Sunday, April 25, 2021


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   As strange as living in an apartment where the entire floor generates an AC magnetic field, it's gotten much stranger.  What registers as an AC magnetic field on a magnetometer (whether an expensive or cheap one) is actually RF current.

   And unless your vocation involves electricity or antennas you might be wondering what RF current is.

   So finally an answer that doesn't violate any laws of physics or creating magnetic fields from concrete slab floors.  And it's not a complicated answer either - but it does rule out this being an accident or otherwise normal for an apartment or home.  The RF current seems to traveling along utility lines underground... minus the expected antenna.  I'd say that's slightly backwards from a typical application.

   That's where things have gotten stranger.

   To emphasize that point...  right before starting this post there was a surge of RF current in and around my apartment building (Sunday, April 25 at 2:00 PM).  It reached about 10 times the normal measurement of around 2 μT.   As it occurred I noticed a few effects happen to me:
  • Began losing my equilibrium and balance
  • Heard what sounded like a woman's voice trying to be threatening (something about remembering some event).
   My walking and ability to use my phone were affected initially, but that was temporary.

   The woman's voice is a non-issue but I'm noting it due to the RF current connection.

   With those details noted, here's a more detailed post on RF current and the unlikely connection to COVID.

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