Monday, December 14, 2020


About the blog 

   With temperatures dropping now's a good time to point out there's nothing to keep a gas utility from disconnecting service during the winter.  I'm speaking from experience.

   It doesn't even matter if strange circumstances caused you to get behind on your bill.

   You might be wondering what kind of strange circumstances I'm talking about.

   Those would be someone else taking over your account without notice and paying the bill for you thinking it was their account.

   When I finally caught on to the problem and called to find out what was going on I wasn't given enough information to know if it was accidental or not.  But I was still on the hook for paying the months when someone else had been paying them for me.

   What does that add up to?

   Nearly $1000 to be caught up on (I didn't know I was using that much gas for sure) and now having it turned off until I can put down an amount based on the back amount I owe.

   But there's no reason to panic.

   Thermal blankets are inexpensive (they're like light weight aluminum foil) and can keep a person warm no matter how low temperatures get.  They're also inexpensive.  For around $1 each you can stay warm if you're wrapped up.

   If you're ambitious and tape them on the walls and ceiling you can heat a room with only a candle.

   How's that for backwards?

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