Monday, April 12, 2021


 About the blog

   A well known verse from the Bible calls love of money "the root of all kinds of evil" (1 Timothy 6:10 KJV).  Not that it's the root of every kind of evil.  But close enough it should be brought to our attention.

   If that's the case, any owner or operator of a casino could easily provide confirmation.

   The security measures installed at both large and small casinos are there for good reason.  Their technology and personnel are responsible for safety, deterring cheating, identifying criminals, and a lot more (the full list of responsibilities aren't usually shared).

   But no matter how good a job is done they can't be expected to catch everything or be aware of every device capable of causing harm.  That wouldn't be reasonable.

   Is it reasonable to expect a casino's parking lot be treated as seriously as a poker table?

   Yes it is.  And I suspect casino parking lots are already treated seriously.  Enough so that whenever someone in the lot uses an RF alternating current (a magnetometer would pick it up as a magnetic field BTW) to harass someone... the casino's security SHOULD be aware it's occurring.

   What kinds of things can a person experience when harassed this way?

  • Feeling of discomfort that can build into:
    • Anxiety
    • Agitation
    • Irritability
    • Difficulty sitting still
    • Muscle tension that builds until the person becomes aware of it, relaxes, then begins tensing up again
  • Muscle movement requiring a little more effort than it normally would
    • Labored breathing
    • Twitching and jerky movement
    • Loss of equilibrium
    • Loss of balance
  • Psychological effects that can persist after leaving

   Until a person is specifically and intentionally targeted they can be directly in the line of fire and notice nothing.  If you think that's somewhat backwards... well, the mind IS involved.  Once someone is targeted when their mind is forced to perceive and become aware of RF alternating current and it's effects... they can be attacked in a crowd without anyone else noticing a thing.

   The effect can even make it's way inside a casino.  Not many people would noticeably flinch should every cell phone in the building resonate with RF alternating current being used to harass or attack.  But there's probably a few people who notice a feeling of weighing slightly more.  That's right... it can cause a person to feel like they suddenly gained a small meal in weight or like their legs are fatigued from recent exercise.  In spots where several cell phones are in close proximity they might perceive it almost like a solid wall.

   Casino's may be overdue in cleaning up evil that's camping out in their parking lots.

   And if they're already aware of the situation (hopefully not because their own employees are  harassers)...

   Why hasn't something been done about it already?

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