Tuesday, April 27, 2021


About the blog

    Over the past few weeks someone has been suggesting things to search for (or search again for) to put a specific narrative in place.  It consists of several years of online records regarding 2 individuals.  Call it a competition to see who can get the last word or just a spat trailing across web sites. Pushing each other's metaphorical buttons seemed both a means and end.

   For amusement, let's call them Tyler and Edward.

   Or just for grins call them Edward and Tyler, the names are hypothetical and could be anything.

   Except each search term I entered and each link I was clicking felt doubly familiar. Suggestion had sent me down this path in the past and apparently it was time to revisit.

   Where did it lead?

   That would be someone going by the name "Rev Tyler" and another by "Edward Przydzial".  Neither of them seems to particularly like the other.  As far as any relevancy their narrative may have - there isn't any.  Only the strangeness involving their names.

   I tend to look at relevancy as something more tangible.  That may be heavily underscored when just the right place and so many of the right times are also involved (depending on the narrative you want, of course).

   Let's review.

   How about starting with a description of their "phone it in" approach to protect themselves?
  • Use technology to harass, intimidate, and inflict psychological harm.
  • Hide behind technology to keep from being caught.
    • "This isn't the first time I've done this and I've never been caught." according to one woman's voice.
  • Create the perception of an inescapable - but invisible to everyone else - prison (known as a virtual kidnapping).
    • "You're going to give us something we can use against you." was insisted by the same woman's voice.
    • "We're not stopping until you [tell us what we want to hear/talk to us]" stated a man's voice as part of a suggestion.
  • Mislead and deceive
    • "You have schizophrenia!" was said to one person targeted.
    • "We're not real.  You can talk to us." was asserted on another occasion.
    • "We can't help you if you won't talk to us." was stated by a woman's voice as though the intent was actually to "help".
  • Introduce or subvert individuals to act on their behalf (agents)
    • To tear down, insult, put on the defensive
      • "You are so stupid!" was a put down used on multiple occasions.
      • "I can't wait to read your suicide note written in crayon." was used to chip away at one person's self worth.
    • Even when shut out it doesn't take long before they're reintroduced.
   This assessment is admittedly subjective but here it is: their actions are criminal and hint at an underlying mental illness.  Is that the reflection they intend to leave frozen in place?

   Given what's been learned about their methods we can try to infer what happens next to those targeted.
  • Trying to have a normal life becomes as difficult as possible.
  • Constant pressure is applied to force a mental break down as quickly as possible.
  • Around the clock attempts to extract useful information that can be used against those targeted without giving away how the information was gained
  And it's through people that the most offensive and disgusting manipulation is done.
  • For the person targeted it's through psychological and subliminal techniques
    • With enough chances to keep trying even someone's dreams can eventually be exploited.
  • When others are present those same psychological and subliminal techniques can be used to manufacture "evidence" to harm or hide what could have helped.
    • Lies can be stated as fact.  This can not only cause confusion but prevent  or delay anyone correcting what was said.  After being stated then allowed to stand unchallenged, a lie can be perceived as truth.
    • Imagine an acquaintance loudly asking "do you still love the kiddie porn like you used to?" when no part of that question was true.  No matter how the situation is then handled or misinformation corrected there's damage done.
  •  Patterns of abuse can not only be hidden but made to appear like the one abused - sometimes for years - is instead abusing someone else.
    • It only takes a few days to establish the appearance of someone else being harassed instead of the person targeted for so long.
   When someone has been harassed and marginalized for extended periods of time they don't expect to find clear cut situations appearing to be reversed or backwards.

   No one should.

   And no one should be treated like trash to be taken out.

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