Thursday, April 29, 2021


 About the blog

   For close to five years now (which should make it impossible for COVID to be involved - time travel or no time travel) something has been used to target a "kind of person" not considered welcome in St. Louis.  It may have started well before that.  If so, I wasn't aware of it.

   The best description I can offer without too many boring details is:
  1. Find a group of individuals (even better if they're friends) where each is unwelcome to some degree.
  2. Identify the member of the group who's the most unwelcome. 
  3. Begin to psychologically attack that member to take away their confidence, peace of mind, perception of having privacy, trust in others, then the trust they have in their own mind.
  4. Add physical attacks to the psychological ones but never use a method that leaves evidence it occurred.
  5. Contain focusing attacks on that member and increase the pressure they feel from it until they implode and annihilate themselves.  It's just as good if they explode and take a few of their former friends with them.  Every way that gets rid of those "kind of people" is a good way.
  6. Go back and reassess what's left of the group, identify the next most unwelcome, and start again.
   It's the most sneaky, under handed, and cowardly way to confront other people... and it works incredibly well.  There's even a phrase to describe it that makes it seem smart and efficient:
  • "Use evil to fight evil."
    But since I listed the steps used to "fight evil with evil" before I told you the phrase...  Does it sound very smart or efficient knowing the people being harmed were tricked into bloodying their own hands?

   There's one more ingredient used that takes all 6 of those steps and turns them into no steps at all.

   If you expect each of these posts to reveal something backwards, there it is.

   It's absolutely key to getting rid of anyone not welcome, it hides the existence of those involved so they effectively can't be caught, and it's the reason we have people in this country who believe they're being gang stalked,

   It's the power of  suggestion.

   When it's used to destroy someone while making them think those that care about them and support them are the ones responsible.  That's evil.

    When it's done to destroy someone while making them think their friends were responsible and enjoyed watching it happen.  That's evil.

    When anyone takes it upon themselves to decide who is and isn't welcome somewhere...

    Events seem to find ways of repeating again and again just on different scales .

Wednesday, April 28, 2021


 About the blog

   If someone has asked me this morning if I thought one particular apartment complex held other surprises my answer would have  been "no".  The effects described in the post Standing still occur there. What else would one complex need?

   The answer to that question appears to be timing.

   And it that's true it implies the taunts, threats, and sometimes arrogant voices telling "how it's going to go down" or suggesting "why don't you go outside and talk to us" may be as close as a few buildings away.

   Good timing requires good visibility, and this one had to have taken some planning.

   Just as it was getting dark I was walking back to my apartment as a woman walking her dog were going the other direction.  Just before we passed each other my stomach felt like it went into free-fall for a fraction of a second.  The ground beneath our feet didn't actually lift us like a wave rolling along.  But I felt nauseous for a moment all the same.  That was punctuated by a very angry bark from the dog who knew for sure whatever just invisibly rolled by was my fault.

   I got the feeling if it had happened as someone was walking by the dog park...  guilt by proximity would have been assigned en masse.

   Here's hoping that whoever's pushing the button realizes that harassing both people and pets for the sole purpose of covering their own behinds is taking things in the wrong direction.

Tuesday, April 27, 2021


About the blog

    Over the past few weeks someone has been suggesting things to search for (or search again for) to put a specific narrative in place.  It consists of several years of online records regarding 2 individuals.  Call it a competition to see who can get the last word or just a spat trailing across web sites. Pushing each other's metaphorical buttons seemed both a means and end.

   For amusement, let's call them Tyler and Edward.

   Or just for grins call them Edward and Tyler, the names are hypothetical and could be anything.

   Except each search term I entered and each link I was clicking felt doubly familiar. Suggestion had sent me down this path in the past and apparently it was time to revisit.

   Where did it lead?

   That would be someone going by the name "Rev Tyler" and another by "Edward Przydzial".  Neither of them seems to particularly like the other.  As far as any relevancy their narrative may have - there isn't any.  Only the strangeness involving their names.

   I tend to look at relevancy as something more tangible.  That may be heavily underscored when just the right place and so many of the right times are also involved (depending on the narrative you want, of course).

   Let's review.

   How about starting with a description of their "phone it in" approach to protect themselves?
  • Use technology to harass, intimidate, and inflict psychological harm.
  • Hide behind technology to keep from being caught.
    • "This isn't the first time I've done this and I've never been caught." according to one woman's voice.
  • Create the perception of an inescapable - but invisible to everyone else - prison (known as a virtual kidnapping).
    • "You're going to give us something we can use against you." was insisted by the same woman's voice.
    • "We're not stopping until you [tell us what we want to hear/talk to us]" stated a man's voice as part of a suggestion.
  • Mislead and deceive
    • "You have schizophrenia!" was said to one person targeted.
    • "We're not real.  You can talk to us." was asserted on another occasion.
    • "We can't help you if you won't talk to us." was stated by a woman's voice as though the intent was actually to "help".
  • Introduce or subvert individuals to act on their behalf (agents)
    • To tear down, insult, put on the defensive
      • "You are so stupid!" was a put down used on multiple occasions.
      • "I can't wait to read your suicide note written in crayon." was used to chip away at one person's self worth.
    • Even when shut out it doesn't take long before they're reintroduced.
   This assessment is admittedly subjective but here it is: their actions are criminal and hint at an underlying mental illness.  Is that the reflection they intend to leave frozen in place?

   Given what's been learned about their methods we can try to infer what happens next to those targeted.
  • Trying to have a normal life becomes as difficult as possible.
  • Constant pressure is applied to force a mental break down as quickly as possible.
  • Around the clock attempts to extract useful information that can be used against those targeted without giving away how the information was gained
  And it's through people that the most offensive and disgusting manipulation is done.
  • For the person targeted it's through psychological and subliminal techniques
    • With enough chances to keep trying even someone's dreams can eventually be exploited.
  • When others are present those same psychological and subliminal techniques can be used to manufacture "evidence" to harm or hide what could have helped.
    • Lies can be stated as fact.  This can not only cause confusion but prevent  or delay anyone correcting what was said.  After being stated then allowed to stand unchallenged, a lie can be perceived as truth.
    • Imagine an acquaintance loudly asking "do you still love the kiddie porn like you used to?" when no part of that question was true.  No matter how the situation is then handled or misinformation corrected there's damage done.
  •  Patterns of abuse can not only be hidden but made to appear like the one abused - sometimes for years - is instead abusing someone else.
    • It only takes a few days to establish the appearance of someone else being harassed instead of the person targeted for so long.
   When someone has been harassed and marginalized for extended periods of time they don't expect to find clear cut situations appearing to be reversed or backwards.

   No one should.

   And no one should be treated like trash to be taken out.

Monday, April 26, 2021

RF current

 About the blog

[UPDATE:  Added 2 more symptoms that RF current can cause - fever and blurred vision.  In the case of fever it's something perceived by the person (profuse sweating may accompany it) but without a significant change in core body temperature. Original post on 04-14-2021 at 1:24 PM]

   There's been more than a few references in this blog to RF (radio frequencies), AC magnetic fields, ultrasound, infrasound, cell phones, etc.  In some respects it's an ugly mess of topics that only needs the term "conspiracy" added before all readers don aluminum foil hats.  How else can a person protect themselves from mind control after all?

   You might be wondering how a mess like that can be explained simply, plainly, and make at least a little sense.

   Luckily for me, all the confusing and complicated technologies that appeared to have impossibly converged... actually did.

   Every single one of those topics (beaten to death that they were) actually stem from one neatly tucked out of the way source.  It encompasses the effects that lead people to believe a building or area is haunted.  It turns tinnitus into a better type of mask than any leaky fishing net we wear because of COVID.

   It's known as RF current (RF alternating current is also acceptable).  It's the oscillation of an electric current.

    FYI - the link below is as pertinent as they get.  The section on Electric current brings the blog's topics together:

   Here's a quick summary.  You might recognize some of these descriptions from other posts:
  • RF current used with an antenna generates RF waves (that's radio).
  • RF current stays on the surface when traveling along conductors.
  • RF current in contact with a person CAN cause painful sensations, muscular contractions, and the feeling of being burned or stung - it depends on how it's used.
    • A COVID typical symptom and "long hauler" symptom.
  • RF current can ionize the air and create a conductive path (a spark gap in Tesla Coil terminology).
  • RF current can flow along paths made of a conductor and an insulator.
    • That can be copper gas lines underground (conductor) and the earth around them (insulator).
    • It can also be coaxial cable.
  • RF current is easily blocked by a loop or bend in a wire.
  • RF current can reflect from irregularities in a cable (like a connector) back the way it came resulting in a standing wave.
   Here's a few things not commonly known about RF current.  Two of them have been described in the posts Standing, and Night Terrors:
  • RF current can bridge short gaps by ionizing the air to deliver an electric shock received in rapid "taps".
  • RF current flow can be interrupted by moving metal objects near it's path:
    • Construction or phone line inspection vehicles driving down an alley.
    • Passenger van or other vehicle parked in front of a casino entrance.
    • The timing of when a moving object interrupts the flow can be used to help locate the source of the RF current.
  • RF current forming standing waves is responsible for several effects credited to "haunted houses"::
    • Sensation of being grabbed or squeezed by an invisible hand
    • Skin tingling
    • Localized drops in temperature.
    • Sudden breezes or air movement
  •  RF current can be fed into metal utility pipes under the floors in a home or building or through cables or wiring under floors.  When it reflects off irregularities in either of those and a standing wave is generated, that can be used to slowly bring someone from their normal deep sleep to a partially awake shallow sleep (by adjusting the frequency of the current):
    • It's done to get a person in a sleep state where they can be asked questions without being consciously aware of it similar to being in a hypnotic trance.
    • One of the techniques used involves leading a person into different dreams (suggesting them in hypnosis terminology).
    • It can take multiple attempts across several nights before the person targeted reaches the right sleep state to be questioned.
    • A person's unconscious mind can react badly to the trauma from those events.
  • It's when multiple standing waves reverse back to the vicinity of the RF current source and intersect that a range of different effects can be noticed or perceived.
    • They are often referenced as "haunted house" effects but are also the same symptoms that COVID keeps getting blamed for:
      • Muscular contractions forced through a slow cycle of tensing up, the person becoming aware of the fact, relaxing, then starting again affects the diaphragm causing the lungs to clear less easily leading to pneumonia.
        • Disproportionately affects those with weakened immune systems.
        • A COVID "long hauler" symptom.
   Here are 5 other things RF current can cause or be used for - none of which are very pleasant to experience:
  • Fatigue - RF current forming standing waves can make muscle movement slightly more difficult.  When it affects the diaphragm the result is labored breathing.  If that goes on too long then those with weak immune systems can contract pneumonia. When it affects the heart it slows pumping and reduces blood flow.  All of which can result in a person being easily fatigued.
  • Tinnitus - RF current forming standing waves can cause metal objects to emit sound at a range of audible and inaudible frequencies.  The sound they emit is determined by the length and shape of the metal object in relation to the amplitude/frequency of the standing wave.
  • Blurred Vision - RF current forming standing waves can have frequencies that match the bodies own resonant frequencies.  For the human body in general that's 6 Hz to 8 Hz.  For our eyeballs it's approximately 18 Hz and when present can  make vision difficult, cause nausea, and trigger flashes of light in the periphery of vision.  The blurred effect is most noticeable with small form factor displays (cell phone, tablet, and laptop displays in particular).  Once the RF current stops, blurry vision should quickly return to normal.
  • Standing - RF current having standing waves oriented in different axis that intersect can be used to restrain or impede movement without physically contact.   The effect is sometimes encountered accidentally around power lines but isn't commonly recognized or the cause understood.
  • Night Terrors - Not every incident of night terrors is caused by RF current but when they are it's due to a response from what the unconscious perceives as assault.
   Would it surprise you now to find out RF current is linked to COVID?

   It shouldn't.

   Common sense has been screaming that we're missing something important right in front of our faces.  We've become blind to the obvious and the worst kind of sheep.

   Those would be transparent ones.

   Wear all the fabric you want from the wool.

   The perception will still be of having no clothes.

   That's backwards.

Sunday, April 25, 2021


 About the blog

   As strange as living in an apartment where the entire floor generates an AC magnetic field, it's gotten much stranger.  What registers as an AC magnetic field on a magnetometer (whether an expensive or cheap one) is actually RF current.

   And unless your vocation involves electricity or antennas you might be wondering what RF current is.

   So finally an answer that doesn't violate any laws of physics or creating magnetic fields from concrete slab floors.  And it's not a complicated answer either - but it does rule out this being an accident or otherwise normal for an apartment or home.  The RF current seems to traveling along utility lines underground... minus the expected antenna.  I'd say that's slightly backwards from a typical application.

   That's where things have gotten stranger.

   To emphasize that point...  right before starting this post there was a surge of RF current in and around my apartment building (Sunday, April 25 at 2:00 PM).  It reached about 10 times the normal measurement of around 2 μT.   As it occurred I noticed a few effects happen to me:
  • Began losing my equilibrium and balance
  • Heard what sounded like a woman's voice trying to be threatening (something about remembering some event).
   My walking and ability to use my phone were affected initially, but that was temporary.

   The woman's voice is a non-issue but I'm noting it due to the RF current connection.

   With those details noted, here's a more detailed post on RF current and the unlikely connection to COVID.

Tuesday, April 20, 2021


About the blog

   I've never been to a supposed (fake) haunted house.  I was offered an extra ticket to something described as a haunted house a few years ago.  But the idea of creaky floors and hidden fans to generate a breeze (there's probably more than just those behind the scenes) for entertainment didn't seem very interesting.

   There's one "attraction" I've heard of that can frighten visitors on more than one level.  It was described as a speaker somehow connected to the shouts, ramblings, and anguish of a "crazy old man".  At any time there might be something that pushes him over the edge and triggers a loud outburst. When someone happened to be near the speaker right then...  screams might be heard from more than just his voice.

   For those stopping at the attraction long enough to look past the shouts, screams, and crying of some "old man" they might have tried putting themselves in his shoes.  One thing no amount of empathy is likely to make clear is where everyone went who could have explained he was being exploited for entertainment.

   But with enough empathy and awareness - and realization the sounds from those standing and walking around the exhibit were relayed to him just like his sounds were relayed to the attraction - a nightmarish feeling of terror can set in.

   It all rests on whether the "old man" has the equivalent of a visible, tangible, speaker on his side to anchor what he hears in reality.

   Without something so simple, it can be like the conscious part of the mind trying to breathe underwater as though it was air.

   Are you starting to wonder if hypnosis can create the same experience for someone with no speakers, wires, or connection at all? 

   Yes it can.  And it can all be done using the person's own awareness.  No groups or crowds of people are needed to pass by any "attraction".

   The drawback?  The effects fade relatively quickly without constant and continuous reinforcement.  So some concealed means must be installed to maintain the illusion and maximize the rate any person imprisoned like this breaks down into psychosis. 

   For those with no empathy that enjoy seeing others in pain, experiencing loss, or being embarrassed and humiliated...

   If you took time to lean in close to the attraction and asked whoever was shouting, screaming, or crying if they'd checked behind their ear for a speaker...

   Extra points for you.

Wednesday, April 14, 2021


About the blog

   The way narcissism used to be represented was with an image of someone laying beside a still pond admiring their own reflection on the surface.  That in itself had more than enough negative connotations to make a point about unhealthy obsession.

   For a few decades now there's been a narcissism related true-ism popping up time and again.  You might have heard it before or seen the behavior in action.

[Don't know who to credit for the photo yet.]

   If you've been around someone long enough that was consumed by narcissism you might have noticed the cycle:

  • An unfounded and false accusation was leveled at someone.
  • Some time later it's found out that the accuser was doing the very thing they had accused someone else of.
   Some might find that to be....  backwards.

   If that includes you it's only natural to now be wondering if the unconscious part of the mind plays a part in this.

   It sure does.

   And that might be initiated by an external suggestion given when the opportunity presents itself.

   Why would someone go to the trouble of apparently targeting narcissists with the suggestion to tattle on themselves?

   That question is it's own answer.

   The more disturbing question is when did this meme take shape?

   If narcissistic behavior has included the accusation/confession cycle all along you'd think the image of someone laying beside a still pond would include accusing their own reflection instead of just admiring it.


Monday, April 12, 2021


 About the blog

   A well known verse from the Bible calls love of money "the root of all kinds of evil" (1 Timothy 6:10 KJV).  Not that it's the root of every kind of evil.  But close enough it should be brought to our attention.

   If that's the case, any owner or operator of a casino could easily provide confirmation.

   The security measures installed at both large and small casinos are there for good reason.  Their technology and personnel are responsible for safety, deterring cheating, identifying criminals, and a lot more (the full list of responsibilities aren't usually shared).

   But no matter how good a job is done they can't be expected to catch everything or be aware of every device capable of causing harm.  That wouldn't be reasonable.

   Is it reasonable to expect a casino's parking lot be treated as seriously as a poker table?

   Yes it is.  And I suspect casino parking lots are already treated seriously.  Enough so that whenever someone in the lot uses an RF alternating current (a magnetometer would pick it up as a magnetic field BTW) to harass someone... the casino's security SHOULD be aware it's occurring.

   What kinds of things can a person experience when harassed this way?

  • Feeling of discomfort that can build into:
    • Anxiety
    • Agitation
    • Irritability
    • Difficulty sitting still
    • Muscle tension that builds until the person becomes aware of it, relaxes, then begins tensing up again
  • Muscle movement requiring a little more effort than it normally would
    • Labored breathing
    • Twitching and jerky movement
    • Loss of equilibrium
    • Loss of balance
  • Psychological effects that can persist after leaving

   Until a person is specifically and intentionally targeted they can be directly in the line of fire and notice nothing.  If you think that's somewhat backwards... well, the mind IS involved.  Once someone is targeted when their mind is forced to perceive and become aware of RF alternating current and it's effects... they can be attacked in a crowd without anyone else noticing a thing.

   The effect can even make it's way inside a casino.  Not many people would noticeably flinch should every cell phone in the building resonate with RF alternating current being used to harass or attack.  But there's probably a few people who notice a feeling of weighing slightly more.  That's right... it can cause a person to feel like they suddenly gained a small meal in weight or like their legs are fatigued from recent exercise.  In spots where several cell phones are in close proximity they might perceive it almost like a solid wall.

   Casino's may be overdue in cleaning up evil that's camping out in their parking lots.

   And if they're already aware of the situation (hopefully not because their own employees are  harassers)...

   Why hasn't something been done about it already?


"Illustration" courtesy of: "walmart " "Self check-out" registers or kiosks can be fo...