Thursday, December 31, 2020

The 3 types of COVID

About the blog 

   Have added a new informational-but-sarcastic blog about COVID.

   It can be found at:

      The 3 types of COVID

Sunday, December 27, 2020

Deja Vu

About the blog

   So... who's the photoshop expert that created this Deja Vu moment?  I was scanning through old emails and found one where the other person's thumbnail photo jumped out at me.  Take a quick look at the image I grabbed:

   There was something familiar about the 2 girls in the picture but I couldn't place them,  That's when I scrolled the page and it came to rest like this (there was also a cropped version nearly the same.  If the person who created the image wants to nit pick over the details...).

   Now I was looking at the 2 from an entirely different perspective:

   You might not agree with me... but I know who they are in that picture.  Someone put some effort into creating an "are they or aren't they" moment.  And I'd like to know who they are.

   Because what ever position they fill with their photoshop skills... my intent is to make that position disappear permanently.  Along with every other position working towards whatever twisted goal they have.

   Some where along the way there are some people who (normally level headed and thinking about others) heard the promise of a perfect quick fix for the problem of the day.  They got confused and convinced themselves that a moment of selfishness on there part could be justified due to the end result.  It was selfishness because the alternative is difficult, far from perfect, and requires infinite patience... so who's gonna know if someone(s) get trampled in the process.

   It's a numbers game.

   Shortcuts are ok when they're no different than going the long way when the end is reached.

   Everything about innuendo, vague hints, and pretending it doesn't involve them is backwards.

Thursday, December 24, 2020


 About the blog

   Life brings gloom and doom more often than we'd like.  For some reason we still find cause to be hopeful without a clear reason.

   Hope is what we feel when vague awareness of something we're not consciously aware of is given.  All the other knowledge of answers that arrives at that point have been skipped.  It lets up know a path exists to where we want or need to go without waiting for awareness to find all the other points along the way.

   Doubt is no different than hope.  It's a vague awareness that gives reason to disagree with hope.

   Doubt and hope are just backwards.

Monday, December 21, 2020


About the blog

[UPDATE: Original post on 10-13-2020 7:10 AM.  Added a link to the original report on Google book search.]

   A book I ordered online arrived on Saturday (10-10-2020).  I found it by accident when searching on google for details about subliminal messages.  I'm reading it for the first time now.

   The book is 36 years old now.

   You might be wondering what the book contains.

   That would be reports and transcripts from a U.S. House of Representatives hearing in 1984.

   You might be wondering what those were about.

    That would be Subliminal Communication Technologies in use at the time.

   Original transcript: Subliminal Communication Technology: Hearing before the subcommittee on Transportation, Aviation, and Materials of the Committee on Science and Technology

   On page one of the book I just learned something new about 1984.  If you were already aware it was being done 36 years ago... I wish you had told me.

   Here's what I read (but have trouble believing):

"For example, I understand that the use of subliminal communication is used by a large number of stores throughout the country to discourage shoplifting.  Using an audio device, music is combined with a subliminal message such as 'I will not steal'.  These subliminal messages are reported to have reduced shoplifting by as much as 80 percent in some cases."

   Seriously.  A technology over 36 years old now was being used on shoppers without them knowing... for security of course.

   It's always security to the rescue when no other excuse is good enough.

   You might be wondering what a person can perceive a hidden voice in music as.

   That would be schizophrenia.

Sunday, December 20, 2020


About the blog

   [NOTE:  This post isn't finished.  It's very much a work in progress.  Will keep updating it.  This version contains edit details to show it being written.  The cleaned up version can be found below.]

   Version of Theory with edits removed.

   Applications of the theory are Autism, Unfocusing, and Slots.  Patience is related to awareness.  Vegetative needs to be confirmed or rejected.  If it can't be then there's Trapped.

   [EDIT: 10/22/2020 10:12 AM - Added statement question.]

   Am curious if anyone else reading this Theory goes away with the impression that the mind exists independently of the biological organism it's anchored to.  It's the ultimate example of how we seem to perceive the mind backwards and something I have little explanation for.

   [EDIT: 10/18/2020 6:37 PM - Added dissociation and state of shock.]

    Super Simple Theory (so proportionally oversimplified)

   The mind is weird.  Hypnosis is weird.  Dissociation (also known as a state of shock) is double weird.  That level of weirdness isn't just difficult to comprehend.  It's counter intuitive to the point of being backwards.

   Here's what i'm theorizing...

   Hypnosis only has 2 tricks up it's sleeve.

  • Making a person aware of something (should be a Show verb)
  • Showing a person something to be aware of.
  • Hiding a person's awareness of something.
   [EDIT: 09/26/2020 2:20 PM - This needs to be updated to include [machine to person].  This will cover slot machine hypnosis.  The reverse of [person to machine] does not happen yet.  Artificial Intelligence (AI) development has only reached less than half what's needed for a whole mind.  I may have that backwards.]
   [EDIT: 10/20/2020 9:55 PM - Updated (finally) to include machine to person.]

   But between those 2 simple tricks we have:

  1. The ability of 2 people to indirectly affect each other awareness (using their conscious minds)
  2. The ability of 2 people to directly affect each others awareness (using their unconscious minds)
  3. The ability to hypnotize someone and directly affect their awareness (their unconscious mind)
  4. The perception of a machine to directly affect a mind's awareness (uhm... I don't get this yet actually)  

   To explain each of those in simpler terms:
  1. Conscious communication from one person to another.  The result is to convince the unconscious to affect it's own awareness.
  2. Unconscious communication from one person to another.  The result is to convince the unconscious to affect it's own awareness.
  3. Exposing the unconscious through a hypnotic trance.  The result is to affect unconscious awareness.

   [EDIT: 09/30/2020 12:52 PM - Added bias.]
   [EDIT: 10/01/2020 06:25 AM - Added self-hypnosis.]

   The 1st and 2nd listed are how we communicate align ourselves with others and try to align others with ourselves (persuade or convince).  I guess that could be called "seeking out those with the same interests and beliefs".  Also a basis for unconscious grouping or bias.

   The 3rd is artificial and a violation of free will.

   Except for the 3rd - and despite the different distinctions - all hypnosis is truly (ultimately) self-hypnosis.

   Super Simple Model (my source for this seems solid enough)

   How it originates:
  • I have no idea...  but though it's anchored in a biological organism, it exists above any small differences in normal brain chemistry.
   [EDIT: 10/20/2020 05:12 PM - Added loss.]
   [EDIT: 10/20/2020 05:31 PM - Updated to specify a whole mind.]
   [EDIT: 10/20/2020 09:49 PM - Added seizures.]
   [EDIT: 10/20/2020 10:07 PM - Corrected verbiage.]
   [EDIT: 10/21/2020 01:27 PM - Added shock.]

      The loss of cognitive function we perceive results when the ability to shift awareness is slowed or prevented:
  • Damage such as brain trauma, infirmity due to aging, disease, etc. can can all result in it.
  • Concussions
    • Impede the ability of the conscious and unconscious to shift awareness.
    • When a concussive impact occurs a whole mind may briefly not exist due to a sudden full dissociation.
    • Depending on the seriousness the dissociation may fully resolve, partially resolve, or never resolve.
    • Additional concussive impacts that result in dissociation resolve more slowly and less completely leaving a mind more dissociated than before.
  • Seizures - can result in a temporary loss of the conscious part of the mind, unconscious part of the mind, or the whole mind may briefly not exist due to a full dissociation,
    • Generalized seizures
    • Partial (focus )seizures
  • Shock - not a direct emotional or physical response (that's backwards) to an event but a dissociation which can result in a disconnect from emotion and body.
  • As long as brain death (or what we define as brain death) has not occurred the mind remains in a state between minimal dissociation and approaching full dissociation.

   [EDIT: 09/29/2020 06:59 PM - Added dissociation.]
   [EDIT: 10/20/2020 10:40 PM - Added details and intrusion.]
   [EDIT: 10/20/2020 10:47 PM - Corrected verbiage.]
   [EDIT: 10/21/2020 01:38 AM - Updated intrusion.]
   [EDIT: 10/21/2020 12:32 PM - Updated to explain how awareness shifts.]
   [EDIT: 10/21/2020 12:36 PM - Corrected verbiage.]
   [EDIT: 11/03/2020 04:21 PM - Corrected verbiage, added views.]

   [NOTE: 11/03/2020 04:33 PM - Am reworking this section with corrected verbiage.  The current version makes comprehending and understanding more difficult than needed.  The cycle starts with a mind most whole then approaches full dissociation until it reverses and approaches minimal dissociation.  When minimal dissociation is no dissociation a boundary can be reached where awareness shifts from the conscious to the unconscious (could also be viewed as the conscious and unconscious switching - both ways of framing it are equal).  When the boundary is crossed then the cycle begins again for the part of the mind awareness was shifted to.]

      This is a normal state spanning one or more points or areas of the mind.
  • When there's no dissociation a mind is not developing.
  • When there's minimal dissociation a mind is most whole. 
  • When there's full dissociation a mind doesn't exist. 
  • A developing mind exists between minimal dissociation and full dissociation as a continual shifting of awareness between the conscious and unconscious parts of the mind (calling this the Subjective View for now).
  • Intrusion - instead of the conscious and unconscious parts of the mind separating they switch through each other  shift relative to each other.
    • It's backwards from dissociation
    • As a mind approaches full intrusion the conscious and unconscious parts switch shift.
    • At that point it's the same as dissociation but with the conscious and unconscious parts of the mind taking the other's function.
    • Due to the reversal of the conscious and unconscious parts of the mind it can affect:
      • Sense of identity
      • Perception of time
      • Emotions
  • Dissociation and Intrusion are the basis for what can be perceived as the shifting of awareness.
  • A developing mind can also exist between full dissociation and full intrusion as a continual shifting of the conscious and unconscious parts of the mind (calling this the Objective View for now).

   [EDIT: 09/30/2020 12:47 AM - Added thought.]
   [EDIT: 10/01/2020 05:43 AM - Corrected verbiage.]
   [EDIT: 10/21/2020 01:09 AM - Corrected verbiage.]
  • When the mind approaches full dissociation it results in an overlapping thought space where both the conscious and unconscious parts of the mind can learn to communicate through shared thought.  When that occurs it can seem as though knowledge appears out of nowhere (to the conscious mind).  That can be in the form of shifts in awareness, feelings, and emotion, 
  • When there's minimal dissociation the mind is most whole but thought is not shared between the conscious and unconscious parts of the mind.  Thought becomes unified as a continual shifting of awareness between the conscious and unconscious parts and the distinction ends. 

   [EDIT: 09/29/2020 07:06 PM - Added memory.]
   [EDIT: 10/01/2020 05:59 AM - Corrected memory.]
   [EDIT: 10/01/2020 06:59 AM - Corrected verbiage.]
   [EDIT: 10/01/2020 02:08 PM - Corrected verbiage.]
   [EDIT: 10/20/2020 05:55 PM - Corrected verbiage.]
   [EDIT: 10/21/2020 01:17 AM - Renamed section to false memory and corrected verbiage.]
   [EDIT: 10/24/2020 06:02 PM - Updated with schizophrenia.]

      The conscious and unconscious parts of the mind have individual memory:
  • When a mind is whole the memories of each are separate and not shared,
  • When a mind approaches full dissociation it's possible for memories from each to be shared.
  • Can be perceived as a shared overlapping area of something memory and feeling where communication can take place when a mind approaches full dissociation.
  • Is also the basis for schizophrenia due to the conscious part of the mind sharing thought with the unconscious part of the mind.
   False Memory:
  • Memories are not lost or erased but can be hidden or fade beyond awareness.
  • A memory can be hidden from our awareness (which causes a point of Dissociation) and can be perceived as a Mental Block.  A Mental Block can be worked around or through (talking out loud is one way).  A memory that's hidden can return as long as:
    • It hasn't faded beyond awareness.
    • Awareness finds it again.
    • Awareness isn't gained of a false memory that replaces it (and it fades beyond awareness).
  • A false memory starts off as a second instance of a memory that coexists with the original.
    • It's a copy with altered or replaced elements.
    • As a mind recalls the memory it can become aware of both the original and the copy.
    • Slowing down recall of the memory increases the likelihood of becoming aware of both.
    • Both memories can be recalled as awareness of one is gained and awareness of the other is lost until it fades beyond awareness.
    • Awareness of a memory is gained each time it's recalled and that extends to associated memories.  The reference is circular.

   [EDIT: 09/29/2020 04:59 PM - Added section for habits and qualities/emotions.]
   [EDIT: 10/01/2020 06:15 AM - Added intuition.]
   [EDIT: 10/01/2020 06:30 AM - Corrected verbiage.]
   [EDIT: 10/01/2020 07:26 AM - Corrected section title.]

   [EDIT: 10/18/2020 11:56 AM - Added awareness.]
   [EDIT: 10/18/2020 12:28 PM - Updated with dissociation.]
   [EDIT: 10/19/2020 06:37 AM - Updated with item to statement like in memory.]
   [EDIT: 10/21/2020 12:54 AM - Updated with reference to the double-slit experiment.]

      The conscious and unconscious parts of the mind have individual awareness (and for some reason the double-slit experiment can be interpreted as driven by awareness...  see Patience.):
  • Does not appear to be affected by dissociation other than it‘s difficult to perceive until a mind approaches full dissociation.
  • Unconscious awareness is a vague awareness of many things that are simple/finite/discrete.
  • Conscious awareness is a deep awareness of few things that are complex/large/abstract.
  • Unconscious awareness forms the basis for conscious awareness by shifting/conversion.
  • Shifting/Conversion Rule: Vague awareness of many things that are simple converts to deep awareness of few things that are complex.
  • Another way of saying that is conscious awareness is an aggregation of unconscious awareness.
   [EDIT: 12/20/2020 12:28 PM - Updated with consciousness with no awareness.]
   [EDIT: 01/23/2021 11:42 PM - Corrected verbiage.]
  • Once a mind gains consciousness it can retain it even when all other awareness is lost.

   [EDIT: 10/20/2020 05:39 PM - Renamed habits to routine to change.]
   [EDIT: 10/20/2020 05:46 PM - Updated with more detail.]
   [EDIT: 10/21/2020 12:57 AM - Corrected verbiage.]

  • Anything that affects our awareness exists until it fades beyond awareness. The reference is circular.
  • That includes what's given to us and what we give ourselves as suggestions (or commands) though both work the same.
    • As a mind approaches minimal dissociation it favors suggestions.
    • As a mind approaches full dissociation it favors neither but accepts both equally.
  • When a mind accepts a suggestion or command it results in change and awareness is gained.
    • This is how our minds grow and increase overall awareness.
  • When the mind rejects a suggestion or command it fades beyond awareness and awareness is lost.
  • A mind can exert conscious control over continual change to grow and maintain the mind as long as they live.

  • The mind - either whole or approaching full dissociation - is not psychic.
  • That perception is the result of the unconscious part of the minds ability to process faster than the conscious.  It also stores and processes knowledge differently than the conscious part of the mind.
  • The unconscious part of the mind works backwards from answers to questions.  [It operates on truths - this isn't quite the right way to say this but still working on understanding it].
  • Can result in the perception of being telepathic due to lack of awareness of the unconscious part of the mind.

   [EDIT: 10/01/2020 07:19 AM - Added paranoia.]
   [EDIT: 10/01/2020 07:30 AM - Updated with explanation.]
   [EDIT: 10/19/2020 06:47 AM - Updated to fix mistake (paranoia used in place of 'feeling of being watched' and corrected oversimplification.]
   [EDIT: 10/19/2020 06:56 AM - Updated to give the unconscious credit due.]

   Anxiety to Paranoia to Presence:
  • The basis of feeling another presence (also known as a 'feeling of being watched') resides in conscious awareness of the unconscious part of the mind.
  • This can occur as the mind approaches full dissociation but also under some circumstances with more than minimal dissociation.
  • Anxiety, paranoia, and states in between are normal.  They arise when the unconscious part of the mind determines a need is great and normal measures won't provide enough time.

   [EDIT: 10/01/2020 12:36 AM - Added humor.]
   [EDIT: 10/01/2020 07:22 AM - Corrected verbiage]
   [EDIT: 10/01/2020 12:12 PM - Corrected humor and added mood.]
   [EDIT: 10/20/2020 05:20 PM - Added empathy.]
   [EDIT: 10/26/2020 11:00 PM - Updated zero to finite.]

   Qualities (including emotions for now) - both parts of our minds exhibit them but they're different from what might be expected (operate on difference timescales).
  • Anger
    • Conscious - Slow to start and build, slow to fade (might be backwards).
    • Unconscious - Quick to start, slightly less quick to fade (might be backwards).
  • Love
    • Conscious - Slow to start and build, slowly or never fades (might be backwards).
    • Unconscious - Quick to start (infatuation), slightly less quick to fade (might be backwards).
  • Patience
    • Conscious - Finite
    • Unconscious - Infinite
  • Empathy
    • As a mind approaches minimal dissociation it gains perspective.
    • As a mind approaches full dissociation it loses perspective.
      • It seems backwards but empathy remains as perspective is lost.
      • This implies that empathy is the basis for perspective but that is backwards.
  • Humor - each can have it's own distinct sense of humor though the conscious part of the mind's humor rests on that of the unconscious.
  • Mood - each can have it's own distinct mood though the conscious part of the mind's mood rests on that of the unconscious.
   We are able to exert conscious control over the unconscious in all the respects listed above.  It's a matter of strength of will.  Another way of saying that is the choices and decisions we make.

   [EDIT: 09/29/2020 07:21 PM - Added addiction/recovery.]
   [EDIT: 10/01/2020 06:48 AM - Renamed to mental illness.]

   Addiction/Recovery  Mental Illness:
  • [trying to remember this one]
  • [trying to remember this one]
  • Physicians should work to restore the boundaries between the conscious and unconscious parts of the mind (yes, this seems backwards).

   [EDIT: 10/01/2020 06:53 AM - Re-added addiction/recovery.]

  • Change can occur when both the conscious and unconscious minds are in agreement.

   [EDIT: 09/29/2020 07:12 PM - Added perception.]
   [EDIT: 10/01/2020 05:48 AM - Corrected verbiage.]
   [EDIT: 10/20/2020 05:51 PM - Updated with item to statement like in memory.] 

      The conscious and unconscious parts of the mind have individual perception:
  • We know a mind's conscious perception as reality and a mind's unconscious perception as dreams.
  • Knowledge (from perception) is stored in an extremely flexible way and can be altered.
    • At a high level it exists as memory linked to memory where each relationship is weighted by significance.
    • Those relationships are dynamic and can change easily and rapidly.
    • Hypnosis is the mechanism for that change.

   [EDIT: 10/22/2020 4:46 PM - Added illness.]

  • When a mind's perception of reality falls too far out of sync with actuality a psychosis can occur.

   [EDIT: 09/29/2020 7:27 PM - Added very little about causing self-hypnosis.]
   [EDIT: 11/05/2020 10:52 AM - Added a few placeholders.]

  • Accidental - [explain how prevented.]
  • When a mind is most whole - [explain how it does/doesn't occur.]
  • When a mind approaches full dissociation - [explain how it does/doesn't work.]
  • Externally driven - very very bad and probably won't explain.
  • Not listing them at this time.
  • Not all are safe (at least I don't consider them so).
  • That's because some can be externally driven.

   [ORIGINAL POST: 09/18/2020 5:44 AM - Initial publish.]
   [UPDATE: 09/26/2020 2:20 PM - Added machine to person]
   [UPDATE: 09/29/2020 04:59 PM - Added habits, qualities/emotions.]
   [UPDATE: 09/29/2020 6:59 PM - Added dissociation.]
   [UPDATE: 09/29/2020 7:06 PM - Added memory.]
   [UPDATE: 09/29/2020 7:12 PM - Added perception.]
   [UPDATE: 09/29/2020 7:21 PM - Added addiction/recovery.]
   [UPDATE: 09/29/2020 7:27 PM - Added very little about causing self-hypnosis.]
   [UPDATE: 09/30/2020 12:47 AM - Added thought.]
   [UPDATE: 09/30/2020 12:52 PM - Added bias.]
   [UPDATE: 10/01/2020 12:36 AM - Added humor.]
   [UPDATE: 10/01/2020 05:43 AM - Corrected verbiage.]
   [UPDATE: 10/01/2020 05:48 AM - Corrected verbiage.]
   [UPDATE: 10/01/2020 05:59 AM - Corrected memory.]
   [UPDATE: 10/01/2020 06:15 AM - Added intuition.]
   [UPDATE: 10/01/2020 06:25 AM - Added self-hypnosis.]
   [UPDATE: 10/01/2020 06:30 AM - Corrected verbiage.]
   [UPDATE: 10/01/2020 06:48 AM - Renamed to mental illness.]
   [UPDATE: 10/01/2020 06:53 AM - Re-added addiction/recovery.]
   [UPDATE: 10/01/2020 06:59 AM - Corrected verbiage.]
   [UPDATE: 10/01/2020 07:19 AM - Added paranoia.]
   [UPDATE: 10/01/2020 07:22 AM - Corrected verbiage]
   [UPDATE: 10/01/2020 07:26 AM - Corrected section title.]
   [UPDATE: 10/01/2020 07:30 AM - Updated with explanation.]
   [UPDATE: 10/01/2020 12:12 PM - Corrected humor and added mood.]
   [UPDATE: 10/01/2020 02:08 PM - Corrected verbiage.]
   [UPDATE: 10/18/2020 11:56 AM - Added awareness.]
   [UPDATE: 10/18/2020 12:28 PM - Updated with dissociation.]
   [UPDATE: 10/18/2020 06:37 PM - Added dissociation and state of shock.]
   [UPDATE: 10/19/2020 06:37 AM - Updated with item to statement like in memory.] 
   [UPDATE: 10/19/2020 06:47 AM - Updated to fix mistake (paranoia used in place of 'feeling of being watched' and corrected oversimplification.]
   [UPDATE: 10/19/2020 06:56 AM - Updated to give the unconscious credit due.]
   [UPDATE: 10/20/2020 05:12 PM - Added loss.]
   [UPDATE: 10/20/2020 05:20 PM - Added empathy.]
   [UPDATE: 10/20/2020 05:31 PM - Updated to specify a whole mind.]
   [UPDATE: 10/20/2020 05:46 PM - Updated with more detail.]
   [UPDATE: 10/20/2020 05:51 PM - Updated with item to statement like in memory.]
   [UPDATE: 10/20/2020 05:56 PM - Corrected verbiage.]
   [UPDATE: 10/20/2020 09:49 PM - Added seizures.]
   [UPDATE: 10/20/2020 10:07 PM - Corrected verbiage.]
   [UPDATE: 10/20/2020 10:40 PM - Added details and intrusion.]
   [UPDATE: 10/20/2020 10:47 PM - Corrected verbiage.]
   [UPDATE: 10/21/2020 12:54 AM - Updated with reference to the double-slit experiment.]
   [UPDATE: 10/21/2020 12:57 AM - Corrected verbiage.]
   [UPDATE: 10/21/2020 01:17 AM - Renamed section to false memory and corrected verbiage.]
   [UPDATE: 10/21/2020 01:27 PM - Added shock.]
   [UPDATE: 10/21/2020 01:38 AM - Updated intrusion.]
   [UPDATE: 10/21/2020 12:32 PM - Updated to explain how awareness shifts.]
   [UPDATE: 10/21/2020 12:36 PM - Corrected verbiage.]
   [UPDATE: 10/22/2020 10:12 AM - Added statement question.]
   [UPDATE: 10/22/2020 4:46 PM - Added illness.]
   [UPDATE: 10/24/2020 06:02 PM - Updated with schizophrenia.]
   [UPDATE: 10/26/2020 11:00 PM - Updated zero to finite.]
   [UPDATE: 11/03/2020 04:21 PM - Corrected verbiage, added views.]
   [UPDATE: 11/05/2020 10:52 AM - Added a few placeholders.]
   [UPDATE: 12/20/2020 12:28 PM - Updated with consciousness with no awareness.]
   [UPDATE: 01/23/2021 11:42 PM - Corrected verbiage.]

Saturday, December 19, 2020


About the blog 

   It's a great feeling to know someone you can completely trust.  For the conscious part of the mind there's reassurance and stability in them just being "there".  For the unconscious part of the mind it's also reassuring... but it's taken in a much different direction.

  If you're wondering what direction that is then you've jumped ahead of me.

  You're probably aware of things we trust:

  • Automobiles
  • Aircraft
  • Postal Service (thought not always by choice)
  And if you've ever thought about why we trust:
  • There's a history of consistency - proof something can be depended on to stay the same
  • There's a need to safeguard - whatever is being entrusted will be safer
  • There's no better option - whether we like it or not
   Now that much different direction can be explained.

   If you read the post Breadth then you know the unconscious works continuously and steadily.  It takes the knowledge available to it and works through possible routes down every path a mind can consider.

   That might seem backwards at first but it's necessary.  If you read the post Barrier then you' have an idea why.

   Those are from conscious awareness, unconscious awareness, and knowledge the conscious isn't aware of yet.  The awareness barrier doesn't exist for the unconscious part of the mind (I could be proven wrong on that but lets hope not).

   Call it modeling, forecasting, predicting, and projecting ahead.

   You might be wondering why modelling is named first... it's ok if you are.

    It's because modeling explains why the unconscious part of the mind takes a different direction.

    Whether it's a:
  • Person, action, reaction
  • Object, item, tool, instrument
  • Process or technique
   .There's little difference between them.

   If the unconscious part of the mind can't accurately model something then it can't be trusted.

Thursday, December 17, 2020


 About the blog

   Did you know it's possible to use a microphone held against a patient's throat to hear the same schizophrenic voices they hear?  They're picked up as just a whisper but it's the person's own throat forming the words they hear.

   They hear words in their head when formed by their throat.  Sounds backwards, right?

   Relevant link: Medical Examiner - Schizophrenia and subvocal speech from

   The process is already known to work the other way when people read and their throat forms the words as they read them.

   But I don't see the question being asked as to what/how the word's are being formed in the throat first and then heard by the person second.  Not only that but people with schizophrenia are often sure (at least at first) that what they're hearing isn't from them.

   You might be wondering how that's possible.

   How can a person not recognize what they're hearing as anything they consciously thought of or would say?

   How can their own throat be forming words which they then hear in their head as a voice?

   There's only 1 way that explains both questions.

   It's the unconscious part of their mind that's responsible.

   There's a bridge in place by way of subvocal speech that allows communication to take place.

   And I suspect a large percentage of case where adults develop schizophrenia aren't as random or accidental as they seem.

   We often ask people a question whenever it's suggested that something is originating in their unconscious.  It goes something like:

      "What is your unconscious trying to tell you?"

   I bet for each of them it's trying to tell them more than they can currently understand.


Monday, December 14, 2020


About the blog 

   Whatever happened to an early attempt to develop a computer AI (artificial intelligence) that seemed to be going in a scary direction?

   It disappeared from the radar right around the time it was showing signs of trying to learn on it's own.

   You might be wondering what early attempt I'm referring to.

   I don't recall it's name.

   But what does stick in my mind was the way it asked questions to try and gain understanding.  The example will stay with me forever.

   One of the people working on the project described it this way:

      "It has about 200,000 pieces of information currently available." (paraphrased)

      "It's asking if a man shaving means the man and the razor become one and the same."

   That's exactly the kind of question you might expect a child to ask the first time they saw their dad shaving.  It also indicates that the level of intelligence of the AI at the time was roughly that of a child.

   You might be wondering how long ago that event occurred.

   It's been almost 20 years now since it happened.

   Assuming the project wasn't shelved like so many are...  how much growing up could have been achieved in the meantime?

   Computers aren't necessarily constrained like people in how fast they can learn.  Given the right set of inputs and a sharp team of guys and gals it can move at speeds that we can't even describe.

   You might be wondering what that has to do with now?

   It's that coincidences aren't as random as they can appear.

   Be aware that whatever something may seem may be the exact opposite.


About the blog 

   With temperatures dropping now's a good time to point out there's nothing to keep a gas utility from disconnecting service during the winter.  I'm speaking from experience.

   It doesn't even matter if strange circumstances caused you to get behind on your bill.

   You might be wondering what kind of strange circumstances I'm talking about.

   Those would be someone else taking over your account without notice and paying the bill for you thinking it was their account.

   When I finally caught on to the problem and called to find out what was going on I wasn't given enough information to know if it was accidental or not.  But I was still on the hook for paying the months when someone else had been paying them for me.

   What does that add up to?

   Nearly $1000 to be caught up on (I didn't know I was using that much gas for sure) and now having it turned off until I can put down an amount based on the back amount I owe.

   But there's no reason to panic.

   Thermal blankets are inexpensive (they're like light weight aluminum foil) and can keep a person warm no matter how low temperatures get.  They're also inexpensive.  For around $1 each you can stay warm if you're wrapped up.

   If you're ambitious and tape them on the walls and ceiling you can heat a room with only a candle.

   How's that for backwards?

Saturday, December 12, 2020


About the blog 

   Leave it to Apple to be blunt about something users should be aware of but aren't.  Browsers aren't safe for doing anything you truly want to keep private.

   End to end encryption that doesn't leave loopholes for flying airplanes through can't be done.

   How do you securely create a secure handshake?

   You can't.

   The starting point for a browser is always unsecured unless encryption keys are shared ahead of time in a way that doesn't involve the browser.

   Blunt link:

   The paragraph referenced starts with "You can use messages in iCloud..."

   Why is there a common perception (backwards) that everything is safe and well?

   It's just a guess, but if everyone woke up and realized the truth of the matter... there'd be no shortage of people working the fix the problem(s).


About the blog 

   If you read the post Standing (which may have been identified backwards) then you know about an effect that's sometimes noticeable in certain locations.  The cause may be a little more complicated than originally thought.

   Several buildings at an apartment complex have AC magnetic fields being generated generated beneath them.  The magnetic field radiates up through the floor into the first level and can be measured even up to the second floor.

  Requests to the electric utility didn't produce any answers, but the right questions may not have been asked (not that this should excuse anything).

   It's possible the nearby power lines (being "near field" sources) are responsible for powering these magnetic field.:

   Technical link:  Electromagnetic Radiation from Wikipedia

   It's no different than wirelessly charging a phone.

   The transfer of power between the lines and a receiver (unsure what that is for now) is very efficient and means no one should be paying the bill that lives here.

   It still leaves the question of how it started occurring in the first place.  Would someone just be considered lucky or unlucky to pick from a list of available apartments and end up with a magnetic one?

   As far as an innocent passerby carrying a cell phone goes...

   Should you feel like you've been caught in a web, you shouldn't need to check for spiders.

   In this case the web is invisible to us.  For the real thing it's invisible to insects (mostly).

   Too many things are backwards.

Wednesday, December 9, 2020


About the blog 

   I should probably read more.  Though in this case there's value in having waited so long to read about Milton H. Erickson.  That would be the guy known for putting someone into a hypnotic trance with just a handshake.

   Reading through the Wikipedia article on him (and the first time I've read more than how he shook hands) and then one on NLP left me surprised.  There's more similarities between what was explained as his view on the conscious/unconscious and with what I've been writing than I would have expected.

   But I stopped with those 2 articles.

   Making a note of the date when both Wikipedia articles were read.

   12-08-2020   Milton H. Erickson on Wikipedia

   12-09-2020   Methods of neuro-linguistic programming

Monday, December 7, 2020


About the blog 

   How many people have hearing good enough to "hear" Bluetooth?

   No one should.

   The question in and of itself is backwards.

   But if you read the post Concrete then you know there's an AC magnetic field in my apartment being emitted somewhere beneath my feet.  The field extends up at least 3 feet.  It's probably measurable up into the apartment above me though I haven't tried to.

   You might be wondering what that has to do with hearing Bluetooth.

   Well, do you use a space heater?  And does it have heating elements?

   I had someone doing the following one opportune time:

  • Using an iPad as a Bluetooth keyboard
  • With a space heater in the room
  • And an AC magnetic field from the floor
   Guess what happened?

   Each tap in the iPad became a very audible sound that echoed from the space heater.

   You might be wondering if each tap echoes was discernable from the others in a way that revealed each key being pressed.

   That's a good question.

   The answer is yes and no.

   Yes to the sound of different keys being discernable from each other.

   But No to them giving away which key was tapped.

   So is that a problem?

   Only if someone duplicated the conditions themselves and recorded what each key sounded like.

   With that blueprint it's possible to know exactly what a person was typing just by listening.

   Keeping the central heat running seems more important than ever.    


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   Have you ever heard a sound or noise that no one around you could?  Maybe it was a low frequency sound you first noticed in the pit of your stomach.  Maybe it was a high frequency sound that more aged person's wouldn't be able to hear.

   I've been having some trouble with a series of high pitched noises.

   Not just at my apartment.  But at other people's homes too.

   And no microphone I've tried has been able to record it.

   When I've that sound it's often after hearing other objects resonating to it first.  In a room with lots of lamps, vases, and other solid objects it can seem like a chorus.

   Each item resonating seems to have a turn then quiet down then back to resonating again.  At first I thought it was a prank of some kind but no, it's not that easy to hear or become aware of.

   I finally (maybe accidentally) found a way to make it audible - in a way - to anyone.

   You might be wondering what way that is.

   It's by introducing true white noise into the area and using it to make all sounds a little louder.

    Yes, I know what you're thinking.  Introducing white noise to make other things louder sounds backwards.

      Technical link:   Stochastic Resonance on Wikipedia

   What you'd need to duplicate the setup is:

  • Android phone
  • Free app "Ear Scout"
  • Analog source of white noise - Marsona 1200
    • I'm not sure if a digital source that claims it's white noise will work
   The settings for the app 'Ear Scout' will probably need to be manually adjusted but the screenshot for mine is below.  The white noise generator is a Marsona 1200 bought off ebay and adjusted to play "Surf" at it's fastest rate.  The Android phone is placed about half a foot from the white noise generator.

    What can I (and anyone else) hear now?

    A pulsing sound that spans a range of frequencies.

   Why is it in my apartment?

    I'm not sure why... but I bet my privacy's being violated.

District Apartments

About the blog

   There's something not quite right with several of the apartment buildings where I live.  I don't know if mine is unique among them either.  But typically you don't expect a building to have:

  • Floors made of concrete that emit an AC magnetic field from every square inch
  • Walls that emit an AC magnetic field from areas where there's wiring
   If the AC magnetic field was being generated by current at 120 Hz then I could wirelessly charge most devices by setting them on the floor.

   That's cool but not really what you'd want to happen.

   My building in particular is flooded with RF (radio frequencies).  I've mentioned this before but it took awhile to track down the sources.  Those appear to be:
  • A large diameter sewage pipe behind a bathroom wall that connects the 2nd floor to the ground
  • 2 metal floor lamps I have sitting directly on the floor.
   You might be wondering what started me on the idea of check for RF in the first place.

   It was because I already had a cheap $8 meter and I kept getting a reading from doorknobs (round ones) and from about the middle of each doorway that had a metal frame (they all do, so from every doorway).

   My conclusion is the AC magnetic field is the reason why metal objects have been turned into transmitters.  I've recorded the signal strength from each of them but not the frequency.

   There's another incident that started me wondering if ultrasound or infrasound was involved somehow.  It was late at night when I woke up with a feeling of pressure around me that wasn't normal.  I stood up but had lost my coordination, balance, and was more nauseous than ever before.  I passed out trying to get my front door unlocked but just 3 steps from it all the symptoms vanished.

   If the AC magnetic field was strong enough it could have been used to affect the rebar in the concrete and turn the whole concrete slab into a speaker.

   Who would want to treat a tenant this way?

   It's somewhat backwards.

   Somehow I don't think the office here at District Apartments is where the power switch is for these effects.


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   No one I've asked seems to know why the concrete slab of a home or building would have an AC magnetic field radiating from it.  So far that includes:

  • Ameren Electrical Engineers
  • Schaeffer Electric Co. Electrician
  • Other unlucky people I've asked
   But it seems I know what it can do...   it was the time I got knocked unconscious trying to get out of the apartment.  The only way that makes sense for infrasound to fill the entire apartment but then everything stop 3 steps out the front door is for the sound to be emanating from below.

   The apartment was fully covered by the sound (though I was feeling the effect not hearing it).  I know because I found pretty much every wall by necessity as I tried to walk and keep my balance.

   And when I woke up it felt like there was pressure above holding/pushing me down.

   How backwards is that?

   Now it would helpful to find someone with experience in this type of concrete.

   Why do I feel like this one's not a typical pour?

Sunday, December 6, 2020


About the blog

   [EDIT: Original post on 8-20-2020 5:49 AM - The AC magnetic field under the building's concrete slab was used to create infrasound.  Am assuming the concrete slab behaved like the diaphragm in a speaker.  The event caused damage to the apartment's hot water heater.  Gas was leaking and water was leaking into components it shouldn't have been.  Water heater was replaced after a few bright flashes and pops when opening it's closet.  Updated on 12-06-2020]

   One night I was knocked unconscious in my apartment..  lets say by something.  There wasn't any audible sound.  There wasn't much in the way of physical force.

   If  it had been a prank (even a bad one) someone would have let me know why it was funny.

   Some time around 4:00 am (might have been closer to 4:30 am but not sure it matters)  I woke up from a dead sleep close to panicking.  I could feel something pushing me down towards the floor.  It wasn't much force and I stood up when I felt it.

   That turned into the worst feeling of nausea I've ever experienced.

   It only took 1 step toward the doorway to realize I had no equilibrium or balance either.

    My immediate reaction was to get out of the apartment.  Going from wall to wall I made it to the front door without vomiting but couldn't unlock it.  I blacked out before getting the lock the turn.  When I hit my head on the floor and the side of my leg on the TV stand (bruised enough I had to explain at work)  I snapped back awake long enough to stand back up and open the door.

   Just 3 steps out the front door and everything I was feeling vanished.

   Nausea was gone.  Equilibrium and balance was back.  But I apparently fell back asleep then too.  That's just a guess but I work back up again sometime later while walking through some mud outside.

   When I went back in everything was normal.  Nothing out the ordinary that I could tell.

   What left the biggest impression is how similar it felt to standing by an oversized speaker at a concert.  I couldn't hear a thing while trying to get out of the apartment but I could feel something in the pit of my stomach the whole time.  And the hairs on my arms and legs felt like a strong breeze was pushing against them too.

   Remember the voices I mentioned?

   After going back inside I could hear one of them saying it was 'an accident'..

   Big surprise it was followed by another voice saying 'no it wasn't'.

   They both can't be right.


About the blog

    Something strange has been going on with my hearing for awhile.  It's most noticeable in my apartment but its also happened at work and in my car.

   Without boring you with too many details, it's basically a Tinnitus

   I've been leaning towards the cause as ultrasound emitted from... something.  But recently found a link on a topic with a description that's a better match.  The problem is I don't like the implications.

   Have you ever heard of something called Radio Frequency (RF) Hearing?

   Informative link: 

   It's described as a faint high pitched noise. 

   As far as my apartment goes... that's backwards.

   It's anything but faint.

   And there's more going on than just a sound:

  • Certain things seem to cause an increase in the perceived intensity of it.
  • Then what sounds like an attempt to plant a suggestion to hear the words 'we got 'em'
   The suggestion is easy to miss because of the increasing intensity.  As it increases it distracts the conscious part of the mind and can allow the suggestion to reach the unconscious.

   What's the point to all this?


Saturday, December 5, 2020


About the blog

    Let's say you aren't a very nice person and only cared about your own interests.  How could you get away with abusing someone(s) over and over?

   It would take a way to hide memories.

   But there aren't many ways to do that which aren't:

  • Temporary
  • Eventually going to cause psychosis
  • Damaging in other apparent ways

       It's possible to temporarily hide memories from someone.  A memory can be traumatic enough that the person hides it from themselves (which is hypnosis - that's how the mind works).

       If the memory doesn't qualify as traumatic but you want it gone anyway... there's what we currently call hypnosis through a hypnotic trance.   If you read the post Barrier then you know in either case it's only awareness of the memory that's been manipulated.

       The memory is still there.

       And once it's found by awareness again the person will have both the memory AND awareness related to what was done to hide it.  Seems kind of backwards doesn't it?

       That's good for the person who now knows more than they did or should.

       It's bad for whoever violated someone's free will and tried to take away their memory in the first place.

       What kind of technology is able affect memory this way?

       How can it work without the usual hypnotist and hypnotic trance?

       I both like and hate the graphic below.

    ©1996 to 2010
    Eleanor White


    About the blog 

       If you read the post Breadth then you know intuition doesn't exist.  It's a perception we have when  witnessing another solving a problem or having an idea in the amount of time it took.  Specifically when our own minds give the impression of how long it would take for them to reach that point.

       Think of our own mind's impression as occurring on a shift in awareness and the estimate on a vague awareness of many things.

       You might be wondering how a mind can skip so many steps in identifying answers and gathering knowledge to find an answer to a problem or have an idea.

       It can't, that's backwards.

       But the skipping steps is easy to explain.

       The final moment when they snap together is how hypnosis ties in

       If you read the post Hiding then you know about the mind's mental map.  That mental map allows us to know things without really knowing them.  Let me rephrase that:

       The mind's mental map allows us to have answers stored as knowledge without being aware of them.

       An easy way to picture that is a line drawn that acts like a barrier (or picture a fence) to wall off the things we aren't currently aware of.  This division of what we know and we're aware of makes it possible to reach a point where things just line up.  It's a connecting domains of knowledge type of thing but don't worry about that now. 

       At that moment, barriers drop and a person can go from clueless to psychic.

       Scratch that.

       There's no more a psychic than there is an intuition.

    Thursday, December 3, 2020


    About the blog 

       If you read the post Conversation, then you're familiar with conversational hypnosis.  You may not have bought in to the idea.  You probably had good reason to disagree.

       There's some gaps between what was explained and what was left out: 

    • How can a conversation leave someone hypnotized?
    • How can that be hypnosis when there's no hypnotic trance?

       Everyone who read that post (all 20 people) probably had the same questions.

       Pathological (compulsive) liars are instinctively able to exploit  the mechanism responsible for changing perspective.  It's just how the mind works.

       It's not a weakness.  Looking at it that way is backwards.

       You'd be focusing on it from perspective of a liar.

       If you read the post Theory (edits removed) then you a basic idea of how awareness is shifted (or pulled depending on you perspective).  Across the interface between the conscious and unconscious parts of the mind there are falling hills and rising valleys where the 2 intrude into each others thought space.

       The image should be considered lopsided with few hills on the conscious side shifting to many hills on the unconscious side.  If there was a rule for the conversion it might sound something like the post Awareness.

       Every time a nice level interface between the 2 starts the journey to a hill or valley it's a growing or shrinking point of dissociation.  That's normal and a process you don't want to interrupt.  But every time a point of dissociation reverses there's a brief window where awareness transitions in a momentary hypnotic trance state.

       That's normal too and occurs for a reason.

       The problem is some individuals don't like going through the trouble of asking for what they want.

       They look for a shortcut and take it.

    Tuesday, December 1, 2020


    About the blog 

       The common wisdom about the human brain is we only use some percentage of it's capability and rest sits idle.  I'm not so sure that's factual.

       Sure, the conscious part of the mind uses some fraction of the brains capacity.

       But the unconscious part of the mind uses the rest:

    • Continually and steadily.
    • Evaluating the facts, answers, and truths that it knows to identify and expand knowledge.
    • Modeling and projecting to find the right path or make adjustments.

       What the unconscious part of the mind doesn't do:

    • Does not typically deal with metaphors, abstractions, or symbolism.
    • Those must first be resolved by the conscious part of the mind (does anyone notice that shift in awareness?)

       The unconscious part of the mind does those things according to the mind's will.  That sounds backwards, but it isn't.   A better way of saying that is the mind wills it, the unconscious carries it out, and we're unaware of that occurring.

       Here's a few things you probably already know:

    • A mind that values honesty and truth will inevitably find that path (even when path appears backwards).
    • A mind that values people and friends will find a path surrounded by them.
    • A mind that values things will find a path to more than they can ever use.
    • A mind that values self over anything else will find more than enough of themselves to last a lifetime.

       How is that so straightforwardly possible?

       It's a brute force kind of thing and massively in parallel.  Think of it as working along the breadth of the mind's abilities instead of the depth.  We only know it's occurring through inference because of the results we receive with so little input.

       Would you be surprised if I claimed there's no such thing as intuition?

       It only takes a single vague awareness of something for the unconscious part of the mind to identify different domains of knowledge worth connecting.

       It's a hallmark of hypnosis - frame shifting - that allows the unconscious part of the mind to translate between domains to generate new knowledge from existing knowledge.

       Another way of saying that would be "looking for answers".

       Throw in as much basic research as needed...

       And we're still less than halfway to building a more mind like artificial intelligence.


    "Illustration" courtesy of: "walmart " "Self check-out" registers or kiosks can be fo...