Saturday, October 3, 2020


   Here's my best attempt to describe how something that seems like schizophrenia on the surface works.  It appears this can be intentionally given to a person.  I'm not trying to include an actual instance of schizophrenia in this description. 

   Simulated Schizophrenia:
  • Consists of words, sentences, and dialog between voices.  They can sound familiar or unfamiliar or can be of specific people.
  • Each of those is initiated by a trigger.  That trigger is tied to the person's awareness.
  • Awareness of memories, ideas, or something from the senses can be a trigger.
  • This can create the illusion that someone  is able to read the person's mind or can see what they're doing at any given moment.
  • When awareness triggers something it must happen quickly and smoothly otherwise the illusion is broken and the person can see into how it works.
  • Replaying memories of what's happening and slowing them down consciously can have the same effect.
   Something is present in the environment to maintain a constant level of stress on the person.  This causes a feedback loop that keeps it going.  In this case it appears to be RF (probably could be any electromagnetic frequency but currently it's radio frequencies).  Not surprisingly, one source of RF being used is from a typical cell phone.  Specifically it's the person's own cell phone.  This makes it very difficult to break the feedback loop even once the person is aware.

   Other details:
  • Simply walking from one room in a residence to another can allow awareness to trigger something new.
  • When that happens quickly and smoothly the break in continuity is hidden.
  • As a person get's tired and fatigued it can create breaks in the continuity that allow awareness of what's occurring.
  • For this type of psychosis (trying to find a more accurate description) medications to treat the symptoms are placebos.
   Another big indicator is tied to familiarity with locations, environments, and situations.  When a new one is encountered the person's awareness is reallocated to learning about it.  That can cause the triggers to decrease or stop.  As the learning process continues and familiarity is gained, awareness gets freed up and triggers can start again or increase.

   Warping of Perception:

   Actively listening to what's triggered can lead to a warping of the person's perception.  It can happen in 2 distinct ways:
  1. A continuous effect that slowly changes the significance tied to memories and the associations between memories.  It can lead from a morning of stable clear headedness to an evening of erratic paranoia.  It appears this can be actively leveraged to make a person appear "crazy", to damage or destroy a person's relationships, and to make what they say appear untrustworthy.
  2. A sudden effect that rapidly rearranges the associations between memories and the significance tied to them.  Within a span of seconds or less this can occur.  Can create the sensation of the person's memories suddenly freed from gravity.  As they begin floating up, down, and away from one another something rearranges them then snaps gravity back on.  At that moment the new perception(s) that get created are locked in can become realized.


   There can be a response built into each thing triggered and heard that the person may not be aware they're acting out.  It could be a gesture or something spoken.  Those things (awareness of doing them) can then trigger more things that can have responses built in.  The net effect is to diminish the person's conscious mind and increase the influence the unconscious mind has.  It's possible to effectively change the person into someone else this way - they become unrecognizable to those around them. 

   If the person behaves or responds to what is triggered in an uncharacteristic way it can cause the "psychosis" to temporarily stop.  This can be perceived as an almost deafening silence after the person has endured it for awhile.  It appears that an unanticipated response can cause what's currently set to trigger to be invalidated.  Several minutes may go by where the person's awareness stops triggering anything.  After the pause awareness will begin triggering again.

   Dream State:

   All of what the person is experiencing has a dream like quality to it.  Memories of what's heard and what's triggered fade quickly just like the memory of a dream.  Gaining awareness of what's occurring and keeping it is extremely difficult.

The people I know with answers won't give them when asked.  So I have a few Questions.

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