Sunday, December 6, 2020


About the blog

    Something strange has been going on with my hearing for awhile.  It's most noticeable in my apartment but its also happened at work and in my car.

   Without boring you with too many details, it's basically a Tinnitus

   I've been leaning towards the cause as ultrasound emitted from... something.  But recently found a link on a topic with a description that's a better match.  The problem is I don't like the implications.

   Have you ever heard of something called Radio Frequency (RF) Hearing?

   Informative link: 

   It's described as a faint high pitched noise. 

   As far as my apartment goes... that's backwards.

   It's anything but faint.

   And there's more going on than just a sound:

  • Certain things seem to cause an increase in the perceived intensity of it.
  • Then what sounds like an attempt to plant a suggestion to hear the words 'we got 'em'
   The suggestion is easy to miss because of the increasing intensity.  As it increases it distracts the conscious part of the mind and can allow the suggestion to reach the unconscious.

   What's the point to all this?


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