Friday, September 4, 2020


    Someone I've known for a few years recently said they'd see a movie with me if they "lasted another day".  What was said didn't register for a couple more sentences of conversation.  When it did I backed up and ask what it meant.   The clarification was helpful.

   It was "lasted another day around me".

   Which made more than enough sense.  I'm not exactly easy to be around sometimes.

   Then I had a shift in awareness that brought the statement into a different context.

   At times this person has made statements I didn't understand.  They were so confusing to me that I had to file them away to think about later.  After enough of them had racked up to look for anything in common I found something...

   The confusing statements I didn't understand that were also about me were backwards.

   In this case if he's concerned about lasting another day around me...

   Then I should be concerned about lasting another day in general.

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