Saturday, March 27, 2021


About the blog 

[UPDATE: Fixed a glaring omission... after accepting the invitation to visit the home mentioned below... was I told who had been giving me the "slander treatment" or who the 2 were that were doing it?  Nope.  I was told I misunderstood what was said.  The image below with some text shaded out so not to violate anyone else's privacy is a SCREENSHOT though.

No one there had anything to tell me at all.  There did seem to be reasons for inviting me over.  And I assure you that one of them was definitely NOT to hand me anything then pretend to take photos when my attention was elsewhere.  Original post on 03-23-2021 01:33 AM]

   Am working on a blog post about the 2nd woman trying to be a stalker - it's 1:10 am.  Was just interrupted by a guys voice saying something about wanting to 'make a deal'.  I'm alone in my apartment but unfortunately hearing that type of thing isn't unusual.  But at least this time it wasn't profane, taunting, or suggesting things no person should have to listen to.

    Here's an approximation of the 2nd woman's appearance.  She went out of her way to park in the Brentwood YMCA parking lot nearby one day so she could stare at me with an "unhappy to be staring" at me look.  The front license plate on her car helpfully said "Magga".  She also preceded the appearance of another woman by a few minutes who's followed me before (details are in the post Faces).  Of course that was probably just a coincidence.

But instead of talking to whoever wants to make a deal I'm doing the opposite.  That would be documenting the circumstances that led me to first visit a home near my apartment (it was an invitation from someone living there along with a statement that they had been harassed online like I was).  I'd never said anything to anyone about being harassed online.  There wasn't enough cause to think it was happening... but here was someone answering a question I hadn't asked.

   After visiting I realized the home had several things in common with my apartment.  One of the homeowners and I both heard another person's voice at the same time.  Except that person was not there and both of us were in separate rooms of the house when it happened.

The home had a unidentified RF signal nearby that showed up in an RF Meter phone app like the RF signal in my apartment. Someone was able to run the same app on their phone and sent me a screen capture (it's the neon green line at the very bottom of the screen).  But attempts to help them locate the source were always politely discouraged.

   One time when visiting I had an ultrasonic receiver with me and was surprised to hear music from the exposed wiring in the home.  Music also seemed to emanate from metal pipes where exposed in the basement.  2 other people and I listened to it for awhile.  The receiver picks up sound in the 40 KHz range and steps it down to audible.  Music played at 40 KHz by accident...?  And the music seemed to affect the perceived mood of the area it was heard in.  Other attempts to help them locate the ultrasound source were also politely discouraged and I didn't push the issue.  But sometimes I would get the impression someone living there was aware of who/what was causing those things.  The next time I had an impression it was often that they were unaware.   If someone did know what was going on it was never volunteered.

   There were also occasional events mentioned described as ghosts or haunted.  I couldn't confirm he events but one was described where someone felt like a hand grabbed their leg.  That effect has occurred in my apartment but it's caused by an oscillating wave (RF or magnetic) that causes similar effects and can make it difficult to relax and be comfortable. 

   For several months a high-pitched tinnitus type sound could be heard there.  It also matched those in my apartment.

   So the home had/has these in common with my apartment:

  • Voices of people not present (heard by others too)
  • Unidentified RF signal
  • Ultrasound being found with an ultrasonic receiver
  • Physical effects that match those from an oscillating wave in my apartment
  • Tinnitus type sounds

   Doesn't seem like a coincidence in my opinion.

   And I know of 5 other locations with 2 or more of the same things occurring.

   Back to the voice wanting to 'make a deal'...  that doesn't seem like a coincidence happening now either.  Earlier tonight I was at the same home and asked about a stereo with it's own antenna to improve reception.  I couldn't figure out why the stereo sometimes seemed to have the same effect as the Thrall from laptop displays or vehicle navigation displays I've mentioned before.  It turns out the antenna attached isn't a simple passive antenna.  It's a powered antenna...   Just another detail that might be more important than it seems.

   Those same voices have been forced into my apartment for the past few years now.  But their approach has gone through some changes.  They've tried to:

  • Convince me the situation was an "accident" but once started it couldn't stop.  Of course an explanation of that was never offered.
  • Convince me I misunderstood the situation.
    • They were actually on my side.
    • I had been helping them test out the technologies being used...  but somehow forgot that.
    • All I had to do was talk to them and we could get things cleared up.
  • Convince me they were authorized to listen to me and say whatever they wanted to me for as long as they wanted.
  • Convince me they weren't going to stop until I 'told them what they wanted to hear'.
  • Convince me that 'everyone' knows what's going on and I'm the only one that doesn't. 
  • Convince me I know what's going on but pretend otherwise.
  • Convince me I'd be better off talking to them than refusing to and things continue as they were.
  • Convince me I'd already been talking with them.  I just had to admit it by going outside and "talking" to them.

   Whoever it is wants to make some kind of "deal"?

   There's no deal to be made.

   I'd much rather keep trying to find out who knows who's responsible for this, who's been involved or helping, and why they seem to think they can't be caught or ever get in trouble for their actions.

   Knowing which people I considered friends were involved and helped perpetrate it would also be helpful.

   But one step at a time.

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