Friday, May 7, 2021


About the blog

   Have you heard of any new home or corporate security systems lately?  Maybe something based on technology that was described using marketing language like:

  • Safest security system ever devised by man
    • God turned over daily operations and retired when it was announced
  • Impossible to break through or hack:
    • Defeats attempts to understand and subvert it
    • Turns the tables on an intruder to discover and exploit their weaknesses.
    • No amount of intellect can penetrate and bypass it
    • More intellect typically results in the opposite occurring
    • The safest security systems in the world like this one are inherently backwards.
   If you've encountered a brochure with this level of glowing praise you'd better be skeptical.

   There's quite a bit of subtext at work too.  Reading between the lines might create the image of an active human mind tirelessly at work to make all claims true.

   Should that be your mental image for this replacement of God... you're not wrong.

   Except that the tireless mind at work always belongs to whoever is attempting to get past, through, or around the security system.

    Are you curious enough to wonder what specific technologies are used to accomplish this?

   Yes?   I'm glad to hear that.  Here are links to start filling in some details;

   It's been rumored this type of system has been moving toward widespread deployment in our country for some time.  It's also been rumored in tabloid gossip magazines (with no credibility) that something similar injured people in the past by dissociating them.

   Those are just rumors.

   The reality is much, much worse and we're living in it now.

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