Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Cash App

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   Anytime a tool's main purpose becomes illicit activity that tool needs to go.  Argue all the academic, hypothetical, what if's you like - allowing something like that to continue defies common sense.

   So take a phone app like Cash App.

   I've heard rumors and suggestions it doesn't get used much by department stores, wall street traders, or convenience stores.  There's a good chance retirees don't keep their life savings in motion all the time between users of the app.  But those use cases aren't all that illicit unless your swindling someone out of their money.

   Let's say a Cash App type program ended up as a major hub for all kinds of illicit transactions.

   You might think it should be shut down immediately.

   That would seem to make sense.

   But to some there's another option that makes more sense...

   Use an app like that as a way to identify all those making questionable transactions along with whoever the transaction was made with and dollar amounts.  Let's assume or surveillance country hasn't reached the point where phone and text conversations for everyone previously flagged are available for cross reference.

   That would quickly make it possible to know what the transaction was about with a good degree of certainty for some percentage of transactions.

   It's a workable and elegant solution nowadays for the technologies involved.

   The problem is there's very little to differentiate doing that while keeping the app up and running from flat out entrapment.

   We should be working to remove stumbling blocks from people's paths instead of making sure there's somewhere to trip.  Getting that point backwards harms more than just the one's tripped.  It harms their families and friends too,

   Hopefully that type of thing hasn't been tried yet.

   Oh and "technology demonstrations" of that or any other capability should be clearly acknowledged for what they are:

  • A stepping stone to making something a reality while avoiding public debate as much as possible

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