Saturday, October 17, 2020


About the blog 

   Parent's say it to their kids at least once.  Managers say it to their employees.  The U.S. Treasury may say it but for them it's backwards.

   Money doesn't grow on trees.

   There's only 1 industry that get's to defy that rule.

   And you probably know which one without a single hint.

   Before continuing this post I should admit something.  All I know about slot machines with certainty is how shiny the  exterior is.

   If you read the post Random you're aware that slot machines aren't random at all.  The slot machine knows what you've lost or won between the moment you pull the handle and the reels begin spinning.

   Let me rephrase that.

   The slot machine has already decided whether you've won or lost the next [I don't know the exact number] spins before you even sit down at the machine.  Just to pick a number let's say 100 though it's probably more.  Since that sounds really bad on paper the slot machine may turn that into a "more likely or less likely to payout" kind of thing and track that instead 

   You might think that sounds like cheating.

   You are exactly right.

   It is cheating but you've agreed to let them just by walking in.  In fact, should a casino not cheat this way they could never make money like a true business.  There's one really big problem with slot machines cheating this way...

   And you're probably not wondering what it is.

   You've already figured it out.

   No matter what an industry spokesman says, slot machine manufacturer, or casino employee says... if the machines work that way then someone can already peak at future spins when they want.

   What's the most effective way to keep someone's mouth shut (short of ending their life of course)?

   Money.  Money from a machine intended to give someone money.

   I have that backwards though.

   It's money to close someone's mouth then using that to intimidate them into keeping it shut.

   Catch 22's for everyone.


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