Friday, September 4, 2020


    Have you ever seen a news clip when someone convicted of a mass murder is taken from the court room?  The crime could have been anything we consider extreme sociopathic or psychopathic behaviour.  But there's a moment when we instantly know they're guilty and deserve the sentence they were given.

    That moment happens when we see them smile.

  • It could be a glance over their shoulder smile.
  • It could be a staring disconnected from reality smile.
  • It could be a defiant "you're never going to break me" smile
  • It could be a "you're never going to catch me" smile
   Have you ever wondered why we involuntarily shiver, feel creep-ed out, or sense the "presence of evil" when we see it?  The unconscious part of our mind knows exactly why and the involuntary reaction communicates it.

   There's a general assumption we can look someone up and down and know the kind of person they are.  We can have a conversation with them and immediately be able to label them "good " or "bad" with certainty.
   The major problem with that assumption is whether our words or actions define who we are.

   It's not necessarily words (though they can be a reasonable proxy).

   It's definitely not our thoughts (i don't care what thoughts cross a persons mind.  if they don't become actions they literally don't matter).  Though that is a personal opinion.

   So back to my assertion that our unconscious minds know exactly what's going on...  That involuntary reaction comes from recognizing another unconscious mind in control.  It's not normal for that to be the case and very few situations exist where it should happen.

   Instead of looking at the person as creepy we should ask what happened that led to an unconscious mind stepping in.

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