Sunday, October 18, 2020


About the blog

   [EDIT: 10/18/2020 10:18 AM - Am sitting in the SSM Emergency Room waiting to have my nose fixed and just became aware there’s a dimension to awareness I missed before. That’s the amount of awareness and that makes the conversion from unconscious awareness to conscious awareness more clear.  Also changed wording to make one sentence less clear.]

   A person can be aware.  A person can also be blissfully unaware.  But a person can also be both aware and unaware at the same time about the same thing.

   That's because the conscious part of the mind and the unconscious part have their own awareness.

   You might be wondering if that happens when a mind is most whole.

   Or you might be wondering if it means the opposite.

   In this case the answer is neither (as I understand it) and backwards doesn't apply.

   Both parts of the mind seem to always have their own awareness.  But the distinction is difficult to perceive until a mind approaches full dissociation.

   Unconscious awareness is normally of finite/discrete/simple things.  It can be maintained over large to very large numbers of them.  As far as the upper limit to how many things can be maintained...  The exact number depends on the mind.

   Conscious awareness is normally of what we'd call large/complex things.  The exact number depends on the mind but 7 plus or minus 2 isn't a bad average. 

   Magic related link:,_Plus_or_Minus_Two

   Given the differences between conscious and unconscious awareness it might not be a surprise that unconscious awareness forms the basis for conscious awareness.  When awareness is shifted it doesn't happen in equal form.

   You might wonder if there's a cost that's paid when shifting awareness.

   To be as specific as possible the answer might be... sort of.

   A rule for it may be written as “Vague awareness of many things that are simple converts to deep awareness of few things that are complex.”

   Another way of say that is conscious awareness is an aggregation of unconscious awareness.   

   Your exchange rate may vary.


The people I know with answers won't give them when asked.  So I have a few Questions.

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