Saturday, October 17, 2020


 About the blog

   Races can be fun to watch no matter what's being raced.  Horses in Kentucky.  Cars in Ohio.  Politicians in... that would be everywhere.

   For some reason only politicians get to put obstacles in other racer's paths.

   When one team's sure the race is over (as in they've already won) it makes sense to ease up.  There's no reason to overdo it or cause the race to appear unfair.  How often does a surprise ruin the early celebration?  Well, it can't be allowed to.  

   Here's a check list for slinging mud.

   You'll want to address every single one or be accused of not trying:

  • Find your target's weak points but don't just draw attention to them...  fully exploit them.
    • If they're quiet say they're hiding something.
    • If they're loud say they're compensating for something.
    • If they have a family say they hate single people.
    • If they're single say they can't commit.
  • Find everything they've done back to kindergarten for leverage.
    • If they shared crayons say they spend other's money.
    • If they got detention or timeout at recess say they're unfit.
    • If they have a preference for vanilla/chocolate/strawberry say they're biased.
    • If they like all flavors say they can't make decisions.
  • If they own a business dig up every invoice issued, bill not paid, and tax return.
  • If they don't own a business dig up every invoice paid, bill not paid, and tax return.
   Then hope like crazy they haven't already done the same to you.

   Actually, that's backwards.

   Create as many financial drains on them as you can.  One may not be enough.  If they have any means to sling mud back at you it get's worse the longer it goes on.

   At the end of the race they need to be exhausted and broken.

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