Monday, October 5, 2020


   I'm listing some dates, times, and what was heard to draw attention to what's going on now in Saint Louis.  I've found several ways to deal with this type of assault.  My concern is for other people that might be going through it.

   [EDIT: 10-5-2020 8:05 PM - I added a couple more of the things I've heard below.  If I'm able to quickly get to a computer or pen and paper it's possible to write them down.  But the memory fades within seconds otherwise.  The 2 highlighted stand out as being different somehow but I can't explain why.]

  • 6-15-2020 9:30 AM - I heard a voice say the following (yes I did hear exactly those things as I heard the statements below):
    • 'you hear yelling'
    • 'it's something about work'
    • 'now you hear your bosses voice'
  • 7-23-2020 10:00 PM - I heard a voice say 'you're friends were supposed to tell you...' (I couldn't hear the full sentence)
  • 7-23-2020 10:15 PM - I heard a voice say 'we've already won this battle'. (Whoever said it didn't go into more detail than that).
  • 7-23-2020 10:17 PM - I heard a voice say 'we're not going to stop until you tell us what we want to hear.' (That's something I've heard multiple times now).
  • 8-20-2020 2:47 AM - I heard a voice say 'you're going to be distracted by sounds that aren't there.  now say "no i'm not".  you're going to get up and walk outside [and say whatever you] want.'
  • 8:20-2020 2:49 AM - I heard a voice say 'do you know what we can hear in there?  absolutely nothing.  but we could if we wanted to.'
  • 10-04-2020 2:20 PM - As I was reading my awareness grabbed onto the words and I heard a voice say 'keep saying that to yourself over and over until you think we can hear it then...'. (I couldn't hear the full sentence)
  • 10-04-2020 2:48 pm - I heard a voice say 'when you leave we're gonna go into your apartment and take anything we want'. (Does that mean I'm worried about things being taken from my apartment? No it doesn't.  I've had quite a few things taken now but they're just things.)
  • 10-04-2020 3:40 PM - Just went outside to have a cigarette.  It's not the first time I've heard it but just another time I've heard something about getting me to Smile.

    There's no good defense against this done individually to someone.  It's subliminal and it's hypnosis.  Anyone targeted by an attack of this nature is going to think they're losing their mind.  And it's single individuals living alone who'll have the most difficulty recognizing when it happens.  Only after time and quite a bit of perseverance can someone gain enough awareness to do anything about it.

   When this first started I could hear what sounded like helpful information.  Things that might point to who was doing it and how to stop it.  Hearing that kind of thing made it even more surreal.  Why would someone assaulting another person this way allow that person to hear them?  Why provide a way for them to hear anything at all?

   It's because what's being done subliminally requires an audio source of some type be where the person can hear or perceive it.  Spoken words are how subliminal commands are used to plant post-hypnotic suggestions.

   What happens if the targeted person hears a command consciously?


   It doesn't matter what is said to the person as long as it doesn't prove in some way what's being done.  Play someone reading baseball game scores from 50 years ago.  It makes no difference.  If the person can hear and remember enough to write them down and look them up it won't matter if they're right or wrong.  If they're right the person must be remembering something they read in the past.  If they're wrong its just a sign of psychosis.

   The tendency is for disbelief no matter what the targeted person tries to describe to anyone.  It's better for the person to keep it to themselves than to try and raise an alarm.  That would be a huge mistake though.  Speaking out is the only way to find someone who can help.

   If they do try to get help here's some questions they'll be asked:

  • Who would be doing this to you (time and effort)?
  • Why would they be doing this to you (what did you do to them)?
  • How are they able to do this without others around you noticing?

   Those are all good questions.

   But when it's Gang Stalking being done you can't wait for answers. 

The people I know with answers won't give them when asked.  So I have a few Questions.

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