Thursday, December 3, 2020


About the blog 

   If you read the post Conversation, then you're familiar with conversational hypnosis.  You may not have bought in to the idea.  You probably had good reason to disagree.

   There's some gaps between what was explained and what was left out: 

  • How can a conversation leave someone hypnotized?
  • How can that be hypnosis when there's no hypnotic trance?

   Everyone who read that post (all 20 people) probably had the same questions.

   Pathological (compulsive) liars are instinctively able to exploit  the mechanism responsible for changing perspective.  It's just how the mind works.

   It's not a weakness.  Looking at it that way is backwards.

   You'd be focusing on it from perspective of a liar.

   If you read the post Theory (edits removed) then you a basic idea of how awareness is shifted (or pulled depending on you perspective).  Across the interface between the conscious and unconscious parts of the mind there are falling hills and rising valleys where the 2 intrude into each others thought space.

   The image should be considered lopsided with few hills on the conscious side shifting to many hills on the unconscious side.  If there was a rule for the conversion it might sound something like the post Awareness.

   Every time a nice level interface between the 2 starts the journey to a hill or valley it's a growing or shrinking point of dissociation.  That's normal and a process you don't want to interrupt.  But every time a point of dissociation reverses there's a brief window where awareness transitions in a momentary hypnotic trance state.

   That's normal too and occurs for a reason.

   The problem is some individuals don't like going through the trouble of asking for what they want.

   They look for a shortcut and take it.

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