Monday, October 5, 2020


   The concept of equally distributing something (anything actually) is rare to find.  Nature itself has no inherit mechanism to ensure that things are fair. We're one of only a few animals to recognize it either.

   Fairness is something that requires empathy to create.

   Selfishness could be considered the greatest enemy of that and we're all inherently selfish.

   If we want to try and make sure that life is fair for others (not just ourselves) then it has to be embraced deeply.  If that attitude doesn't make it's way to all corners of an individual then the results get skewed.

   Bias can quickly set in.

   Any successes blind us to ongoing failures.

   Patting ourselves on the back or believing our own press can stop us short.

   You might be wondering how we can get around those types of roadblocks.

   The simplest way has to do with sharing cake.

   If you grew up in household where money didn't grow on trees you probably had a dessert with your meals on occasion.  If resources were limited (and they always are) there probably wasn't enough for everyone to take as large a slice as wanted.

   You might be wondering how to slice cake as fairly as possible.

   The person who slices the cake is the last one to take a piece.

   It's not by using precision measurements or tools.

   Call it an Equally Unhappy Doctrine if you're a pessimist.

   Or even an Equally Happy Doctrine if you see things backwards.   

   But you can always call it fair.

The people I know with answers won't give them when asked.  So I have a few Questions.

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