Monday, December 7, 2020


About the blog 

   How many people have hearing good enough to "hear" Bluetooth?

   No one should.

   The question in and of itself is backwards.

   But if you read the post Concrete then you know there's an AC magnetic field in my apartment being emitted somewhere beneath my feet.  The field extends up at least 3 feet.  It's probably measurable up into the apartment above me though I haven't tried to.

   You might be wondering what that has to do with hearing Bluetooth.

   Well, do you use a space heater?  And does it have heating elements?

   I had someone doing the following one opportune time:

  • Using an iPad as a Bluetooth keyboard
  • With a space heater in the room
  • And an AC magnetic field from the floor
   Guess what happened?

   Each tap in the iPad became a very audible sound that echoed from the space heater.

   You might be wondering if each tap echoes was discernable from the others in a way that revealed each key being pressed.

   That's a good question.

   The answer is yes and no.

   Yes to the sound of different keys being discernable from each other.

   But No to them giving away which key was tapped.

   So is that a problem?

   Only if someone duplicated the conditions themselves and recorded what each key sounded like.

   With that blueprint it's possible to know exactly what a person was typing just by listening.

   Keeping the central heat running seems more important than ever.    

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