Thursday, April 29, 2021


 About the blog

   For close to five years now (which should make it impossible for COVID to be involved - time travel or no time travel) something has been used to target a "kind of person" not considered welcome in St. Louis.  It may have started well before that.  If so, I wasn't aware of it.

   The best description I can offer without too many boring details is:
  1. Find a group of individuals (even better if they're friends) where each is unwelcome to some degree.
  2. Identify the member of the group who's the most unwelcome. 
  3. Begin to psychologically attack that member to take away their confidence, peace of mind, perception of having privacy, trust in others, then the trust they have in their own mind.
  4. Add physical attacks to the psychological ones but never use a method that leaves evidence it occurred.
  5. Contain focusing attacks on that member and increase the pressure they feel from it until they implode and annihilate themselves.  It's just as good if they explode and take a few of their former friends with them.  Every way that gets rid of those "kind of people" is a good way.
  6. Go back and reassess what's left of the group, identify the next most unwelcome, and start again.
   It's the most sneaky, under handed, and cowardly way to confront other people... and it works incredibly well.  There's even a phrase to describe it that makes it seem smart and efficient:
  • "Use evil to fight evil."
    But since I listed the steps used to "fight evil with evil" before I told you the phrase...  Does it sound very smart or efficient knowing the people being harmed were tricked into bloodying their own hands?

   There's one more ingredient used that takes all 6 of those steps and turns them into no steps at all.

   If you expect each of these posts to reveal something backwards, there it is.

   It's absolutely key to getting rid of anyone not welcome, it hides the existence of those involved so they effectively can't be caught, and it's the reason we have people in this country who believe they're being gang stalked,

   It's the power of  suggestion.

   When it's used to destroy someone while making them think those that care about them and support them are the ones responsible.  That's evil.

    When it's done to destroy someone while making them think their friends were responsible and enjoyed watching it happen.  That's evil.

    When anyone takes it upon themselves to decide who is and isn't welcome somewhere...

    Events seem to find ways of repeating again and again just on different scales .

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