Friday, February 19, 2021


About the blog 

   You're probably familiar with Albert Einstein's formula e=mc2.  It describes the relationship between matter and energy and one way it can be summarized (there are better ways) is:

  • Matter and energy are never lost or gained, just converted from one to the other.
   The full explanation of what the formula means can be found here:

   One thing you'll notice in Wikipedia's description is frames of reference are invoked when talking about mass and motion.  You'll be happy to hear no other math is needed to continue reading.

   But doesn't it seem odd that both physics and the mind are built on the concept of frames?

   If we tried to describe how awareness works using a formula we'd end up with something 100% (oops... that's the last math needed) backwards.

   Skipping past trying to write some kind of formula, we could summarize it as:

  • Awareness can be gained or lost over time.
  • But in the moment, it can only be shifted.
   Assuming we got that correct, you might be wondering what it means.

   It's simple enough and explains what occurs when a hypnotist puts someone into a trance and gives them suggestions that work whether the person consciously wants them to or not.

   To go into a trance state a person needs to focus awareness.  It could be on a body part or some thought or a place.  What matters is they consciously increase their awareness of something.  Because awareness can only be shifted (in the moment) this means as the conscious part of the mind increases it's awareness the unconscious part of the mind loses the same amount of awareness.

   Awareness shifts from one part of the mind to the other.

   The end result?  The unconscious part of the mind being exposed to suggestion.  Directly exposed to suggestion from an external source....  that would be the hypnotist.

   It's an artificial way to influence a mind.  It's an attempt to go around a person's conscious and force some kind of change or action whether they agree with it or not.

   There's a right way for a person to effect change in themselves and a wrong way for someone else to force it.

   Making an "end run" around a person's conscious mind is the wrong way.

Sunday, February 14, 2021


About the blog

[UPDATE: I know I received an electric shock due to there being a tapping sound from the floor when I touched it.  There was also losing some coordination and having trouble thinking for a few minutes when I tried to walk.  The tinnitus I normally hear in the apartment stopped for awhile after that so I used an ultrasonic receiver to listen through the apartment for anything.  The last thing I expected to hear was a clicking sound that repeated at the same interval as the tapping I felt, but that's what happened.  The source was where the ground wire from a power line pole (with transformer) behind my apartment touched the ground.  When I aimed the receiver at that spot I could hear the clicking continuously.  Original post on 02-14-2021 10:51 AM]

   The name Tesla should be at least slightly familiar to everyone.  There's the car company, a few towns, and an opera.  Those are in addition to the man, Nicola Tesla.  You can probably guess which of those this blog isn't about.

   Tesla is known for his work with AC current and that he briefly work for Thomas Edison then effectively became his competitor.  This was all over a hundred years go... so his inventions are somewhat old school now.

   In 1893 while in St. Louis giving a demonstration involving AC power, Tesla stated that a system like his could one day conduct "intelligible signals or perhaps even power to any distance without the use of wires" by going through the earth itself.

   He's also known for something considered a huge failure.

   It's a project in upstate New York known as Wardenclyffe Tower.

   Most accounts you'll find written state the project was in competition with Marconi for wireless communication.  But Tesla had acknowledged his actual intent was to experiment with wireless power delivery through the ground.  Think of it as a wireless charging station for your phone but implemented backwards - that's what he built.

   Plugging an appliance into the ground for power is about as scary as it gets.

   Which is why you may be surprised to know someone(s) have been discouraging individuals from living in St. Louis by borrowing the concept.  I recently received enough of an electric shock from the floor in my apartment kitchen to cause loss of coordination and memory for a few minutes.

   Kitchen floors aren't usually electrified.

   There's been an AC magnetic field from somewhere beneath the floor at the last 2 apartments I've lived in.  Neither had a magnetic field at the time I moved in.  So it seems to have followed me... somehow.

   Electricity has "shock value" in more ways than one apparently.  It tends to make one back up and look around.  That's resulted in finding another way for tinnitus like sounds to be created.  It's preceded by the build up of static charge on nearby on surfaces.  And that can explain short duration white flashes with no visible source - electrostatic discharge.

   You might be wondering what could be charging the floor with energy?

   If it's from the utility there's a lawsuit just waiting to happen.

   But it's not the utility.

   It's the same pattern over and over repeated.  In this case is the person's on cell phone(s) and other electronics devices causing it.  A cell phone can start operating in a mode that rapidly drains the battery and causes power to transfer into the floor.  Other electronics draw power through their cords - most likely on the floor - and cause electricity to behave unexpectedly.

   Does anyone else think something's not quite right in St. Louis?

Saturday, February 13, 2021


About the blog 

   I may be about to get designated an "Enemy Combatant".  At least that's the phrase I've been hearing more and more often when at home and places nearby.

   You might first be wondering how I'm "hearing" something like that.

   My best answer for the moment is...  I have some idea but it's not important at the moment.  It's being saved for a future post.

   Hopefully now you're back to wondering about the term itself.

   It doesn't sound like something a person would want to be called.  Having no idea why someone would think it necessary to pass along doesn't help either.

   There's also the matter of what type of battle/war is going on without participants being aware.

   It's difficult to picture a fight without (at minimum) 2 sides involved.  If I'm on one side then the other side seems to be nameless or simply doesn't exist.  There's a lot going on here that feels backwards.

   For reference, here's some examples of what (I'm pretty confident) was heard.

  • 'If you don't stop what you're doing we're gonna have you declared an enemy combatant.'
  • 'Do you want to get called an enemy combatant?  Because that's what's going to happen.'
   I'm still looking for a form or paperwork to fill out if I'd like to return the designation.

   So far I don't know of any.

Thursday, February 11, 2021


About the blog

   [UPDATE:  Since this post was written, the publication Physical Review Letters had a paper describing multi-particle entanglement (Dec 22, 2020).  Here's a link to an article explaining it:

   It doesn't lend any more validity (or take any away) from this post but still an interesting topic.  Original post on 09-18/2020 01:39 PM]

   This post is about how physics could potentially make patience unnecessary.  So the title is backwards.   The few sentences below are just something to think about.

God is patient.  But he doesn't have to be.  The double-slit experiment spans time, entanglement spans space.   So he knew when lack of awareness was replaced with awareness and selfishness became selflessness.

   Now the Alternate title of this blog is true (and should make more sense).

   And yes - hopefully - even the alternate title is backwards.

Wednesday, February 10, 2021


About the blog

   The subject of aliens is no longer a major cable TV program, thankfully.  Whether the aliens are ancient or youthful never seemed that important.  But scientists do run the numbers when new data is available.  Those numbers are sent through a particular equation to estimate how lonely the galaxy is.

   It's named after Frank Drake (Drake equation) and consists of 7 variables where anyone's guess can be used to calculate a result.

   Up until recently the only values used were ALL guesses.

   For something that looks like math that's considered backwards.

   Some might refer to those values as estimates.  But when any 2 estimates can differ by a factor of 1000 it's safer to just call them the guesses they are.  Here's the equation:

   The best way to summarize it goes something like (note the 'x' means multiply): "The number of advanced civilizations in our galaxy = a rough estimate x another estimate x a big guess x a bigger guess x the biggest guess x another guess".

   That's no fault of Drake himself.  It's due to missing or bad data.  It becomes an issue if data is "massaged" by someone to get an answer they want - point a finger if you feel it appropriate.

   You might be wondering when the aliens make an appearance.

   They already have.

   There's actually good reason for someone to think they've had an encounter with another being.  It probably happens often but any estimate of that would be a guess.  When you consider our minds are the result of a conscious mind and unconscious mind combined...  what might happen if a mind is undone?

   Dissociation is a normal part of our minds but that's as it appears and disappears.   If it occurs and takes hold then the conscious mind can find itself alongside an unconscious mind.

   What kind of perception does that lead to?

   Of a different mind with it's own strange, unrecognizable thoughts.

   We use the term "alien" in that context for a reason.  Even better there's no possible way to build closer quarters than where it happens.  So lets summarize the situation:
  • Within the close confines of "somewhere" (the brain/head) we now have 2 minds.
  • One of those (maybe the conscious mind) is us/it.
  • The other (maybe the unconscious mind) is it/us.
  • We probably recognize our own thoughts.
  • We probably don't recognize the others.
  • The last guess... there's a new awareness of another mind near us.
    • It might go mind in mind with a presence or feeling of being watched
   Until we get better values for the Drake equation our own minds can be alien enough.

Sunday, February 7, 2021


About the blog 

   Have you ever thought about how our speech is guarded?  From keeping an innocent statement from being spoken like an insult or making sure we don't utter to many "uhs" in the same sentence...  It seems like a full time job just watching our mouths.

   You're probably familiar with what's going on and from time to time.

   You might even be fully aware.

   But it's easy to forget about something that works without needing repair.

   The job of guarding out speech falls to both the conscious and the unconscious.  There's low level aspects to it that the unconscious manages and higher level ones that the conscious manages.  Those aren't fixed roles though and you might find yourself racking your brain for a word while a perfectly worded phrase appears out of nowhere.

   For the most part, the unconscious is always keeping an eye on things and making sure that memories arrive when we need them (language itself and points we may be trying to make) while avoiding getting tongue tied.

   As we speak, the words and sentences flow in our mind and the unconscious keeps pace while slightly ahead of us watching them pass by.

   Anything that needs work or is potentially suspect gets flagged using awareness.  By the time we're aware of an issue, any necessary correction(s) or just the right correction may ready to speak.

   The process is so transparent and taken for granted it escapes most people's attention.

   No surprise but it also works in reverse (backwards).

   When we listen to others speaking it often doesn't matter if someone uses the wrong word.  We usually say we "understood what they were talking about" but there's more to it than that.  The unconscious is at work again monitoring what we're listening to as we hear it.

   When a possible wrong word is found (determined by context or phonetic closeness to another) the correct word can be inserted or overlayed so we perceive it in place.  Sometimes this can occur without us noticing.  Has someone ever apologized and corrected themselves with the word they meant to use and you had no idea it wasn't?

   That might give you reason to wonder about how our conscious might support the unconscious during dreaming.

Friday, February 5, 2021


About the blog

[UPDATE: The previous hint has been made a question since that's what it is and a second question added.  Originally posted on 02/03/2011 11:10 PM]

   It helps to have evidence that backs up an idea or theory.  That's not what this post is about.  If you're thinking the topic is a mathematic proof then you only have it backwards.

   It's about a non-mathematic proof.

   Sometimes we try to find perspective by taking one situation and rebuilding it under a different context.  If you're familiar with hypnosis then you know what technique is used - frame switching.

   So here's a very imprecise thought experiment that might be of no use at all.

   Let's start off with something no one truly understands.

   It's quantum mechanics and you're free to groan if that offends you mentally.  As far as I'm aware it does that to almost everyone.

   About the worst thing quantum mechanics tries to explain is how something can be both a particle and a wave at the same time.  What's even worse is that something stops being both when measured and "chooses" to be one or the other ('Pick One!').

   If we only had some other phenomena that exhibited the same characteristics we could compare them using frame switching.  Unlucky for you we do know of such a thing and it's almost as unintuitive.


  • Particle/Wave Duality
  • Conscious/Unconscious Duality

   Now we need to identify properties of the one we "understand" then frame switch them to the other to see what happens next.


  • Boundary
    • Quantum to Classic transition
    • Awareness to Consciousness transition
  • Event
    • Waveform collapses (or something like that)
    • Awareness shifts
  • Result
    • A single measured state
    • A whole mind

   If you answered the questions posed in the post Intrinsic then try doing the same for these:


  1. How can something exist as both a wave and a particle?
  2. How can something that exists as both a particle and a wave appear to be aware of the path it takes through an experiment set up to measure it?

Thursday, February 4, 2021


 About the blog

   What if you wanted to build a defense grid INSIDE a country for the purpose of protecting everyone living there from those that would do them harm?

   It's a great and noble idea.

   You might be wondering how it could be feasible or possible at all.

   There's only 2 realistic options for implementing it:

  1. Technology based
    • Massive infrastructure
      • Cameras
      • Networks - wireless, wired, and fiber optic
      • GPS in every device we carry
      • Probably a few other technologies developed but not widely known
  2. Unconscious mind based
    • Use each person's own unconscious mind through suggestion and hypnosis so that those who intend harm effectively deter and police themselves.
   The technological route is expensive. But even given the cost it's something that grows more feasible each passing day.  As different technologies progress in efficiency, cost, and capability it's a goal that could be reached except for objection by citizens.

   The unconscious mind route has been possible for some time but it's frightening beyond belief.  Assuming it's the implementation chosen there's a few notable drawbacks:

  • It's existence has to be vigorously hidden without exception.
    • That goes for everyone.  Period.  But it doesn't seem like that could be done.
    • This means the opposite must be done.  Everyone must be aware of it's existence at some level somehow.
    • That's incredibly backwards.
  • There must be a means to reach everyone's unconscious periodically to reinforce whatever suggestions and hypnosis is used.
    • If that doesn't happen they will fade over time and the person naturally is "let out" of being bound by it.
   So the least expensive option - the one with potential to have already been implemented - is a conundrum.  It's appears doable on the surface but impossible to do.

   Anytime something backwards like that makes an appearance...

   It might be worth looking into.

Wednesday, February 3, 2021


About the blog

   Ever since hypnosis was identified (and somewhat described) there's been a follow up question that no one seems to want have asked.  That very well might be a huge assumption and completely backwards.  Instead, the mind could have been easily understood and explained decades ago but no one saved their notes.

   There's only a few things someone needs to know first:

  • The whole mind is made up of 2 sub minds.
  • They function as complementary to each other.
  • Each specializes more and more into it's primary occupation over time:
    • Consciousness
    • Awareness
  • Awareness is the primary occupation of the unconscious sub mind.
  • Consciousness is the primary occupation of the conscious sub mind.
    • Even when all other awareness is gone, consciousness can remain.
   That short list of the intrinsic properties of our mind provides all the information to explain the following:
  • How does hypnosis actually work?
  • Why does it work in one particular situation but not work in another?
  • How can one person be affected by it but not another?
  • What exactly is the power of suggestion?
   Once those questions are answered it's possible to answer others:
  • Why is our mind made up of 2 sub minds?
   And though you should only consider this as an opinion, it should also be possible to answer these:
  • When was it approximately that our mind became the way it is now?
    • When did awareness give way to consciousness? (same question, different presentation)
  • What was it that allowed for groups of more than a few to live together?
  • What was it that made towns, cities, societies possible?
   Now to the real question behind all this...

   The things all listed are intrinsic properties that should be identifiable and recognizable by pretty much anyone.

   So where are all those "Theories of the Mind" kind of things?


How this all came about: Schizophrenia Playbook

Questions that could use answers: Pieces without a Puzzle

And I'm blaming COVID for making us: Blind to the Obvious

   If you have a mind and memory - and I suspect you do since you're reading this - you can independently prove or disprove what I've stated about the mind.

   There's also posts about technology being used to try and achieve something it shouldn't.  It's bad enough  that no one wants to consider the possibility of it.

   And they aren't.

   The goals appear to be:

   It's already started with people who could be considered "socially undesirable".  The justification is questionable at best.  But it probably won't stop with those on the first rung of the ladder.

   The best defense for the control being attempted is Awareness.  And that's both how and why the post Theory (edits removed) was written.  That's being followed up with instructions to guard against... well, let's just say there's some instructions: Hypnosis Can't Be Proven!!!

   Your level of intelligence is not relevant.  I tend more towards the "slow to become aware" side of things than the "aware of every detail" in the room side.

   For posts in this blog the "slow to become aware" minds could have some advantage.

   You might be wondering what advantage I'm referring to.

   It's simple but a little backwards.

   The answer is how deep an understanding that can develop because details take longer to sink in.

   There were also a few Questions on this blog in search of answers.  Those have been moved to their own blog until they're needed.  If anyone knows an answer to a question please pass it along.

   That would be very much appreciated.


      RAVEN1 - Complete Mirror   ©1996 to 2010   Eleanor White

Tuesday, February 2, 2021

They Don't Exist

 About the blog

   This post was supposed to be about the mind or some irregular puzzle piece mystery that defies explanation.  

   Instead this post is a culmination of the posts before it.

   Autism, Gang Stalking, Harassment, gambling (Slots), the Mind, our Unconscious, Empathy, Perspective (Garden), covert hypnosis (Relevant) and that the world should and does make sense... have all found a common thread.

   All these topics are hanging over the heads of a nameless group of private citizens here in Saint Louis.  They've inherited a handful of very old school technologies (over a hundred years old).

   They wield them like privileged, demented gods.  Angry stares, grimaced features, and scowls that show they're unhappy they have to be looking at their selected targets.

   Don't bother arguing with them about right and wrong, where their authority comes from, or why they're allowed to supervise separating wheat from chaff however they see fit.

   THEY DON'T EXIST.  That's a lie and it's backwards.

   Because they find those that don't fit their mold, those than can be isolated and separated from family, friends, and peers.  Then they break their minds so they can fix them per their "perfect" design.

   They've somehow become entrenched enough that the will to correct the problem lies beyond reach.  There's only one way that could have happened.  People can't prey on others for long without someone having turned a blind eye or having their hands tied behind their back.  In either case there's effectively a second private "security force" (it's a police force but doesn't deserve the name) that can operate under whatever law they see fit.

   I don't care what their reasons, justifications, essentially excuses are.

   I've heard of no vote that gave them an office.  There's been no referendum I'm aware of that created or led to their law.  Instead this group in the shadows is designed to draw in every depraved, sick mind imaginable that wants "on the inside" and craves power over others with a measure of immunity.

   Bring it all out in the open.  Let's see what grand design this group is skillfully working.

   How much more likely will it need to be dragged into daylight so no one can stand to glance in it's general direction?

   It's already overflowed this city to pollute and contaminate others.

   This post is simple enough...  I don't want to have anything to do with this mess.  But now I'm stuck with it and I won't turn my back to pretend otherwise so the next person is stuck with worse.

   I'm putting everything I've learned about them online.  I won't have every detail exactly right but I'll correct wrong ones when that's known.  If nothing else I'd like to give them no cover to work under.

   I don't care if their goal is to make thing better.  I don't care if they try to claim it's "the only way that works".  If my job is terminated because I try to ask the wrong kind of questions... let's hope that doesn't happen but I'll find another job.

   And if right about now you're wondering what in the world I'm talking about...

   You're probably not from St. Louis either.

   (so here's help before you knew it was needed or asked for it: Schizophrenia Playbook)


"Illustration" courtesy of: "walmart " "Self check-out" registers or kiosks can be fo...