Wednesday, May 19, 2021


 About the blog 

[UPDATE:  As of 2021-05-22, a second residence where RF current was entering the home through the coaxial cable installation no longer has that issue.  A reference to the abstract "Electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS, microwave syndrome) - Review of mechanisms" was changed from the NIH: National Library of Medicine - Nation Center for Biotechnology Information to ScienceDirect.]

    Have you ever heard of something called WiFi allergies?  It's also known an EHS - short for Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity.  There's a laundry list of symptoms that are reported by people who believe that WiFi is making them sick.  Here's a few of them:

  • Headache
  • Fatigue
  • Stress
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Skin prickling
  • Burning sensations and rashes
  • Pain and ache in muscles
   For the most part, no one's convinced it's a real illness and has a real world cause.  Here's a few links with more information on that:
   All the links above are from the first page of results on google for the search term "wifi sickness".  I've included so many to show how many symptoms get reported, how difficult it is to identify a cause, and how confusing the topic is in general.  And did you notice one of those links mentions the term "microwave syndrome"?  That's more significant than it may first seem.

   Here's the reason why:  I know exactly what's causing those symptoms.

   I know exactly why so many different things other than the root cause get blamed.

   And I know this because I've had all those symptoms continuously for the past year or so, had a Charter Spectrum technician find RF current coming into my apartment through their coaxial cable hookup, and now no longer have any of those symptoms as of last Wednesday when the RF current was somehow turned off.

   If you read an earlier post on RF current then you might be able to guess what was happening when it entered my apartment.  Actually, give it another read and you won't need to guess.
   But here's a hint:  RF current (which is an oscillating current) can induce an oscillating wave in electronic devices like a WiFi router.  Yes, a normal and functional WiFi router can start emitting a really unpleasant oscillating wave due to the presence of RF current.  Does your WiFi router have a coaxial cable connected to it?  Mine sure does and the effect from the router would make me nauseous from several feet away.

   Even better, I bought a microwave leak detector online ($20 from Amazon) and checked the coaxial cables that were plugged into the hookups.  Each inch of every coaxial cable I had was emitting microwaves.  Yes, when I was sitting next to a cable I was slow cooking myself and would have these symptoms:
  • Tingling and prickly feeling on any exposed skin.
  • Burning sensation on my feet and any exposed skin - but no redness or rash that I noticed.
  • Feeling in my stomach that ranged between nauseous and butterflies.
   How many site or links online are aware of the connection to RF current?

   Apparently none are.

   What do you need to confirm if it's a problem in your own home?

   A connected length of coaxial cable (as cheap an flexible as you can find) and a microwave leak detector.  The cheaper the cable the more likely it is to leak radiation and give away the RF current.

   Should there be any RF current in anyone's cable connection?


Saturday, May 15, 2021


  About the blog

    I may be about to make myself a target.  The reason is there might be a simple - though unpleasant way - for other's to easily hear things they aren't supposed to technically hear or notice in St. Louis.  There's quite a bit of that going on depending on where you are.

   Sometimes it sounds like 1 or 2 people's voices talking.  That could be talking to you or to someone else.  Other times it's different sounds that would generally be considered tinnitus.  Those could be perceived as clicking or buzzing at different intervals, but can be rapid enough to make a tone.

   Either way, if it turns out to work and anyone can listen in on those things - and so be able to locate where they're occurring - it might be a problem.  And the thing to possibly enable this can be purchased online and inexpensively.

   Why a problem?

   Because the kind of things I hear don't have any value if someone consciously hears them.  Only when they're unconsciously heard - subliminally - do they have meaning and a purpose.

   What do I mean by that exactly?

   Well, here are some examples from one day earlier this year:

   So while on the topic of harassment....  I recently had a knock on the door and opened it to see 3 police officers standing outside.  Here's what I was told:
  • Someone didn't want to speak with me, so I was harassing this person by speaking to them.
  • Harassment was anything that affects a person's quality of life.
  • I was already considered guilty of harassing this person and the sentence handed down was not to speak to them ever again.
    • No exceptions were given.
   I didn't completely agree with what I was told and said as much.  Here's the part that really bothered me;

   When I didn't agree with what I was told and didn't agree not to speak with the person ever again, one of the officers asked for my name and phone number.  Not by asking "May I get your name and phone number?".  No, I was asked using a different format:
  • "What's your last name?"
  • "What's your first name?"
  • "What's your phone number?"
   I don't want to say it was done to be threatening or intimidating...

   But that's exactly what it seemed.

   And I have no interest in being a target.

Monday, May 10, 2021


 About the blog

   There's a point of transition we pass through when falling asleep each night and waking up each morning.  It exists only in each of our minds - nowhere else - making it 100% subjective.  And that's the only measurable value to be had.

   What happens during this (at least) twice daily transition?

   There's a couple ways to describe it and each is roughly equivalent:

  • The conscious and unconscious parts of the mind switch places.
  • The conscious and unconscious parts of the mind swap roles.
   There's more about this in the post Lucid.

   Assuming you also sleep from time to time you might have memories of where the transition begins.

   How can someone tell the difference between those and any other memory?

   Well, were you ever falling asleep and when just about to go out like a light:
  • Sounds or speech suddenly increased in perceived loudness or became audible that weren't before:
    • Dishes or silverware clanking suddenly sounded like bombs dropped
    • Normal sounding speech suddenly sounded like yelling and shouting
  • Smells or scents suddenly increased in perceived intensity
   Something strange happens at the point awake turns to sleep and vice versa.

   There's also instances were it seems like the transition point gets skipped over.  In the morning that can be called "getting up on the wrong side of the bed".  Luckily for us the effect is temporary and we don't have to continue living and working with someone in that state forever.  It's strange that a loss of empathy and focus on self is what quickly is most apparent when it happens.

   When we're young, some of the most terrifying nightmares possible seem to originate from a similar place.  Those dreams are both terrifyingly real and horribly dream like at the same time.

   You might even recall a few of those from your own childhood.

   So it's probably not a bad thing we don't linger between awake and sleep.

   Anyone claiming otherwise must enjoy nightmares.

   Recently I started wondering what it might be like if someone became stuck during this transition.

Saturday, May 8, 2021


About the blog

[UPDATE; The important detail in all of this was my apartment was entered multiple times when I wasn't present and it WAS NOT Charter Spectrum or the apartment complex maintenance.  So have reduced the post down to that one fact. Original post on 09-14-2020 at 12:40 PM]

   I've had a few issues and maintenance requests since moving to my apartment.

  • Had a new hot water heater installed due to a gas/water leak.
  • Have had the central heat go out out several times during the winter.
  • Someone(s) entered my apartment and worked on the coaxial cable installation when I wasn't there.

   It's that last point where  I have the most concern.

   I've talked to the apartment complex office and they don't do that type of work.

   I've talked to customer service at Charter Spectrum and they don't have a work order for either time it happened (there's been at least 2 incidents).

   Now if the only thing that was important is how shiny, new, and well installed it was... I wouldn't have a single thing to be concerned about:
  • Each room now has it's own individual coaxial cable installed.
  • Each cable is cleanly installed and fastened into place.
  • Any cable that was touched now appears to be new.
   Too bad everyone can't have unknown individuals enter their residence and re-wire or re-cable things, right?  But what prompted these good samaritans to fix something that wasn't broken in an apartment they shouldn't have had a key for?

Friday, May 7, 2021


About the blog

   Have you heard of any new home or corporate security systems lately?  Maybe something based on technology that was described using marketing language like:

  • Safest security system ever devised by man
    • God turned over daily operations and retired when it was announced
  • Impossible to break through or hack:
    • Defeats attempts to understand and subvert it
    • Turns the tables on an intruder to discover and exploit their weaknesses.
    • No amount of intellect can penetrate and bypass it
    • More intellect typically results in the opposite occurring
    • The safest security systems in the world like this one are inherently backwards.
   If you've encountered a brochure with this level of glowing praise you'd better be skeptical.

   There's quite a bit of subtext at work too.  Reading between the lines might create the image of an active human mind tirelessly at work to make all claims true.

   Should that be your mental image for this replacement of God... you're not wrong.

   Except that the tireless mind at work always belongs to whoever is attempting to get past, through, or around the security system.

    Are you curious enough to wonder what specific technologies are used to accomplish this?

   Yes?   I'm glad to hear that.  Here are links to start filling in some details;

   It's been rumored this type of system has been moving toward widespread deployment in our country for some time.  It's also been rumored in tabloid gossip magazines (with no credibility) that something similar injured people in the past by dissociating them.

   Those are just rumors.

   The reality is much, much worse and we're living in it now.

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Cash App

About the blog

   Anytime a tool's main purpose becomes illicit activity that tool needs to go.  Argue all the academic, hypothetical, what if's you like - allowing something like that to continue defies common sense.

   So take a phone app like Cash App.

   I've heard rumors and suggestions it doesn't get used much by department stores, wall street traders, or convenience stores.  There's a good chance retirees don't keep their life savings in motion all the time between users of the app.  But those use cases aren't all that illicit unless your swindling someone out of their money.

   Let's say a Cash App type program ended up as a major hub for all kinds of illicit transactions.

   You might think it should be shut down immediately.

   That would seem to make sense.

   But to some there's another option that makes more sense...

   Use an app like that as a way to identify all those making questionable transactions along with whoever the transaction was made with and dollar amounts.  Let's assume or surveillance country hasn't reached the point where phone and text conversations for everyone previously flagged are available for cross reference.

   That would quickly make it possible to know what the transaction was about with a good degree of certainty for some percentage of transactions.

   It's a workable and elegant solution nowadays for the technologies involved.

   The problem is there's very little to differentiate doing that while keeping the app up and running from flat out entrapment.

   We should be working to remove stumbling blocks from people's paths instead of making sure there's somewhere to trip.  Getting that point backwards harms more than just the one's tripped.  It harms their families and friends too,

   Hopefully that type of thing hasn't been tried yet.

   Oh and "technology demonstrations" of that or any other capability should be clearly acknowledged for what they are:

  • A stepping stone to making something a reality while avoiding public debate as much as possible


About the blog

   When I first started my current job, there were more than a few things that seemed unusual or didn't make sense no matter how I tried to understand them.  One of those involved someone using a trash can as a platform for their laptop... in a parking garage... and pivoting the trash can to keep the laptop oriented on 2 people having a conversation.

   After the person was asked why they were trying to balance the laptop on a trash can, the reply was about making a "community outreach video".

   The same person made an appearance last summer in a hotel parking lot and started a conversation.  He seemed to be looking around for someone(s).  He seemed to find who he was looking for, walked up, and then started a conversation geared towards bad mothing one's employer.

   It seemed like he had some points he planned to make.

   And it definitely didn't seem like he had an axe to grind.

   No, that's backwards.  Here's a few things important enough that he mentioned them:

  • He was a medium and talked to spirits.
  • He worked for a bank.
  • He was apparently unhappy with his employer, had some negative things to say about that, but was too insecure to do it on his own.  He wanted to get me to bad mouth his employer too.
  • He said a company "doesn't own your soul".
   Well, I agree with the last one   No company own's a person's soul.

   Someone may toss a perfectly fine soul away in service to a company, but that's true of pretty much anything we do without considering the result.

   I don't know if the "community outreach video"' he said he was working on a few years ago was for the company he was with at the time or some side project.  Up until today I hadn't realized it was the same person looking for attention in both incidents.  And something led to me hearing a suggestion soon after I realized both incidents were related:

      'We've now gone full circle.  You can tell him what it's been about.'

   If that was meant for the unconscious part of my mind, it was a wide miss.  And unless the suggestion was meant to mislead and little else, how could I tell my own self what those things were about?

   Strangely enough, I briefly saw the word backward in my mind.

Sunday, May 2, 2021


 About the blog

   Around 7:30 this evening (May 2, 2021) I noticed a sudden shift in awareness a fraction of a second before I found myself thinking about a casino in the area.  The image of it in my mind took on more detail and clarity over the next 2 or 3 seconds until I started hearing a man's voice speaking.

   What I could hear was structured and worded to seem like suggestions.  But it also diverged and branched like a tree with forks made of choices and limbs like paths to travel.

   I don't think I was meant to hear any of it at all... at least not consciously.

    But here's what I "heard":

   [Awareness shifted and made me aware of a casino in the area.]
   'Welcome to [whatever this place is/what you call it/insert word or name from....]. [Do/please] enjoy yourself but [remember/keep in mind] the [longer/less] you [something from awareness] here the [greater/less] [something from awareness] will be."
  [Then heard the suggestion that caused the initial shift in awareness].
  'When you walk into Lumerie/Ameristar...'

   The initial suggestion was heard only after the entire rest of it was heard.

   That's backwards and has incredible significance.

   Taking the suggestions at face value leads me to believe this:
  • Should someone hear and follow that suggestion it could trigger hearing words, phrases, and statements for hours.
    • Commonly know as schizophrenia
  • To draw a person into the suggestion there's often others used to affect logical reasoning and how we perceive the significance any given thing has
    • When taken to. far it's commonly known as paranoia.. 
   Great news!

   Shortly before I usually consider how much money I'm ok with losing at a casino....  my logical reasoning and ability to judge something's significance was targeted using suggestion.

   This time - for whatever reason - I consciously heard something that should have made it to my unconscious undetected.  So my understanding is I won't be hearing voices saying those specific things (but maybe other things).

   Here's an incredibly stupid and ridiculous idea for identifying and catching the jackasses responsible for this kind of thing...

   We need a simple and no-nonsense way for anyone that realizes their awareness was tampered with to report it.  Anyone going into a bank or casino or business (who cares what kind) should be encouraged to report anything that seems out of place for their usual mental process or awareness.

   It would result in the most subjective type of useless information ever gathered in one place.

   No doubt about it.

   It could also make key places, times, and targeted individuals into bright beacons that say:
  • "Welcome!'
   Here's what you should be aware of...


"Illustration" courtesy of: "walmart " "Self check-out" registers or kiosks can be fo...