Friday, October 16, 2020


 About the blog

   The world is full of monsters... of a sort.  Whether or not you see them depends on what's important to you, how you were raised, even where you live.  A "sort of" monster might be anyone or anything where human nature has too much freedom and not enough control.

   That's both a terrible way of looking at things and a necessary one.

   You might question that but still wonder why it could be.

   It's because each of us is part monster - right around half.

   If you'll let me side step (for the time being and maybe forever) anything involving religion or psychology or sociology I'll say this:

   We are unbelievably backwards when comparing how we think our minds work and how they work.

   Not backwards in an uneducated or dumb way but for some reason the mind works in a way that defies out ability to understand it.

   My opinion is there's a reason for that.

   It's not accidental.

   Removing either part of the conscious or unconscious parts of our mind is disastrous.

   Even shifting them out of the way temporarily does damage.

   I've been given the impression there's indisputable evidence to show this but even that is hidden for a reason.

   This post is here to leave open another for explaining that more clearly.

   Whether a mind has one part or the other shifted aside or somehow been made 50/50 it's not an experience to be either side of.

   It never will be.

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