Monday, April 26, 2021

RF current

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[UPDATE:  Added 2 more symptoms that RF current can cause - fever and blurred vision.  In the case of fever it's something perceived by the person (profuse sweating may accompany it) but without a significant change in core body temperature. Original post on 04-14-2021 at 1:24 PM]

   There's been more than a few references in this blog to RF (radio frequencies), AC magnetic fields, ultrasound, infrasound, cell phones, etc.  In some respects it's an ugly mess of topics that only needs the term "conspiracy" added before all readers don aluminum foil hats.  How else can a person protect themselves from mind control after all?

   You might be wondering how a mess like that can be explained simply, plainly, and make at least a little sense.

   Luckily for me, all the confusing and complicated technologies that appeared to have impossibly converged... actually did.

   Every single one of those topics (beaten to death that they were) actually stem from one neatly tucked out of the way source.  It encompasses the effects that lead people to believe a building or area is haunted.  It turns tinnitus into a better type of mask than any leaky fishing net we wear because of COVID.

   It's known as RF current (RF alternating current is also acceptable).  It's the oscillation of an electric current.

    FYI - the link below is as pertinent as they get.  The section on Electric current brings the blog's topics together:

   Here's a quick summary.  You might recognize some of these descriptions from other posts:
  • RF current used with an antenna generates RF waves (that's radio).
  • RF current stays on the surface when traveling along conductors.
  • RF current in contact with a person CAN cause painful sensations, muscular contractions, and the feeling of being burned or stung - it depends on how it's used.
    • A COVID typical symptom and "long hauler" symptom.
  • RF current can ionize the air and create a conductive path (a spark gap in Tesla Coil terminology).
  • RF current can flow along paths made of a conductor and an insulator.
    • That can be copper gas lines underground (conductor) and the earth around them (insulator).
    • It can also be coaxial cable.
  • RF current is easily blocked by a loop or bend in a wire.
  • RF current can reflect from irregularities in a cable (like a connector) back the way it came resulting in a standing wave.
   Here's a few things not commonly known about RF current.  Two of them have been described in the posts Standing, and Night Terrors:
  • RF current can bridge short gaps by ionizing the air to deliver an electric shock received in rapid "taps".
  • RF current flow can be interrupted by moving metal objects near it's path:
    • Construction or phone line inspection vehicles driving down an alley.
    • Passenger van or other vehicle parked in front of a casino entrance.
    • The timing of when a moving object interrupts the flow can be used to help locate the source of the RF current.
  • RF current forming standing waves is responsible for several effects credited to "haunted houses"::
    • Sensation of being grabbed or squeezed by an invisible hand
    • Skin tingling
    • Localized drops in temperature.
    • Sudden breezes or air movement
  •  RF current can be fed into metal utility pipes under the floors in a home or building or through cables or wiring under floors.  When it reflects off irregularities in either of those and a standing wave is generated, that can be used to slowly bring someone from their normal deep sleep to a partially awake shallow sleep (by adjusting the frequency of the current):
    • It's done to get a person in a sleep state where they can be asked questions without being consciously aware of it similar to being in a hypnotic trance.
    • One of the techniques used involves leading a person into different dreams (suggesting them in hypnosis terminology).
    • It can take multiple attempts across several nights before the person targeted reaches the right sleep state to be questioned.
    • A person's unconscious mind can react badly to the trauma from those events.
  • It's when multiple standing waves reverse back to the vicinity of the RF current source and intersect that a range of different effects can be noticed or perceived.
    • They are often referenced as "haunted house" effects but are also the same symptoms that COVID keeps getting blamed for:
      • Muscular contractions forced through a slow cycle of tensing up, the person becoming aware of the fact, relaxing, then starting again affects the diaphragm causing the lungs to clear less easily leading to pneumonia.
        • Disproportionately affects those with weakened immune systems.
        • A COVID "long hauler" symptom.
   Here are 5 other things RF current can cause or be used for - none of which are very pleasant to experience:
  • Fatigue - RF current forming standing waves can make muscle movement slightly more difficult.  When it affects the diaphragm the result is labored breathing.  If that goes on too long then those with weak immune systems can contract pneumonia. When it affects the heart it slows pumping and reduces blood flow.  All of which can result in a person being easily fatigued.
  • Tinnitus - RF current forming standing waves can cause metal objects to emit sound at a range of audible and inaudible frequencies.  The sound they emit is determined by the length and shape of the metal object in relation to the amplitude/frequency of the standing wave.
  • Blurred Vision - RF current forming standing waves can have frequencies that match the bodies own resonant frequencies.  For the human body in general that's 6 Hz to 8 Hz.  For our eyeballs it's approximately 18 Hz and when present can  make vision difficult, cause nausea, and trigger flashes of light in the periphery of vision.  The blurred effect is most noticeable with small form factor displays (cell phone, tablet, and laptop displays in particular).  Once the RF current stops, blurry vision should quickly return to normal.
  • Standing - RF current having standing waves oriented in different axis that intersect can be used to restrain or impede movement without physically contact.   The effect is sometimes encountered accidentally around power lines but isn't commonly recognized or the cause understood.
  • Night Terrors - Not every incident of night terrors is caused by RF current but when they are it's due to a response from what the unconscious perceives as assault.
   Would it surprise you now to find out RF current is linked to COVID?

   It shouldn't.

   Common sense has been screaming that we're missing something important right in front of our faces.  We've become blind to the obvious and the worst kind of sheep.

   Those would be transparent ones.

   Wear all the fabric you want from the wool.

   The perception will still be of having no clothes.

   That's backwards.

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