Sunday, May 2, 2021


 About the blog

   Around 7:30 this evening (May 2, 2021) I noticed a sudden shift in awareness a fraction of a second before I found myself thinking about a casino in the area.  The image of it in my mind took on more detail and clarity over the next 2 or 3 seconds until I started hearing a man's voice speaking.

   What I could hear was structured and worded to seem like suggestions.  But it also diverged and branched like a tree with forks made of choices and limbs like paths to travel.

   I don't think I was meant to hear any of it at all... at least not consciously.

    But here's what I "heard":

   [Awareness shifted and made me aware of a casino in the area.]
   'Welcome to [whatever this place is/what you call it/insert word or name from....]. [Do/please] enjoy yourself but [remember/keep in mind] the [longer/less] you [something from awareness] here the [greater/less] [something from awareness] will be."
  [Then heard the suggestion that caused the initial shift in awareness].
  'When you walk into Lumerie/Ameristar...'

   The initial suggestion was heard only after the entire rest of it was heard.

   That's backwards and has incredible significance.

   Taking the suggestions at face value leads me to believe this:
  • Should someone hear and follow that suggestion it could trigger hearing words, phrases, and statements for hours.
    • Commonly know as schizophrenia
  • To draw a person into the suggestion there's often others used to affect logical reasoning and how we perceive the significance any given thing has
    • When taken to. far it's commonly known as paranoia.. 
   Great news!

   Shortly before I usually consider how much money I'm ok with losing at a casino....  my logical reasoning and ability to judge something's significance was targeted using suggestion.

   This time - for whatever reason - I consciously heard something that should have made it to my unconscious undetected.  So my understanding is I won't be hearing voices saying those specific things (but maybe other things).

   Here's an incredibly stupid and ridiculous idea for identifying and catching the jackasses responsible for this kind of thing...

   We need a simple and no-nonsense way for anyone that realizes their awareness was tampered with to report it.  Anyone going into a bank or casino or business (who cares what kind) should be encouraged to report anything that seems out of place for their usual mental process or awareness.

   It would result in the most subjective type of useless information ever gathered in one place.

   No doubt about it.

   It could also make key places, times, and targeted individuals into bright beacons that say:
  • "Welcome!'
   Here's what you should be aware of...

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