living behind walls is the moment they go up all the cool and interesting stuff is on the other side.

   That’s due to more than a “grass is greener on the other side” thing too.  It’s the natural consequence of a mentality that thought walls were good or needed in the first place.

   Let’s just be diplomatic and call that a mentality of stagnation.

   Any idea, strategy, or policy that requires a wall...  is backwards.


About the blog

   The apartment directly above mine must be filling with water.  I might just have that backwards and it's air that's needed instead.

   Periodically a thumping noise like a sump pump running will turn on for a few seconds (that just happened again - 10/22/2020 12:05 PM - as I finished taking a bath).  I might also have the type of pump backwards.  Is there such a thing as an attic pump?

   For awhile now I've had Bluetooth on my mind.  Not because it's a huge security issue (more like nightmare) for phones and computers.  And not even because it's broadcast such that anyone within range can "listen in".  It's because on many iPhones it's automatically re-enabled when the phone is turned on.

   Whether the phone's owner explicitly turned it off or not.

   Supposedly that's a feature and intentional.

   I seriously doubt it should be either of those.

   It's difficult to avoid wondering if some kind of agreement was overreached for the phone to behave this way.

   For awhile I was using an Android app to scan for Bluetooth devices around my apartment.  Strangely enough I found one with enough information available to look it up online.

   Who would be using a gas spectrograph in an apartment?

   There must be a reason to check for different gases.

   Otherwise that kind of device would never be interpreted as a threat.

   Hopefully it's not connected to the vent in my bathroom.

   Do gas spectrographs have human noses?


 About the blog

   In the case of an extreme dissociation or intrusion (one that doesn't resolve on it's own or resolves slowly) a mind can be put in an awkward state.  It might even feel to the person affected like they're trapped.

   Everyday things can become difficult or impossible with normal functioning of the mind impaired.

   That includes things like:

  • Learning
  • Planning
  • Managing time
  • Critical thinking
  • Accessing memories
  • Experiencing emotions

   At some point (assuming a long enough life) we're all going to experience these problems.  Continuing to learn and change is the best way to treat or prevent them all.

   Sometimes that won't be an option.

   You might be wondering when that might be.

   It's when a person enters a persistent vegetative state.

   A mind could become trapped in a state like that because of a few things:

  • Awareness might be difficult or impossible to gain
  • So awareness could only be lost
  • Without awareness the reference is circular in the worst way possible

   When someone's in a persistent vegetative state it's often described as being "awake but without awareness".  The exact words used from the link below are "awake but showing no signs of awareness".

   Medical link:

   Helpful link:

   That's a huge problem.

   Because without awareness and the ability to shift awareness the mind can't change.

   If it can't change it can't gain awareness.

   If it can't change it can only lose awareness.

   But in no way does it mean the mind has stopped existing.

   There are ethical and moral issues around this that I'm highly opinionated on.  Due to that I won't go further with this post.

   Am hoping someone will pick up from here to find ways of doing things in the future that are better than what we have now.

   Better is usually easier to define.

Wednesday, October 21, 2020


About the blog

   I've become somewhat jaded about cell phones but am giving them one last nod.  The cellphone has become the most advanced information gathering and interrogation tool ever conceived.  Where were we while this was happening?  Probably using one to play online Slots.

   Cell phone CPUs are fast enough, have speakers precise enough, software antennas configurable enough, and accelerometers accurate enough to do all this (and more):

  • Generate an RF field that can irritate, confuse, and distract to impair cognitive function (make us temporarily dumb).
  • Emit ultrasound with a dozen creative uses that includes broadcasting subliminal messages and simulating schizophrenia.
  • Emit infrasound with a dozen more creative uses that include identifying nearby objects and simulating schizophrenia.
  • Track movements across large spaces and small ones, identify nearby objects and equipment, record your heart rate (like a pocket polygraph lie detector).

   Did I forget to mention they do things with normal Voices too?

   So if you're driving your car, using a computer at work, or watching TV at home and you hear the words:

       'You don't have to say anything.  Just nod your head.'

   There's no reason not to panic.

   But you won't remember anything afterwards... no matter how you react.

Monday, October 19, 2020


About the blog

   [NOTE: 10-19-2020 4:51 AM - This is the 3rd attempt at this post.  I felt like I needed to hurry and write it before but that was a mistake.  The posts write themselves when the time is right.]

   [NOTE:  The original publish date was 10-10-2020 11:11 AM.]

   Don't let the title of this post fool you.  It's actually about ADHD.  Since that has its basis in the unconscious mind you can already guess something backward is involved.

   One characteristic of ADHD (which by now may no longer be considered true) is limited attention.  There are ways to address helping those with "limited attention".  When someone uses a computer program the user interface can compensate for that type of thing.  Have you ever noticed that menus tend to have no more than 7 menu items in a group or list.  A complicated user interface (like Microsoft Word or Excel) will have more but that's difficult to avoid.

   So I over simplified a little... its technically 7 give or take 1 or 2   It's the 7 that makes it magic somehow.  Not a very large number.

   You might be wondering what's so magic about 7.

   I'm taking somewhat of a guess on this but 7 of something on our mind (say to choose from or think about) is more than enough.  There's no real reason we to have 20 or 30 items at a time (if there was we'd probably have that ability).  It actually makes solving problems and making choices A LOT harder because of the combinations to process.

   In the real world that would mean each thing on our mind getting proportionately less attention.

   Attention = awareness.

   By rewording the statement about attention we might say:

   The average person can be consciously aware of up to 7 things (give or take a couple) at one time effectively.

Here's a quick list things related to awareness:
  • Conscious awareness is maintained in short term/working memory.
  • The maximum amount of conscious awareness can be shifted to only 1 thing.
  • Maintaining awareness of 2 or more things results in awareness being divided.
  • Constantly shifting awareness to and from things in a mind is normal.
  • Dissociation can halt that shifting and create a void that can be perceived as a mental block until it's resolved or worked around.
   Those probably seem like common sense things.  They're easy to mentally verify by anyone.

   Here's something more difficult to verify...  the unconscious part of the mind stores knowledge as facts (let's call them answers instead).  And that's why it works back to questions.

   A better example could be any hobby we invest time to learn.  Or even someone we had a crush on in high school.  Every single relevant answer about that person was gathered and stored in your mind.  All it takes to access those answers is the right question.

    So a mind diagnosed with ADHD doesn't need to put more effort into focusing.

   That would be backwards.

   It's the mind maintaining awareness of too many things at once that needs addressed.

   Putting effort into completely unfocusing can free up awareness instead. 

Sunday, October 18, 2020


About the blog

  Sometimes we get more or less than we expect.  So this post is about quantity.  Not as in by-the-boatload though some are able to wear many hats.

   It's when something is dual but we're not aware of it.

   A guest visited here briefly yesterday.  It was supposed to last longer but still be temporary.

   My opinion about an ulterior motive hasn't changed.  But I suspect there's even more going on.

   This guest has been consistent with certain behaviors while here.  Because of that the average time per visit has decreased.  There's nothing to prevent that from reversing.  Part of me is sure it could change at any time.

   Not just sure.  But absolutely expecting it to happen.

   Logic dictates one method when dealing with this.

   Unlogic seems patient to watch the world fade while we wait.

   Neither of those are backwards.

   But they aren't the reason for this post.  After a call to 911 there were officers arriving.  Shortly after that the EMTs.  But one of the EMTs wasn't just vaguely familiar.

   His eyes were lit up like only an unconscious mind can project over it's owner's perception to show.

   I'm almost sure you understood that last sentence backwards.

   My unconscious was projecting over my perception to show something I needed to notice with no delay.  That works the same for all of us when the need is great enough.

   I did NOT answer all the EMTs questions completely honestly.

   I did answer honestly for the one officer there who wasn't asking those questions.

   How do I know he noticed that?

   He was focusing on the right thing.


About the blog 

   There are more than a few things known as epidemics going on around us.  A condition, trend, or even general direction (something might be headed) could be considered one.

   We typically weigh the serious of an epidemic (before or during ) when directing money, effort, and time towards correcting it.  There's nothing backwards about that.

   The problem starts when money for prevention attempts to displace any amount of time or effort.

   Money costs...  money.  Time and effort are so much more valuable we hoard them.

   Here's a what if scenario to consider:

   [NOTE:  The paragraph below might be considered self-serving.  That wasn't the intent but it's still the outcome.]

   If someone is injured in a car accident they may need to visit an ER.  They could be in shock when they get there (sometimes an extended/permanent state of shock) and not report a level of pain expected given the injuries.  It might little or no discernable (perceived) pain while there but expected to increase over a few days.

   You might be wondering how a patient in this state is treated.

   Don't worry about that.  It's done extremely well.

   You're focusing on the wrong thing.

   You might be wondering how a patient in this state is prescribed pain medication.

   I'm not sure on this and didn't know it was a question to ask.  If I had to guess it seems to be individually assessing each patient.  That's combined with the expected level of pain for the injury contrasted with the level reported by the patient.

   You might be wondering what happens when a large discrepancy is found between expected pain and reported pain.

   I'm wondering the same thing too.

   Because normally 1 + 1 = 2.

   When 1 + 1 = broken tibia protruding through the skin on a patient with a Smile...  that's not right.

   But the important point is what's on the prescription they're handed before they leave.

    If that doesn't match the level of pain they're reporting then money might be displacing:

  • Time
  • Effort

   Either way, a patient can always call to report an increasing need without drawing fire.


About the blog

   [EDIT: 10/18/2020 10:18 AM - Am sitting in the SSM Emergency Room waiting to have my nose fixed and just became aware there’s a dimension to awareness I missed before. That’s the amount of awareness and that makes the conversion from unconscious awareness to conscious awareness more clear.  Also changed wording to make one sentence less clear.]

   A person can be aware.  A person can also be blissfully unaware.  But a person can also be both aware and unaware at the same time about the same thing.

   That's because the conscious part of the mind and the unconscious part have their own awareness.

   You might be wondering if that happens when a mind is most whole.

   Or you might be wondering if it means the opposite.

   In this case the answer is neither (as I understand it) and backwards doesn't apply.

   Both parts of the mind seem to always have their own awareness.  But the distinction is difficult to perceive until a mind approaches full dissociation.

   Unconscious awareness is normally of finite/discrete/simple things.  It can be maintained over large to very large numbers of them.  As far as the upper limit to how many things can be maintained...  The exact number depends on the mind.

   Conscious awareness is normally of what we'd call large/complex things.  The exact number depends on the mind but 7 plus or minus 2 isn't a bad average. 

   Magic related link:,_Plus_or_Minus_Two

   Given the differences between conscious and unconscious awareness it might not be a surprise that unconscious awareness forms the basis for conscious awareness.  When awareness is shifted it doesn't happen in equal form.

   You might wonder if there's a cost that's paid when shifting awareness.

   To be as specific as possible the answer might be... sort of.

   A rule for it may be written as “Vague awareness of many things that are simple converts to deep awareness of few things that are complex.”

   Another way of say that is conscious awareness is an aggregation of unconscious awareness.   

   Your exchange rate may vary.


The people I know with answers won't give them when asked.  So I have a few Questions.

Saturday, October 17, 2020


About the blog 

   Parent's say it to their kids at least once.  Managers say it to their employees.  The U.S. Treasury may say it but for them it's backwards.

   Money doesn't grow on trees.

   There's only 1 industry that get's to defy that rule.

   And you probably know which one without a single hint.

   Before continuing this post I should admit something.  All I know about slot machines with certainty is how shiny the  exterior is.

   If you read the post Random you're aware that slot machines aren't random at all.  The slot machine knows what you've lost or won between the moment you pull the handle and the reels begin spinning.

   Let me rephrase that.

   The slot machine has already decided whether you've won or lost the next [I don't know the exact number] spins before you even sit down at the machine.  Just to pick a number let's say 100 though it's probably more.  Since that sounds really bad on paper the slot machine may turn that into a "more likely or less likely to payout" kind of thing and track that instead 

   You might think that sounds like cheating.

   You are exactly right.

   It is cheating but you've agreed to let them just by walking in.  In fact, should a casino not cheat this way they could never make money like a true business.  There's one really big problem with slot machines cheating this way...

   And you're probably not wondering what it is.

   You've already figured it out.

   No matter what an industry spokesman says, slot machine manufacturer, or casino employee says... if the machines work that way then someone can already peak at future spins when they want.

   What's the most effective way to keep someone's mouth shut (short of ending their life of course)?

   Money.  Money from a machine intended to give someone money.

   I have that backwards though.

   It's money to close someone's mouth then using that to intimidate them into keeping it shut.

   Catch 22's for everyone.



 About the blog

   When I think about fairness the phrase "50/50" is usually one of the first thoughts.  It has to do with an equal distribution between 2 people.  One person gets half.  The other person gets half.  No one is treated better or worse than the other.

   When the topic of fairness gets discussed in mathematics it's not always simple.  Point of view means more than how well a pie gets divided.  And proving something is fair can take many different forms.

   So when we talk about fairness in gambling the most practical way to achieve it is through random numbers.

   Relevant link:

   Randomness would work just fine for gambling and slot machines.  People would win and lose in roughly equal amounts over time.

   Except casinos wouldn't know whether they'd make money or lose it for any given period of time.

   Casinos don't like not knowing (same as anyone).

   They want control over how much money they make.  And they have it down to the cent with slot machines.

   What does that leave us with?


   Gaming link:

The people I know with answers won't give them when asked.  So I have a few Questions.


 About the blog

   Races can be fun to watch no matter what's being raced.  Horses in Kentucky.  Cars in Ohio.  Politicians in... that would be everywhere.

   For some reason only politicians get to put obstacles in other racer's paths.

   When one team's sure the race is over (as in they've already won) it makes sense to ease up.  There's no reason to overdo it or cause the race to appear unfair.  How often does a surprise ruin the early celebration?  Well, it can't be allowed to.  

   Here's a check list for slinging mud.

   You'll want to address every single one or be accused of not trying:

  • Find your target's weak points but don't just draw attention to them...  fully exploit them.
    • If they're quiet say they're hiding something.
    • If they're loud say they're compensating for something.
    • If they have a family say they hate single people.
    • If they're single say they can't commit.
  • Find everything they've done back to kindergarten for leverage.
    • If they shared crayons say they spend other's money.
    • If they got detention or timeout at recess say they're unfit.
    • If they have a preference for vanilla/chocolate/strawberry say they're biased.
    • If they like all flavors say they can't make decisions.
  • If they own a business dig up every invoice issued, bill not paid, and tax return.
  • If they don't own a business dig up every invoice paid, bill not paid, and tax return.
   Then hope like crazy they haven't already done the same to you.

   Actually, that's backwards.

   Create as many financial drains on them as you can.  One may not be enough.  If they have any means to sling mud back at you it get's worse the longer it goes on.

   At the end of the race they need to be exhausted and broken.

Friday, October 16, 2020


 About the blog

   The world is full of monsters... of a sort.  Whether or not you see them depends on what's important to you, how you were raised, even where you live.  A "sort of" monster might be anyone or anything where human nature has too much freedom and not enough control.

   That's both a terrible way of looking at things and a necessary one.

   You might question that but still wonder why it could be.

   It's because each of us is part monster - right around half.

   If you'll let me side step (for the time being and maybe forever) anything involving religion or psychology or sociology I'll say this:

   We are unbelievably backwards when comparing how we think our minds work and how they work.

   Not backwards in an uneducated or dumb way but for some reason the mind works in a way that defies out ability to understand it.

   My opinion is there's a reason for that.

   It's not accidental.

   Removing either part of the conscious or unconscious parts of our mind is disastrous.

   Even shifting them out of the way temporarily does damage.

   I've been given the impression there's indisputable evidence to show this but even that is hidden for a reason.

   This post is here to leave open another for explaining that more clearly.

   Whether a mind has one part or the other shifted aside or somehow been made 50/50 it's not an experience to be either side of.

   It never will be.


   What does it take to be considered a member of a gang?  Only a handful of things actually:

  • A common name
  • Identifying symbol(s)
  • Identifying sign(s)
  • Members who actively participate in crimes

   What does it take to be considered a stalker?  Keep in mind anyone who intentionally puts their location online at all times to show where they are... can not be stalked.  Of course that's backwards but beside the point.  Someone who does that is in need of attention.

A few examples of actual stalking are:

  • Driving to a person's residence and sitting outside their apartment for hours.
  • Leaving the headlights on and engine running at night to be seen by a person.
  • Following a person in another vehicle.
   [HINT:  If you drive any of the vehicles listed below you probably already have more than 1 set of license plates to swap out (definitely not a reference to a certain dark color of BMW SUV parked outside of The District Apartments around 11:30 PM on a particular night).]

   Vehicle information redacted to protect the guilty:


   When you have stalkers using eye contact to try and threaten or intimidate... take down their license plates.


About the blog

    Say you're a long range planner with ambition.  You have a high-key concept with a beginning, end, and sign posts.  Towards the finale of your concept you want to artistically bring to life "Lost" in the starkest terms possible.

   Perhaps you want to deliver that moment with an individual actually losing things that they own.

   If they have quite a few things it might not be stark enough.

   So better to relief them of as much as possible (with artistic integrity of course).

   Should you be short on integrity (or were roped into the production unaware)  just steal from them and lie about the reason for it.

   So far so good.

   It always possible that no matter how stupid, old, or other adjective they might realize the people around them are enemies instead of friends.

   You might be wondering how to deal with that.

   It helps if the person responds to "you'd be happy living in a shoebox" like it was a compliment.

   But the answer is hypnosis.

   You might be wondering how best to do that.

   There are several options and you now know what those are.

   As far as suggesting them into losing things...  Every time you or a conspirator visits and then leaves the person's home...  leave an item behind.

   For this you have to be up close and personal.  Keeping your Distance is backwards.

   It both gives you reason to return no matter how poorly or disrespectfully you treat the person,

   But it's only a start.


About the blog

   Say you want to humiliate and embarrass someone you didn't like.  They may or may not have done anything to you.  If you're petty or vindictive that won't matter.

   We should probably include anything they may or may not have done to someone you care about.  In those cases it can feel as though it was done directly to you.  Once you have all your excuses and justifications in order...

   You might be wondering about the best way to inflict embarrassment and humiliation on someone?

   It might not be what you think.

   You could always use the mental illness attack.  It doesn't have to be one based on aging or infirmity either.  The mental illness doesn't have to be real.  You just need to suggest it often enough, in front of enough people, enough times that it starts to tinge their own perspective.

   Some examples would be:
  • Don't be creepy (that's backwards and there's a reason).
  • Stop stalking my friends (to be used after introducing the person to your friends)
  • Stop stalking me (to be used when the person stops giving you attention for any reason).
  • You're a sociopath. (only when they're helping others).
  • You're a psychopath (best used for texts in the middle of night and always catch them off guard by doing this for no reason).
   You can slowly take a toll on them this way.  Including others to maximize the damage can be effective and might "make perfect sense" to who you involve.  But if you're in a hurry even that might not be good enough.  Only something that can trigger wild or whipsaw behavior can achieve what you want to do.

   For that you'll need a little hypnosis.

   Which means you either need the ability to use ultrasound, infrasound, or RF to bypass the conscious part of the mind or you need to put them in a hypnotic trance.

   You might be wondering how to do that.

   It means you need the ability to use ultrasound, infrasound, but probably not RF to put them in a hypnotic trance.

    This also goes back to... Conditioning.

   It also puts you at a safe distance.

Tuesday, October 13, 2020


    This post is to apply a Theory again to show how a subliminal message would be constructed for unconscious processing.  I've described a few of the things I've heard by 'voices' before.  Some of those 'heard' included information contained in my mind only.  Here's how a fill-in-the-blank subliminal message can be created.

   [EDIT: 10/14/2020 2:21 AM - Decided to rename this post after someone whose name was used yesterday evening in creating a subliminal message I heard.  The renamed post is Ron Hughes.}

   [EDIT:  10/13/2020 8:03 AM - Will finish this post after work today.]

The people I know with answers won't give them when asked.  So I have a few Questions.

Monday, October 12, 2020


   The biggest problem from COVID isn't how easily it may spread.   It's not how many people it may kill.  It definitely isn't what kind of impact there may be to our health care system.

   The real problem with COVID is how it's been used to keep us isolated from others.

   Social distancing is a nonsense name for separating us from different opinions and viewpoints needed to maintain perspective.

   The watercoolers where people bumped into one another are gone.  Just getting close enough to someone where politeness can kickstart a conversation is all but illegal.

   We also lose things that many people depend on others for:
  • Emotional support (phone calls are a poor replacement)
  • Social support (also called a social life)
  • Another opinion on something being "out of character".
   And is everyone aware that CDC Guidance (those are recommendations) have been overruled by state and local government as inadequate?

   I'm not finding many businesses that still recommend wearing a mask.  What I do find are mandates to wear them - there are no exceptions I know of.  And there's no option to refuse.

   When did state and local government find national health experts that know so much more than the CDC?  I'm interested in taking advantage of that kind of pay scale as much as anything (potential career change).

   Call me crazy... but something in all that seems backwards.


The people I know with answers won't give them when asked.  So I have a few Questions.


When we refer to an individual's character it's usually the good qualities we want to highlight.  Every person has their share of bad qualities too.  Increasing the "good" qualities and decreasing the "bad ones" may or may not be wise.

It's easier to recognize when an individual is "out of character" the longer they're known.  An individual can recognize their own change in behavior when thoughtful or self-aware.

Knowing when those moments happen provides an opportunity to "reflect" or "apologize".  Not realizing or acknowledging them results in the opposite or something backward.

There may or may not be "methods" or "procedures" to bypass all that.  It may be as simple as a "stage hypnotist" putting "volunteers" in a "trance" and then "instructing" them to collect "imaginary chickens" from the crowd.

Does it have any effect at all?

The "subjects" or "volunteers" will scoop up "imaginary chickens" until told to stop.

How many of them notice they're doing something "out of character"?

Subliminal Manipulation

   I mentioned something that was said by a friend in the post Perception.  Some months passed before I texted them about it.  Here's the text (please excuse the typos):

   "When this kind of subliminal manipulation is used it can get by the person it's used really easily. You need to draw on everything you know, say, and do up until then to recognize it. Here's the worst part: If it has the desired effect and the person target says or does whatever the manipulation was attempting - and it's not recognized - the person thinks it was them. If they said or did whatever it must have been them, right? It couldn't possibly have been anything else (even though it was pushed/forced/manipulated in them).  If the person decides it was them then it becomes a part of them. It's becomes a part of who they think they are.  It's also called behavioral manipulation. [edit: oops. meant behavioral modification]  And I want to do everything I can to make sure it's known that this is what's being done to people without them knowing.  Loss of free will."

   People change.  I know that.

   But I'd been watching people I know change over time in a way that was disturbing.  It was happening word-by-word and action-by-action.  I was watching them turn into different people with every word or action that started off "out of character".

   You might be wondering how that could be done without the person being aware of it.

   It goes back to Power Lines and a sound that isn't really being "heard".

   Here's a what-if scenario for you to consider...

   Suppose you were a private investigator and had a suspect.  Having a confession from them means you did your job and caught the person responsible.

   What if you had a way to get answers from a suspect without them being aware of giving them?  

   Would you hesitate to use it that way?

   What if there was a small danger it could put words in a suspect's mouth instead of their answer?

   A confession is still gonna be seen as a confession, right?

   Seems like an incredible temptation to ignore.

The people I know with answers won't give them when asked.  So I have a few Questions.


   I wasn't intending to use the term Subliminal Manipulation so soon.  But it's a big part of what's not quite right here in Saint Louis.

   It wasn't that long ago when a friend said some things I don't believe were their words or believe they were meant.

   What was said isn't important.

   How it ended up getting said is very important.

   We all get bombarded with subliminal messages now.  That's become a given and happens wherever we go or look.  Every commercial, ad, and billboard tries to get it's message across. 

   Targeting the unconscious part of the mind is an effective way to do that.

   What causes concern are ways for doing that which bypass our normal senses.

   We've grown up learning to use the 5 senses (taste, touch, sight, smell, hearing) and that's what our minds expect to deal with on planet earth.

   You might be wondering what would happen if technology introduced a new 6th sense no one had experience with?

   Paul Harvey might have followed with "it's already introduced and you probably haven't noticed when it's been used on you.".  Nearly everyone carries one or more Cell Phones now.  Did you know the antenna can generate any RF you might want? 

   That does make for an unpleasant "now you know" moment.

   Back to that new 6th sense...

   Have you ever been near high voltage power lines?  There's a distinct buzz/hum near them.  And it's different from other sounds we can "hear".  Did you know this sound isn't being heard through your ears?


   If you were to take out your cellphone and try to record it you'll get nothing.  What you hear isn't actually audio and it takes a special type of microphone to record it.

   What you think you're hearing is actually "in your head".  It's something that's perceived as a sound but isn't being heard.  And some pretty sharp guys and gals figured out how to take advantage of that to do more than cause people to hear a buzz/hum/(or clicking if you have a bone conduction microphone).  It can be modulated to cause a person to perceive whatever you want.  In that respect it's no different than a phone, stereo, or speaker.

   So... how would someone react to suddenly having a 6th sense?

The people I know with answers won't give them when asked.  So I have a few Questions.

Monday, October 5, 2020


   I'm listing some dates, times, and what was heard to draw attention to what's going on now in Saint Louis.  I've found several ways to deal with this type of assault.  My concern is for other people that might be going through it.

   [EDIT: 10-5-2020 8:05 PM - I added a couple more of the things I've heard below.  If I'm able to quickly get to a computer or pen and paper it's possible to write them down.  But the memory fades within seconds otherwise.  The 2 highlighted stand out as being different somehow but I can't explain why.]

  • 6-15-2020 9:30 AM - I heard a voice say the following (yes I did hear exactly those things as I heard the statements below):
    • 'you hear yelling'
    • 'it's something about work'
    • 'now you hear your bosses voice'
  • 7-23-2020 10:00 PM - I heard a voice say 'you're friends were supposed to tell you...' (I couldn't hear the full sentence)
  • 7-23-2020 10:15 PM - I heard a voice say 'we've already won this battle'. (Whoever said it didn't go into more detail than that).
  • 7-23-2020 10:17 PM - I heard a voice say 'we're not going to stop until you tell us what we want to hear.' (That's something I've heard multiple times now).
  • 8-20-2020 2:47 AM - I heard a voice say 'you're going to be distracted by sounds that aren't there.  now say "no i'm not".  you're going to get up and walk outside [and say whatever you] want.'
  • 8:20-2020 2:49 AM - I heard a voice say 'do you know what we can hear in there?  absolutely nothing.  but we could if we wanted to.'
  • 10-04-2020 2:20 PM - As I was reading my awareness grabbed onto the words and I heard a voice say 'keep saying that to yourself over and over until you think we can hear it then...'. (I couldn't hear the full sentence)
  • 10-04-2020 2:48 pm - I heard a voice say 'when you leave we're gonna go into your apartment and take anything we want'. (Does that mean I'm worried about things being taken from my apartment? No it doesn't.  I've had quite a few things taken now but they're just things.)
  • 10-04-2020 3:40 PM - Just went outside to have a cigarette.  It's not the first time I've heard it but just another time I've heard something about getting me to Smile.

    There's no good defense against this done individually to someone.  It's subliminal and it's hypnosis.  Anyone targeted by an attack of this nature is going to think they're losing their mind.  And it's single individuals living alone who'll have the most difficulty recognizing when it happens.  Only after time and quite a bit of perseverance can someone gain enough awareness to do anything about it.

   When this first started I could hear what sounded like helpful information.  Things that might point to who was doing it and how to stop it.  Hearing that kind of thing made it even more surreal.  Why would someone assaulting another person this way allow that person to hear them?  Why provide a way for them to hear anything at all?

   It's because what's being done subliminally requires an audio source of some type be where the person can hear or perceive it.  Spoken words are how subliminal commands are used to plant post-hypnotic suggestions.

   What happens if the targeted person hears a command consciously?


   It doesn't matter what is said to the person as long as it doesn't prove in some way what's being done.  Play someone reading baseball game scores from 50 years ago.  It makes no difference.  If the person can hear and remember enough to write them down and look them up it won't matter if they're right or wrong.  If they're right the person must be remembering something they read in the past.  If they're wrong its just a sign of psychosis.

   The tendency is for disbelief no matter what the targeted person tries to describe to anyone.  It's better for the person to keep it to themselves than to try and raise an alarm.  That would be a huge mistake though.  Speaking out is the only way to find someone who can help.

   If they do try to get help here's some questions they'll be asked:

  • Who would be doing this to you (time and effort)?
  • Why would they be doing this to you (what did you do to them)?
  • How are they able to do this without others around you noticing?

   Those are all good questions.

   But when it's Gang Stalking being done you can't wait for answers. 

The people I know with answers won't give them when asked.  So I have a few Questions.


   There's a particular sound we can't get away from anymore.  I may have that backwards.  It's actually the perception of a sound instead.

   But it's supposed to go unnoticed.

   So let's call it a "sound you're not supposed to notice".

   You might be wondering what can cause it.

   That's simple enough and if you've read the posts before this one it should make sense:

  • Transformers (not the robot kind)
  • Household appliances
  • Basically anything that intentionally or unintentionally generates RF (radio frequencies but also microwave ones too)

   So in a round about way we're back to Power Lines.

   Go figure.

   You might be wondering why the "sound you're not supposed to notice" should go unnoticed.

   It's because RF isn't something any of our 5 senses normally "sense".

   More about that in the posts Radar, Telepathy, and Perception.

   Under some unusual circumstances it's possible to learn how to consciously perceive RF.  That kind of situation isn't typically pleasant though.

   I don't recommend it.

   But when it happens the resulting perception can range from buzzing to clicks to high pitched noises.  All of which can be somewhat irritating.

   The problem with any of it has to do with the unconscious part of the mind.

   It's because even when we consciously don't notice it our unconscious can still very much be aware.

   That's the unconscious part of the mind's job.

   Once conscious awareness sets in you can't ignore something anymore.

   Fading into the background stops being an option.

The people I know with answers won't give them when asked.  So I have a few Questions.


   The concept of equally distributing something (anything actually) is rare to find.  Nature itself has no inherit mechanism to ensure that things are fair. We're one of only a few animals to recognize it either.

   Fairness is something that requires empathy to create.

   Selfishness could be considered the greatest enemy of that and we're all inherently selfish.

   If we want to try and make sure that life is fair for others (not just ourselves) then it has to be embraced deeply.  If that attitude doesn't make it's way to all corners of an individual then the results get skewed.

   Bias can quickly set in.

   Any successes blind us to ongoing failures.

   Patting ourselves on the back or believing our own press can stop us short.

   You might be wondering how we can get around those types of roadblocks.

   The simplest way has to do with sharing cake.

   If you grew up in household where money didn't grow on trees you probably had a dessert with your meals on occasion.  If resources were limited (and they always are) there probably wasn't enough for everyone to take as large a slice as wanted.

   You might be wondering how to slice cake as fairly as possible.

   The person who slices the cake is the last one to take a piece.

   It's not by using precision measurements or tools.

   Call it an Equally Unhappy Doctrine if you're a pessimist.

   Or even an Equally Happy Doctrine if you see things backwards.   

   But you can always call it fair.

The people I know with answers won't give them when asked.  So I have a few Questions.

Sunday, October 4, 2020


   When the "schiozphrenia" I was experiencing was at it's peak I stumbled onto a phrase that caused it to back off.  It seemed to have been planted in my mind for exactly that purpose (I don't know why).  That was along with several other phrases that kept popping up that were unfamiliar to me.

  Just by vocalizing, subvocalizing, or thinking the phrase "is anyone there?" would give me up to several minutes of peace from what I was hearing.

   I find it difficult to believe that schizophrenia works this way.

   But I do know that hypnosis and post-hypnotic suggestion is capable of exactly that.

   Here's a few other phrases that seem to have been planted around the same time:

  • 'There's only one way through this.'
  • 'The only way is a brick to the face.'
  • 'So prove it.'
  • 'Joe is golden' (since I don't know that to be true the phrase might exist to cover someone's a$$)

   More recently I had the term "jackass" on my mind.  I'm not sure if it was planted or just naturally seemed the right label for whoever had gifted me with "schizophrenia".  That matters because but I only uttered the term a few times and only by myself in my own apartment.

   Guess what?

   A few weeks later someone tried to give me a lighter as a gift.  What made the gift suspect was it being a skull shaped lighter... that when lit made the song of a braying mule or donkey.

   You might be wondering if that sound effect was original to the lighter.

   I've been wondering the same thing.

The people I know with answers won't give them when asked.  So I have a few Questions.


   There are differences in how the conscious and unconscious parts of the mind work.  This has probably been well covered before but might be worth explaining with an example.

   Let's say you're at a park and people watching (not people stalking). If there's a path for bicycles and a rider goes by you might wonder to yourself a few things.

   Those might be something like:

  • How long it will take for the bicycle to pass out of sight?
  • How much farther will the bicycle travel in the next 10 seconds?

   It would seem like you're asking questions without answers.

   But that way of looking at it is backwards.

   For some very odd reason it's knowledge of an answer that leads to the question.  And once the question is asked the answer is waiting (though not always in a clear or final form).

   This is how the unconscious part of the mind processes.  It exists in the now with all the information our senses can provide.  It operates on those as facts (let's call them truths) so provides the basis for foresight.

   The conscious part of the mind provides the basis for hindsight.  But when a mind is most whole the distinction doesn't exist.  Foresight and hindsight are from the combined efforts that both parts of the mind contribute.

   So if you tend to get things backwards...

   .sith teg uoY 

The people I know with answers won't give them when asked.  So I have a few Questions.

Saturday, October 3, 2020


   Here's my best attempt to describe how something that seems like schizophrenia on the surface works.  It appears this can be intentionally given to a person.  I'm not trying to include an actual instance of schizophrenia in this description. 

   Simulated Schizophrenia:
  • Consists of words, sentences, and dialog between voices.  They can sound familiar or unfamiliar or can be of specific people.
  • Each of those is initiated by a trigger.  That trigger is tied to the person's awareness.
  • Awareness of memories, ideas, or something from the senses can be a trigger.
  • This can create the illusion that someone  is able to read the person's mind or can see what they're doing at any given moment.
  • When awareness triggers something it must happen quickly and smoothly otherwise the illusion is broken and the person can see into how it works.
  • Replaying memories of what's happening and slowing them down consciously can have the same effect.
   Something is present in the environment to maintain a constant level of stress on the person.  This causes a feedback loop that keeps it going.  In this case it appears to be RF (probably could be any electromagnetic frequency but currently it's radio frequencies).  Not surprisingly, one source of RF being used is from a typical cell phone.  Specifically it's the person's own cell phone.  This makes it very difficult to break the feedback loop even once the person is aware.

   Other details:
  • Simply walking from one room in a residence to another can allow awareness to trigger something new.
  • When that happens quickly and smoothly the break in continuity is hidden.
  • As a person get's tired and fatigued it can create breaks in the continuity that allow awareness of what's occurring.
  • For this type of psychosis (trying to find a more accurate description) medications to treat the symptoms are placebos.
   Another big indicator is tied to familiarity with locations, environments, and situations.  When a new one is encountered the person's awareness is reallocated to learning about it.  That can cause the triggers to decrease or stop.  As the learning process continues and familiarity is gained, awareness gets freed up and triggers can start again or increase.

   Warping of Perception:

   Actively listening to what's triggered can lead to a warping of the person's perception.  It can happen in 2 distinct ways:
  1. A continuous effect that slowly changes the significance tied to memories and the associations between memories.  It can lead from a morning of stable clear headedness to an evening of erratic paranoia.  It appears this can be actively leveraged to make a person appear "crazy", to damage or destroy a person's relationships, and to make what they say appear untrustworthy.
  2. A sudden effect that rapidly rearranges the associations between memories and the significance tied to them.  Within a span of seconds or less this can occur.  Can create the sensation of the person's memories suddenly freed from gravity.  As they begin floating up, down, and away from one another something rearranges them then snaps gravity back on.  At that moment the new perception(s) that get created are locked in can become realized.


   There can be a response built into each thing triggered and heard that the person may not be aware they're acting out.  It could be a gesture or something spoken.  Those things (awareness of doing them) can then trigger more things that can have responses built in.  The net effect is to diminish the person's conscious mind and increase the influence the unconscious mind has.  It's possible to effectively change the person into someone else this way - they become unrecognizable to those around them. 

   If the person behaves or responds to what is triggered in an uncharacteristic way it can cause the "psychosis" to temporarily stop.  This can be perceived as an almost deafening silence after the person has endured it for awhile.  It appears that an unanticipated response can cause what's currently set to trigger to be invalidated.  Several minutes may go by where the person's awareness stops triggering anything.  After the pause awareness will begin triggering again.

   Dream State:

   All of what the person is experiencing has a dream like quality to it.  Memories of what's heard and what's triggered fade quickly just like the memory of a dream.  Gaining awareness of what's occurring and keeping it is extremely difficult.

The people I know with answers won't give them when asked.  So I have a few Questions.

Thursday, October 1, 2020


    Have you ever had a good practical joke played on you?  It might have been one you weren't aware occurred for some time before you were "let in on it".  It could have been something clever and funny.

   Have you ever had a practical joke played on you that wasn't either of those things?

   Did it turn out to be no joke at all but the perpetrators tried to make it one to cover that up?

   What if it was something that was actually criminal?

   At some point those responsible might decide their tracks needed to be covered.

   How would they go about that?

   Here's a guess, but it's only a guess:

  • Don't tell the person being targeted if they hadn't been told yet.
  • Do everything possible to keep the target of the prank from finding out.
  • Convince others that knew about it that they'd be held responsible if they didn't help.
   Let's call that a phase 1.  If for some reason those responsible were extremely bold and proud of what they'd done (and absolutely confident they could get away with it) there might be a phase 2.

   Here's another guess at what a phase 2 might be:
  • Don't stop the behavior that constitutes the "prank".  That might indicate knowing it was wrong to start in the first place.
  • Involve as many others as possible in it.  There might be the mistaken belief that getting more involved can change a wrong into a right.
  • Make it look like the target of the prank is the one responsible.
  • Make it look like the target of the prank has apologized for causing it.
   Should all those fail there's something that no one needs to guess at for phase 3.  That one's easy:
  • Make it look like the target of the prank knew about it all along.
  • All that takes is to get them to Smile - and a smile can be caused by any reason.
   It's all very practical.

The people I know with answers won't give them when asked.  So I have a few Questions.


"Illustration" courtesy of: "walmart " "Self check-out" registers or kiosks can be fo...