Wednesday, April 14, 2021


About the blog

   The way narcissism used to be represented was with an image of someone laying beside a still pond admiring their own reflection on the surface.  That in itself had more than enough negative connotations to make a point about unhealthy obsession.

   For a few decades now there's been a narcissism related true-ism popping up time and again.  You might have heard it before or seen the behavior in action.

[Don't know who to credit for the photo yet.]

   If you've been around someone long enough that was consumed by narcissism you might have noticed the cycle:

  • An unfounded and false accusation was leveled at someone.
  • Some time later it's found out that the accuser was doing the very thing they had accused someone else of.
   Some might find that to be....  backwards.

   If that includes you it's only natural to now be wondering if the unconscious part of the mind plays a part in this.

   It sure does.

   And that might be initiated by an external suggestion given when the opportunity presents itself.

   Why would someone go to the trouble of apparently targeting narcissists with the suggestion to tattle on themselves?

   That question is it's own answer.

   The more disturbing question is when did this meme take shape?

   If narcissistic behavior has included the accusation/confession cycle all along you'd think the image of someone laying beside a still pond would include accusing their own reflection instead of just admiring it.


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