Wednesday, May 5, 2021


About the blog

   When I first started my current job, there were more than a few things that seemed unusual or didn't make sense no matter how I tried to understand them.  One of those involved someone using a trash can as a platform for their laptop... in a parking garage... and pivoting the trash can to keep the laptop oriented on 2 people having a conversation.

   After the person was asked why they were trying to balance the laptop on a trash can, the reply was about making a "community outreach video".

   The same person made an appearance last summer in a hotel parking lot and started a conversation.  He seemed to be looking around for someone(s).  He seemed to find who he was looking for, walked up, and then started a conversation geared towards bad mothing one's employer.

   It seemed like he had some points he planned to make.

   And it definitely didn't seem like he had an axe to grind.

   No, that's backwards.  Here's a few things important enough that he mentioned them:

  • He was a medium and talked to spirits.
  • He worked for a bank.
  • He was apparently unhappy with his employer, had some negative things to say about that, but was too insecure to do it on his own.  He wanted to get me to bad mouth his employer too.
  • He said a company "doesn't own your soul".
   Well, I agree with the last one   No company own's a person's soul.

   Someone may toss a perfectly fine soul away in service to a company, but that's true of pretty much anything we do without considering the result.

   I don't know if the "community outreach video"' he said he was working on a few years ago was for the company he was with at the time or some side project.  Up until today I hadn't realized it was the same person looking for attention in both incidents.  And something led to me hearing a suggestion soon after I realized both incidents were related:

      'We've now gone full circle.  You can tell him what it's been about.'

   If that was meant for the unconscious part of my mind, it was a wide miss.  And unless the suggestion was meant to mislead and little else, how could I tell my own self what those things were about?

   Strangely enough, I briefly saw the word backward in my mind.

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